Monday, October 12, 2020

Where I Go To Eat In New York City

WNU Editor: Whenever I am in New York City I always drop by Katz. Montreal has a few very good places that provide the same product (we call it smoke-meat), but Katz is a little different. Darn. Seeing the above video I now have a craving for the stuff. 


Anonymous said...

Survived the Nazis?
That's sweet, hun.
Wait till a Democrat backed BLM March comes through, setting your store on fire, while CNN tells the world they're peaceful and you should go to prison for defending your store. And all of the left agreeing like a hypnotised mob. The Nazis had no legal backing like BLM has. And Nike is on their side and Pelosi and Apple gave them 100mn... good boys all of them

Anonymous said...

Where I "USE to Go" To Eat In New York City


New York City is dead. Patient is on the gurney and showing signs of life, but Dr. Mengele de Blasio will fix that.

"a dozen people were shot in New York, 3 of them in the Bronx, including one man who was shot 5 times, but Mayor Bill de Blasio is laser focused on what really matters... shutting down synagogues."

No elected or appointed state wide Democrast will pay for what they have done and will do to New York City.

If or when they stuff enough ballot boxes in Joe Biden's name, Cuomo may be the next AG. The next AG will not be prosecuted for murdering 11,000 senior citizens. The Democrat party will not suffer the loss of political capital or ignominy of a Democrat AG going to prison. A Republican president sure; an Democrat AG not so fast. They will also give the excuse that it would not be good for the nation. Plus he comes for Democrat aristocracy.

For bone marrow transplant to treat leukemia, they kill off the patients existing bone marrow. It leaves the patient with an impaired or nonexistent immune system. Say you had a ward with 100 leukemia patents undergoing transplant at the cancer ward. Say that the governor orders COVID patients fresh out of the ICU to the cancer ward for recovery. The Leukemia patients die of COVIDS. Well, you would charge the governor with manslaughter. Basically that is what governor Cuomo, aka Grandma Killer, did with COVID patients and nursing homes.

But to reiterate, he is to prominent of Democrat to face charges.

It was the New York nursing home death toll carnage that helped instigate the shutdown or prolonged shutdown. It was Cuomo's Final Solution that shutdown NYC and killed The Golden Apple.

Andrew Cuomo is shamelessly trying to memory-hole his coronavirus nursing home fiasco - Business Insider

Anonymous said...

Biden Considers Killer of 11,000 Seniors for Attorney General

A Democrat from a patrician family, who is AG, will never be charged with manslaughter.

Or helping to cause the COVID panic that killed the Golden Apple.

Word out of Hollywood is that Katz's Delicatessen will feature in the sequel to "Escape from New York."

Anonymous said...

You can have Katz food shipped to you! My bro in law got a nice pack of that good stuff and he lives in Tampa, Florida
to say NY is dead show that you are in fact dead!

Anonymous said...

what they have done and will do to New York City.

So I use future tense for a verb and you miss it. Or maybe you read it without understanding. But hey, you are famous for it.

Why learn how to read, when you have a sheepskin saying you are so smart!

de Blasio had to let up on the pillow and take a breather. That fat, worthless shyter is too lazy to murder New York City in one go. Beside prolonging it gives him more satisfaction.

Anonymous said...

Tired of winning?

Anonymous said...

I am not tired of winning, we have to go win the Barrett nomination.

Sad thing is you could naturally speak the line of The Strawman in "The Wizard of OZ" by heart without ever having read the script, because it is so you.