Monday, October 5, 2020

Was President Trump And A Number Of Key Republicans Targeted In A Covid-19 Strike?

Deborah Franklin, American Thinker: Speculation mounts about the source of President Trump’s illness

The dramatic events of the last week will be studied for decades, and much information remains unknown. In the early morning of Friday, October 2nd, President Trump tweeted that he and the First Lady had tested positive for COVID. That evening, after reports that the President was running a fever, he checked in to Walter Reed National Medical Center for treatment. Immediately, speculation began about how he caught the virus and the nature of its severity. 

However, as numerous Republicans in key positions also tested positive, the nature of the speculation began to change. The issue shifted from whether or not the president wore a mask to why so many important Republicans simultaneously got the virus. Among those testing positive were Trump’s campaign manager, the Chair of the Republican National Committee, the President’s senior counselor, and two Senators on the Judiciary Committee who will vote on the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: The nature of the Covid-19 coronavirus is that it is very easy to transmit and spread. In the case of President Trump and key members of his staff, it looks like they got infected between Sunday and Tuesday. As to .... "was this a targeted attack"? I doubt it, but I will also acknowledge that these are crazy times, and there are many who would be overjoyed to see President Trump put out of action for a few weeks or worse. Would someone or a group plot to launch such a biological strike? Doubts aside .... it would not surprise me.


Anonymous said...

The president did not reveal he had the virus till Friday. But he had it it earlier!

Mr. Trump received a positive result on Thursday evening before making an appearance on Fox News in which he didn’t reveal those results. Instead, he confirmed earlier reports that one of his top aides had tested positive for coronavirus and mentioned the second test he had taken that night for which he was awaiting results.

“I’ll get my test back either tonight or tomorrow morning,” Mr. Trump said during the interview. At 1 a.m. on Friday, the president tweeted that he indeed had tested positive.

deep statew! magic thinking! liberal attack!

Reality is a tough mother fucker
Man up. Scorn for protocol and (even now) no contact tracing spread this virus. plain and simple. Accept reality.

Anonymous said...

The "reality" is you are losing.

Anonymous said...

Another propaganda offensive by the Left. They are beating their breasts and feeling their oats. See 12:28.

Next some dope like 12:28 will be asking that the government start a War against Viruses like the War against Cancer.

"Where Did Viruses Come From?
There is much debate among virologists about this question. Three main hypotheses have been articulated: 1. The progressive, or escape, hypothesis states that viruses arose from genetic elements that gained the ability to move between cells; 2. the regressive, or reduction, hypothesis asserts that viruses are remnants of cellular organisms; and 3. the virus-first hypothesis states that viruses predate or coevolved with their current cellular hosts."

Reality is a bitch 12:28. Your stupidity sure shows that.

Anonymous said...

Another brilliant comeback from another stable Genius.

James said...

It means you're losing.

Anonymous said...

Two Secret Service agents face 14 days of isolation after joining Trump on motorcade stunt: 'Outrage' in the agency despite White House claim that medics cleared the photo-op

CDC and Maryland state rules say the USSS bodyguards will have to quarantine
Secret Service agents wore protective gear but sat at close quarters to Trump
The White House insists that the photo-op was given the green light by medics

By Tim Stickings For

Published: 06:10 EDT, 5 October 2020 | Updated: 07:42 EDT, 5 October 2020




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At least two of Donald Trump's Secret Service detail are facing 14 days of isolation after traveling in a sealed car with the infected president during a motorcade stunt which caused 'outrage' among some of the agency's 3,000 elite bodyguards.

Doctors, the CDC and the state of Maryland say the agents will have to quarantine after their close contact with Trump, prompting anger from some agents at a president who was 'not even pretending to care'.

Agents have previously gone into isolation after an outbreak linked to an Oklahoma rally in June, and thousands of them are on duty during election season, meaning they can be subbed out quickly if some of them test positive.

While Trump's aides insist that the photo-op was cleared by medics, it is not known whether the agents agreed or were ordered to take part, and fears have been growing in the Secret Service about the White House's slapdash attitude to mask-wearing and social distancing.

Anonymous said...

Reiteration of 12:51, you're losing and that's "known"!

Anonymous said...

PHILOCTETES/Parrot/Clerk showed up at 1:48 and showed off his scintillating intellect with another copy and paste job.

I think Philoctets missed his calling in life. He should have been a billboard worker.

Philotectes when you get off you high horse, maybe you can ponder whether the president's car has chem/bio filters.

"The president’s Lincoln weighs as much as an 18-wheeler, semi-trailer truck. It can resist an attack by an RPG [rocket-propelled grenade], an anti-tank missile. It has its own oxygen system. The motorcade also has another vehicle that serves to defend against chemical or gas attacks.

The agents who drive this SUV wear their anti-gas suits all the time the president is moving. And if you notice their complexion, they have this sort of gray pallor from breathing in carbon filter materials all the time. In case there’s a chemical attack, they will be protected. And the President’s car has its own oxygen system that can go into effect to protect him."

Before you get back on your high horse maybe you can ponder the fact that the agents that were in the car with him may be in the same room with him at Bethesda. So car or room they are pretty much with him all the time.

But as we all know logic is not your strong suit.

Anonymous said...

WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Cornyn said Monday that President Donald Trump “let his guard down” on the coronavirus and that his rhetoric has created “confusion” as the country has struggled to get the pandemic under control.

“I think he let his guard down, and I think in his desire to try to demonstrate that we are somehow coming out of this and that the danger is not still with us — I think he got out over his skis and frankly, I think it’s a lesson to all of us that we need to exercise self discipline,” Cornyn told the Houston Chronicle editorial board.

The comment came as he was asked about Trump rarely wearing a mask, holding Make America Great Again rallies and hosting a Supreme Court nomination ceremony at the White House where at least eight people, including two senators, who have since tested positive for the virus were in attendance.

Anonymous said...

Agreed 12:28 / 1:57 is losing.

Anonymous said...

Look maybe Philotectes has an apprentice assisting him?

"We are somehow coming out of this and that the danger is not still with us "

It is called herd immunity.

"wearing a mask"

Philotectes or her apprentice do not know much about filtering. Hint it requires knowledge of math to determine effectiveness/efficiency of the filter.

I think there was talk in the past where someone said they and an accountant do their math for them. Scary. That person votes for people deciding economic policy. Blind electing the blind.

Anonymous said...

To Fred and those using his facilities, you're fooling no one. Try reading your own commentary, it should help you understand why everyone thinks you are a loser (and a whiny one).

Anonymous said...

The State Department last month revoked the visa of a Ukrainian political fixer who aided President Trump’s personal attorney, Rudolph W. Giuliani, in his gambit last year to dig up information from Ukraine that would damage former vice president Joe Biden in the 2020 election, according to U.S. officials.

The revocation of Ukrainian fixer Andrii Telizhenko’s visa comes as U.S. officials crack down on Russian efforts to influence the November vote. The revocation, which hasn’t previously been reported, came shortly before the Treasury Department sanctioned a different Ukrainian who was cooperating with Giuliani — lawmaker Andriy Derkach — and dubbed Derkach an “active Russian agent for over a decade” and said he was trying to interfere in the election, the U.S. officials said.

Anonymous said...

3 Theories on Fred

1) A troll is using someone else's name.
2) Person is not what they once were. They seem childish. Remember the Jussie Smollett debate, where instead of going quiet or admitting that they were wrong (snookered by Smollett's lies), they replied to other posters with a smart ass "Smell it!"?
3) They are down for the cause no matter what. No matter, if the cause is wrong, doesn't make sense, or has no clothes.

Anonymous said...

After days of internal and external snafus as the virus spread through all levels of the White House, President Trump left his hospital suite just before 5:30 p.m. yesterday, and took an SUV ride outside the Walter Reed gates to wave at the supporters who have lined the road ever since he arrived Friday evening.

Trump wore a mask, but the stunt risked exposing the Secret Service agents in the Suburban.
Two senior White House staffers said they thought the P.R. stunt was selfish, and compounded a weekend of horrible decisions.
White House spokesman Judd Deere said: "Appropriate precautions were taken in the execution of this movement to protect the President and all those supporting it, including PPE. The movement was cleared by the medical team as safe to do."

Frustration and anxiety built among White House staffers, who say they went days with no internal communication from Meadows about protocols and procedures — including whether they should show up to work — as COVID tore through the West Wing.

By contrast, the first lady’s chief of staff, Stephanie Grisham, emailed her staff on Saturday advising them to work from home and reminding them of CDC guidance.
And the vice president’s chief, Marc Short, emailed his senior staff at 3 a.m. Friday with an update on the president’s situation and urged them to work from home. Short also had a conference call with his staff on Saturday to take questions and explain the protocol and situation.

A senior White House official said it was "ridiculous'" that there had been no proper internal communication from the chief or operations officials since COVID started rapidly infecting their colleagues: "A bunch of us are talking about it and just gonna make the calls on our own."

Anonymous said...


I did. I climbed a mountain just west of Manitou Springs on a well traveled & famous path in the last 30 days. Many, if not most people were maskless. I was within 6 feet of most of them.

I understand what kills you with COVID is the same thing that kills you with SARS, rabies or many other diseases. The pathogen does not kill you, your body does. It is called a cytokine storm. If I had compromised health due to diabetes, hypertension or asthma, I would be wearing a a mask and reduce going out in public.

I also realize what works. Steroids work. They used steroids with SARS. Better yet some America doctors are now using steroids with a nebulizer to deliver steroids to the surface lining/cells of the lungs. If I have COVID that is the doctor I am going to. Steroids tamp down on an overactive immune system. This is pretty well understood.

I would think anyone with a compromized immune system could succumb to a cytokine storm if they get a big enough doze (LD50 or whatever) or rhino, influenza or corona virus. My idea is that if you test for one of these then you test for all 3 at the same time. That way we have better "flu" season stats and better death certificates so that devious, self serving politicians don't stampeded us off a fiscal cliff.

I do. And the local news gives the daily tally. Usually it is one death a day. The person 8 or 9 times out of 10 is a nursing home resident. Pre-COVID nursing home residents had an average stay of 6 months before they passed on. Every day longer a person lives is a blessing. But if a person expires 1 month early in a nursing home, it is not an existential threat to the nation.

Maybe people are expiring in nursing homes, because they hire people like this?

I have a low opinion of nursing assistants, certified or not. I think most people do. It is one reason they dread end of life care. One solution I can think of is to get nursing assistants on a conveyor from nursing assistant to CNA to nurse and more pay, self esteem, and morality (for those that don't have it).

I don't think COVID is that deadly of a disease. I think Democrats killed thousands of people and will continue to kill thousands. They said we do not want hospitals overrun so don;t go if you have mild flu symptoms. If you start therapeutic care earlier, more people would be alive today.

Anonymous said...


Someone needs to tell you.

Herd immunity works, because many people actually catch the disease and clear it from their system. So the disease has a hard time continuing the chain of contagion and the epidemic dies.

Epidemic measles in Shetland during 1977 and 1978.


This measles epidemic mentioned in the link above happened, because measles had burned itself out before the 1970s and there were adults, who had never been exposed as a child.

This strain of corona will burn itself out, when we reach herd immunity.

Please feel free to go full frontal Democrat and keep SCREAMING at us in ALL CAPS. All caps makes you arguments more logical and makes you appear level headed.