Monday, October 5, 2020

Top Business Leaders Say The Global Economy Is Facing Its Worst Crisis In A Century

CNBC: Business leaders call for urgent reforms as global economy faces its ‘worst state in a century’ 

 * On Monday, business leaders under the Business Twenty group made 25 policy recommendations for the G-20 group. 
 * Each recommendation fell into three key areas: empowering people, safeguarding the planet and shaping new frontiers. 

Top business leaders say the global economy is facing its worst crisis in a hundred years, and “downside risks remain elevated” unless urgent reforms are enacted during the G-20 summit hosted by Saudi Arabia in November. 

“The global economy is in its worst state in a century,” warned Yousef Al-Benyan, chairman of the Business Twenty (B20), a group made up of high-level CEOs from around the world. “The challenging opportunity is to build back better, with real urgency required from policymakers and business leaders,” he added. 

The B20 is an engagement group that seeks to represent the voice of the global business community across all member states and economic sectors in the Group of 20. 

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WNU Editor: I would not say the past 100 years. The depression certainly takes the cake on what a global economic collapse looks like. But it is clear that the modern day global economic and financial policy of debt and the printing of money coupled with a monetary policy of zero interest rates is not working. And what is worst. If people lose confidence in the system, and they are, the consequences will be severe. I think these business leaders are beginning to sense that. Hence their urgent call for governments to do something.


Anonymous said...

"Hence their urgent call for government to do something". Well...I thought they were. And if I'm not mistaken what they did is a significant part of why we are here.

Anonymous said...

- Lockdown/Shutdown the economy
- They then printed money to cover for the shutdown.
- Printing money harmed savers.
- IMO money is based on work, physical or mental. Anything that breaks that linkage ultimately harms society and could destroy it.

Government did this. Many people in government did it for their and their groups self aggrandizement.

Tip to actresses and psychologists. If you want to study how an evil woman acts, study Whitmer.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it interesting how the distrust in a current system was stirred by an entity almost entirely outside that system, namely China

And isn't it interesting how China is also benefiting the most from a failing west, or the perception of unrest and issues in the west, which a virus from the far east caused

Yet zero discussion about this mass murder and largest wealth transfer in the history of mankind

CNN just calls it a serialized ID, bland, like any other virus they say..Covid-19 they name it and punish anyone with the mark of racism for asking questions.. like the origin and the markings of genetic engineering

Shut up they say.. just vote Biden and build it all back better and your kids fast to build it back up too.. you should enjoy

B.Poster said...

As I recall government "did something." In the US, one of the most brutal economic shutdowns in the world was ordered and the virus remains unchecked. Then they "did something else" they encouraged, supported, and funded the ultimate "super spreader" in the George Floyd protests. Perhaps the best approaches are a full reopening of the economy and for the government to STAY OUT OF IT!!

Anonymous said...

The only thing government's should be doing is nothing. They've literally fucked everything up they could so far.