Monday, October 26, 2020

Tweets For Today


Anonymous said...

The media keeps blaming President Trump for a worldwide rise in new coronavirus cases. From Biden on down, Democrats and their media insist that wearing masks will solve everything.Except that Europe is full of masks and is still surging.

Last March of the Mask Morons

Anonymous said...

Really pissed off here.

The cases locally are nursing home deaths. The same nursing homes get brought up frequently. Even the slow, parroting news readers have caught on.

If it the same nursing homes that is not a fast moving target. Why hasn't contact tracing worked there?

I assume that people the state and country know, which nurses or CNA gave it to which nursing home patients and that there people were quarantined. With rapid testing they can get other nurses pulled off the front line before they spread it to the elderly. So why is it still spreading in nursing homes.

It is like a slow fuse from yesteryear that periodically sets off an explosions, one by one. A horror flick.

If contact tracing is working then we apparently are unable to clean surfaces in nursing homes. If contact tracing and rapid testing is working and the disease is persistent, it has to be surfaces.

Maybe they ought to design nursing homes to look like prison with few surfaces, few crevices and few objects. All unbreakable glass and stainless steel. Something you can spray down like a cattle trick or a pig carrier.

And it would be so antiseptic looking that people's spirit would just be broken, when they arrived there knowing that they were dead.

Masking, social distance and lockdowns are prolonging this epidemic and giving it extra time than normal to search out every nook and cranny for old people. If the virus would have blow by like storm, there would be no slow burning fuse. The surfaces would have had their microbiome replaced long ago by the normal biota.

It is like you skin. You can never, ever make you skin sterile and if you did it would be a mistake. You can purge you skin of outsider or dangerous bacteria with soap and water, but you never want to kill all bacteria. Maybe that is what you have to do with surfaces in a building. Probably a bad analogy. All analogies break when you take them too far. But what we are doing now is not working. They are talking reset. As in they take all your money, live high on the hog themselves, and govern as they see fit.

Anonymous said...

So now we know that Russia, Iran and China are all in favor of Biden winning. That alone should tell everyone where he stands on foreign policy, even if he managed to avoid any questions on the subject during that final debate.

Anonymous said...

So China has stuff on the Bidens, that's proven by now. Biden has also cancelled all further appearances until election day and gives no press conferences. This is not normal behaviour. He's having problems speaking, confused words constantly. I think it's over for his campaign. Only an election swindle, pushed by the media ghouls, will save him.

Also, as everyone here knows, it was the Obama/Biden administration that gave Iran 1b in cash, and it was them who gave Ukraine 1bn in cash. Trump was critical of both and the media ghouls ripped him a new one. Why do they carry water so blindly and wilfully for those people?

We also know that Biden did get confirmed money, approx. 3 million from a Moscow major. That too is very unusual.

Still a week to go.
If the media claims Biden won, do not believe it. Count every vote manually, verify with the actual person who signed the ballot, if he/she did so, as there is also quite some fraud going on. The media ghouls shout at you, shut up, racist/ sexist/ deplorable/ idiot/l, there is no fraud. the same media that has been caught lying and cheating and passing on town hall questions and on and on.

If they still believe they can win, they'll try to use the Chinese wuhan virus to further suppress you, your rights, your vote, everything. For all we know, key people in media and politics have been compromised by the Chinese to give Biden, someone the CCP controls, a victory.

After this is over and Trump is still in office, the World and China need to have a talk about the further existence of China

Anonymous said...

Also, we need to consider that key personnel in the WHO, and other medical experts, have been compromised by China and /or have been fed misinformation. China clearly attacked the world with a biological weapon. They have almost no infections over there, there business is back to normal for months and they're having a big party with all the money they made of our deaths and misery. A nuke would be too good for them still

Anonymous said...

Finally, we need to decouple from China and send all non citizens back to China. Cancel all h1b1 Visa programs. Half of them are spies anyways and hate America. It can also not be ruled out that China has planted dozens of spies among us, ready to release the next batch of the Wuhan virus to further destroy our economies and societies. We are clearly at war and should go on the offensive. If you continue to do business with China, you should be treated as a traitor

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