Sunday, October 4, 2020

Video Shows How Israeli Made Suicide Drones That Are Being Used By Azerbaijan In Their War Against Armenia Works

WNU Editor: It is very hard to defend yourself against a suicide bomber/attacker. Doubly so against a suicide drone. I am sure Armenia's military is trying to calculate how many of these drones are left in Armenia's arsenal.

Update: Here is a good article published two months ago that details how Israel built-up Azerbaijan's drone fleet .... Israel revolutionized Azerbaijan’s drone arsenal. Are the weapons working? (Jerusalem Post).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As posted elsewhere today at WNU's site, Israel helps Azerbaijan, because Azerbaijan hates Iran.

And the money.

I the recent past some people wanted to see Armenia and Azerbaijan swap enclaves to untangle things. But that is the past and some trolls would post "This is 2020."

Still can use a solution first suggested 0 or 30 years ago.