Thursday, October 1, 2020

Venezuela's Food Chain Has Broken

With domestic production of food hobbled, Venezuela relies on food imports, which make up 85% of the food supply. A market in Maracaibo. Photo: Luis Bravo/Agence France-Presse  

WSJ: Venezuela’s Food Chain Is Breaking, and Millions Go Hungry  

A report found 13% of children under 5 are stunted; oil-rich nation is ‘on the edge of an irreversible catastrophe’ 

Ana Nuñez, a 62-year-old retired municipal worker in western Venezuela, says her meals often consist of just a few corn-flour pancakes, known as arepas. 

Even when she has money to buy groceries in the city of Maracaibo’s teeming flea market, she said that “instead of quality food they sell garbage, like animal hides and rotten cheese.” 

A widespread scarcity of gasoline is the latest blow to domestic food production in Venezuela, preventing goods from getting to market and farmers from filling up their tractors. Food production in this oil-rich nation, led by its socialist president, Nicolas Maduro, had already been hobbled by shortages of seeds and agrochemicals, price controls that made raising crops unprofitable and government seizures of farms and food-processing plants. 

Venezuelans aren’t the only ones going hungry. Across Latin America the economic blow caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has thrown millions out of work and into poverty. 

From Mexico City to Santiago, people are skipping meals, lining up at soup kitchens and begging, United Nations agencies say. 

But conditions in Venezuela, which even before the pandemic was suffering the worst economic meltdown in its history, are by far the most dire.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I still have one contact in Caracus who has been feeding me info for years on what is happening in Venezuela. He mentioned to me during the summer that the availability of food was now only to those who can afford it and/or to those in government. And Venezuela is not the only one facing this crisis (albeit it is the worst one in the hemisphere). Central and South America along with a few Caribbean countries are now facing a humanitarian food crisis that is unprecedented in modern times .... No Meat, No Milk, No Bread, hunger CRisis Rocks Latin America (Bloomberg). More here .... Global Food Shortages Are Becoming Very Real, And US Grocery Store Chains Are Preparing For Worst Case Scenarios (Zero Hedge).


Anonymous said...

This is EXACTLY WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN if Biden wins. He will shut down the food production so China can win the war. I read that on Infowars. Look it up, comrades

Anonymous said...

I don't have much respect for the founder of InfoWars. He went from passionate to shrill to kook. That said Infowars has gotten a somewhat better from its founding and real newspapers have gotten worse.

I still think 12:25 is a troll.

I don't think you can shut down agriculture anymore than you can shut down higher education. You know many in academia are down for the struggle. Academia talked a a great deal last spring, but now that they actually need money they have reopened and will open further ads time goes on.

You can't shut down meat packing plants. They have had time to adjust. In short the ag industry is more robust and less likely to shut down than academia and academia hasn't The ag industry is closer to the bone. People have to eat, but they can get their learning OJT, books, internet, intranet, or elsewhere instead of ivy halls.

Biden is not doing anything. His handlers might do something if the empty suit wins election.

Biden might not win election. He put cap on his campaign today. It confirms everything I know about drugs. You can pump yourself up and experience a high (crest) but an unnatural low (trough) will follow.

I hope a doctor or someone playing doctor face charges, when Biden croaks from the drugs they are pumping into him.

Anonymous said...

First poster troll for sure lol
It'll get very bad at the southern border soon.. good at least some work was done(again the Democrats would have told you you're racist. I'm European and wouldn't want a country without borders.. it's not that I don't love people but there's real lawlessness and they must sort it out themselves otherwise they'll take you down with them... that's the sad reality of life, you cannot protect everyone. So I'm for strong borders for America, but also like it IF/WHEN you can afford it to help, that you do so. But your Democrats are just virtue signaling. They don't want 20-100mn more immigrants(what's the limit?) either. Not really.
I think the US should (briefly) look inwards and rediscover the values you stand for. This suppression of free speech stemming from the left is really scary. All the words that you over there are forbidden to use, no matter if your intent is good. It's maddening and very totalitarian. It's the number one thing you must address, I think. All this division you have stems from this narrative the left propagates about your right, and it's obvious to us on the outside. Your left has lost it and the women in your politics, except for Tulsi, are really corrupt and repugnant. If that's what the future is like then America is doomed. The tyranny of women ruling, end to free speech, except for them and a few of their allies. No wonder China gets away with so much if you're so hypnotised by lies of women being good leaders, or being inclusive. Those are all blatant lies. And it comes all from the left.

Half joking but all the wealth in the US is worthless if you're living under a female, leftist tyranny lol I almost rather live in Venezuela. There women still love men and not always call them toxic. There men are still allowed to love women without considering what it would mean to being employed. Now a new law in California will promote women and other "minorities" and interest groups over men. A fixed target instead of meritocracy. It becomes very appealing to become gay or trans if you cab get a board member position at Google or Facebook this way. Your chances will be astronomically higher than if you're one if those heterosexual men. Yuck. Who'd want to employ those if you can virtue signal instead.

The end of freedom