Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Wave Of Anti-Lockdown Protests Sweeps Across Europe

Protests erupted in Italy and Spain as both countries' governments reach for lockdown measures to stop second waves of Covid-19 

 * In Italy, violence was reported in at least two major northern cities, Milan and Turin, as vast crowds descended 
 * Witnesses said a number of luxury stores, including a Gucci fashion shop, were ransacked in central Turin 
 * Also were clashes in Milan, capital of Lombardy, area that has borne brunt of the Covid-19 epidemic in Italy 
 * Meanwhile in Spain, authorities in the Catalonia region are considering imposing a lockdown on weekends 
 * Comes after nighttime curfew came into effect across Spain under second nation-wide state of emergency 
 * Vast crowds gathered on the streets of Barcelona - with some angry protesters setting dustbins on fire  
Protests erupted across Europe last night as thousands of angry demonstrators called on their governments to reconsider a second-round of lockdown restrictions. 

In Italy, violence was reported in at least two major northern cities, Milan and Turin, as vast crowds protested freedom-limiting restrictions enforced to tackle a second surge in coronavirus cases. 

Witnesses said a number of luxury stores, including a Gucci shop, were ransacked in central Turin as crowds of youths took to the streets after nightfall, letting off huge firecrackers and lighting coloured flares. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: These protests are still small and disorganized. Winter and the cold will also minimize these protests. But if this pandemic and lockdowns continue into the new year the economic consequences in Europe will be devastating. What we are seeing now will be miniscule next year if the worst case economic scenarios happen.


Anonymous said...

The genius thing about the Wuhan virus is that it is an "invisible enemy", to quote Trump.

By that I mean: when the Saudis financed 9/11 and terrorists flew into the skyscrapers in new York city, killing thousands of innocent civilians, the enemy was clear. Terrorists. And the anger could be directed towards them.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) developed Wuhan virus is invisible. Nothing to attack but each other. And that's what happens.

So instead of fighting back against Nazi China, who caused all this misery through their virus and amplified the lock down measures through disinformation, and fear campaigns(remember the videos they broadcasted all over the world striking fear into everyone's heart and on top locking everything down themselves, they created the current situation on purpose, fully knowing that our leaders had top play it safe, not knowing how deadly their bio weapon is)

So, China gets top buy up everything now, making trillions of dollars profit of misery they caused and people are just angry at each other and not the attacker.

I would treat this for what it is:
A first strike weapon. A weapon of terror targeted at civilian populations and our economies.

Any nation doing such things must cease to exist. I therefore suggest striking back at China ten fold harder than they hit us or this terror organisation will continue stealing from us, killing us.

They insulted us while our relatives died. While they have millions in concentration camps and burn down churches. They're just like Nazis.

History repeats itself. You either stand up to them or they'll push you in the oven.

B.Poster said...

Anon (1:58PM),

Assuming we want people especially those in America and the "west" to unify and come against China we will first need to get the necks of our government off of our economies and end the lockdowns forthwith. (I do think the metaphor is apt even if perhaps a bit off as Floyd was far from the model citizens the people are who have been severely hurt by these "lockdowns.")

As far as the disinformation and fear campaigns, bingo!! A little prudence and common sense would have seen through this right away. Far from exercising basic prudence and common sense our leaders fell for much of it. By the end of May it should have become obvious to all that we were dealing with flawed models. Maybe they are in league with the Chinese, maybe they were blinded by their ideology, or perhaps the Chinese studied American and "western" leaders as well as Sun Tzu and ascertained what our leaders would do!!

I liken the lockdowns to the following: 1.) Japan attacks Pearl Harbor. 2.) The American government then declares war on Hawaii. 3.) Hawaii's surrender is not forthcoming so nuke Hawaii!!

While the virus is a major problem that has made many very, very sick and killed allot of people, the government response is far worse. Remember poverty = death, mental illness = physical ailments which then = death. Extreme duress = mental health issues which in turn = a whole plethora of bad things. Perhaps this is the first time in history that in response to an attack assuming it was an attack as opposed to the accidental release of a naturally occurring virus the governments of those attacked responding by....attacking themselves!! The lockdowns and the looming threats of more of them are a bigger problem than the virus. China did not order our governments to do this.

Andrew Jackson said...

Hey guess what European guys ,you live in police states or did that riot equipment and water cannon tanks just appear out of no where!!!!

Anonymous said...

Again, if you're under attack by a biological agent from a very shady country that bombarded you with misinformation and terrorizing videos if people dropping dead in the streets, thanks to the Wuhan virus and scientists tell you millions could die and you just cannot know for sure, you must lock down or be responsible for the potential death of millions.

The fault lies solely with the attacker, the CCP and I Hope we all get to see them hang. Don't forget, exactly before the outbreak of this virus, the US economy grew at record rate and China was losing the trade war and in a humiliating way. Three was talk from Shanghai to Beijing to get rid of Xi as even the 2025 goal had to be publicly changed and the stock market was about to crash. Exactly then, the Wuhan virus "accidentally"befell the Earth.

Biggest profiteer? China. They made trillions. From Paris to London to new York the Chinese now buy up everything underneath the people desperately impoverished by a crash they caused.

The Chinese did this. The Chinese showed the terror. The Chinese withheld and to this day withhold information. And the Chinese will pay for this.

Any politician, any business leader, any country that sides with China on this attack against the World will be held responsible as if they permitted the attack themselves.

My advice to Russia: tread lightly. This is not the time to side with China

Anonymous said...

"Showed the terror" stupid phone. Was meant to say 'the Chinese amplified the terror" with their videos and draconian measures and these spray cannons on trucks and spraying of streets etc it was aimed at us to overreact to their virus

Anonymous said...

Also, I would not underestimate this virus, given how it mutates, how difficult it seems to be to produce a vaccine, the weirdest symptoms it causes and its hyper transmission rate

This is NOT a natural occurring virus but a gain of function virus, created in a lab.

The Wuhan lab was working on exactly that. Gain of function Corona virus research

And if you remember the CCP posted pictures about this lab to assure us that everything is ok. Then they deleted the photos and sealed the lab grin the rest of the world after people pointed out(myself included, I worked in a lab) that the seals of the freezers were they kept the virus were broken. The protective equipment of the workers was ridiculously bad.

Then after removing it they posted a new batch of pics.

Come on. The Chinese did this, profited off this, lied about it and amplified our misery. Then insulted us, called us racist when we asked why our elderly had to die in this horrific isolated way.

Even Nazis were better.

I say nuke em

B.Poster said...

By the end of March it should have been obvious that the Chinese propaganda was a con job. At the time, I was very busy at work and helping care for a very ill parent. As such, I did not properly warn people they were being conned. Frankly I never assumed enough people would be dumb enough or panicky enough to fall for this to allow our government to pull the lockdowns off. Then by the end of May it should have been readily obvious to anyone still paying attention. Maybe, if we were attacked, this is the first time in history the attacked responding by attacking themselves!!

Now obviously China's response has been less than stellar here and their lack of transparency is disturbing. We do need to get to the bottom of this and hold them to account. Frankly, I'm wondering how this going to be done. I've noticed Europeans are very shrill and loud when the criticize us but any critique of China is muted or non existent. Given the lack of competence of US military and civilian leadership I would not trust our people to lead such a response. Perhaps the Aussies or the Japanese are up to this.

Perhaps Russia does need to "tread lightly" as you suggest. I would also suggest that our government cease with the needless provocations of Russia. If we are going to confront China, we really need them on our side. I suspect this is what Trump diplomacy was about.

Even cult leader Fauci does not believe this is a bio weapon, not that I trust him but other world leaders seem to be of the same mindset that this is not a bio weapon. They were indeed able to profit off of the situation because we were stupid enough to fall for what should have been an obvious hoax.

"...how difficult it seems to produce a vaccine..." Some estimates suggest we could be able to have one by year end and others by some time next year. This looks to be VERY FAST. I've been warned by numerous contacts in the medical profession not to take the vaccine until the third or fourth generation. Essentially the speed of this is a huge concern to me. I'm assuming they're going to get it right so as to avoid being sued.

"hyper transmission rate..." all pathogens transmit themselves, Fauci's grandstanding aside, this is what they do. Add in the increased emphasis on testing, contact tracing, overly sensitive tests yielding false positives, and financial incentives to count dying with COVID as dying of COVID and we have numbers that aren't remotely trustworthy. Apparently our leadership has decided the asymptomatic person who may not even be spreading the disease is the greatest threat we have ever faced.

Perhaps the Chinese studied their Sun Tzu. Getting an enemy to attack himself is an incredibly neat trick in my opinion.

B.Poster said...

"....you must lock down or be responsible for the potential deaths of millions." "Potential" is the operative word here. The current "lockdowns" have already cost thousands of deaths and even if we stopped now the death toll would be in the millions over the coming few years. Remember poverty equals illness and death. Mental illness equals death. Extreme stress over extended periods with no outlet equals mental illness which equals physical illness and long range ailments even death. Also, such situations make people more vulnerable to the virus that we are supposedly trying to prevent. The lack of consideration for those most impacted by the "lockdowns" is most appalling. It is as though our government and the "experts" are not only tone deaf to the damage this has caused but are completely brain dead.

When Facui and his cult following started yapping about this in February, they should have consulted with as equal partners the leadership of those industries that would be most impacted as equal partners and tried to come up with workable solutions. I believe the could have!! It appears that no effort was made. Instead they and like minded governors behaved in a similar manner to how Mafi goons behave. Perhaps a friend was correct back in March when she called the lockdowns a deliberate attempt to destroy the economy in an attempt to sway an election.

I will reiterate what I have said here and elsewhere. This is a very serious disease. It can and will kill people that we would not expect. NO ONE should EVER get cocky with this thing. Just because an area has this under relative control at present does not mean it automatically stay this way. While the disease is serious, the hysteria surrounding it is man made.

Now, if this is a bio weapon, cult leader Fauci, the "experts" and president Trump need to tell us this. Their words and actions tell us otherwise. Allowing the George Floyd protests as the ultimate super spreader to go forward and even encouraging them tells me much of what I need to know. IMHO, if this is a bio weapon, would be the only that Fauci and his followers are not guilty of egregious crimes yet even they don't seem to think this is a bio weapon.

Bio weapon or not, the ultimate weapons against this is our immune systems which will win in the end. Herd immunity is probably going to be what ultimately gets this done.

Anonymous said...

Bposter, respectfully. We don't know much about the Wuhan virus. It mutates in an unusual manner. It is a bioweapon and should be treated as such, with all precautions necessary. Buological weapons are extremely complex and hard to predict. The immunity for this virus seems also to vanish after a few months, making herd immunity difficult. Tbe viral load is another issue. It might also be a binary attack, where Covid-19 acts as base. This all needs this be considered, hence the lockdown. While they are draconian, they are a direct response to an attack from China. We do not know what the Chinese did, what gain of functions they gave this attack vector, and how many other virus are out there, strains and otherwise. This truly might be a stage of a larger attack pattern(and I'm not talking about the rest of the attack on the west, including the information warfare, cultural warfare and economic warfare the Chinese have engaged in for decades)

We are at war.
The Chinese did this.
The Chinese covered it up.
The Chinese suppressed and killed whistle blowers
The Chinese profited in the trillions
The Chinese were ok with us dying
The Chinese let out the planes grin Wuhan long after that knew what it was
The Chinese amplified the terror with their state broadcasts and disinformation campaign
The Chinese blocked access to the lab
The Chinese are the ones who have concentration camps
The Chinese are the ones almost at war with 5 other nations at the moment and soon a lot more
Xi swore the army directly to him like Hitler and told them not to fear death

It doesn't take a lot of brains...

You'll get there

Anyone doing business with China will be seen as committing high treason, with all its consequences

B.Poster said...

I replied to your post but it was to long. The character limit can make a serious discussion difficult. I appreciate you being respectful. I always try to be as well. I will try and keep this brief.

"We don't much about the Wuhan virus." We seem to know quite a bit about it. Most estimates suggest a vaccine is going to be available in less than a year. Thhs speed is unprecedented it would seem.

"It mutates in an unusual manner." So did the Black Death obviously and this nowhere close to that. The literature has some stories about influenza and meningitis pathogens spreading rapidly too. I have indirect experience here as well. COVID-19 knows how to mutate. This is not surprising.

"It is a bio weapon..." I wouldn't rule it out but the actions and words of our leaders suggest they don't believe this. "The immunity for this virus seems to vanish after a few months." There have been stories in the literature on this. Some are clearly fear porn whereby the dr extrapolates based one patient experience the situation does seem to be real. The issue is most likely something unique in a small number of patients as opposed to rhe virus itself. As extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof that hasn't been supplied, this is the best place to start. Important world leaders have pointed out we'll have to learn to live with this. This appears to be tacit admission this isn't a bio weapon, herd immunity is our best bet, and mass lockdowns were a grave error.

"Hence the lockdown. While they are draconian..." from the tone of this, it seems your income streams haven't been affected by this nor have those of your loved ones. You haven't had to sacrifice anything due to the lockdowns not have any of your loved ones. No burden is to heavy as long as someone else has to bear it!!

"Gain of function." Any living thing will need this if it is going to survive. COVID-19 having this would be no surprise.

"We are at war." We've been in conflict with China for a long time. If it needs to become "hot," our leadership will need to tell us straight up this is a bio weapon, we will need to start lining up allies and FAST, and leadership is needed. Our civilian and military leaders don't appear capable. Perhaps the Aussies are willing!! It also might be an excellent idea to stop needlessly provoking Russia and ending Cold War 2.

As the editor correctly points out, thus will end someday!! This seems to bevyhe position of some in leadership as well. We're finally getting there. While the leadership acknowledges it's not a bio weapon some do wish to keep the fear factor up.

Anonymous said...

Bposter thanks.
Good points. However, our leaders would not tell us if this war needs to get hot and they came to the conclusion it was the equivalent of a WMD targeting civilians.
The only answer will be an answer that cannot be announced prior to delivery.

It won't be sanctions. That would be underwhelming, considering that China killed millions and wiped out trillions WHILE having a party over there and insulting us.

You know it. I know it.