Monday, October 26, 2020

Will There Be Civil Unrest After The US Presidential Election?

Washington National Guard members stand outside the former Macy’s building near Westlake Park on June 1 as protesters gather before marching in downtown Seattle. (Steve Ringman / The Seattle Times)

As tension builds toward Election Day, law enforcement officials in Washington and elsewhere are preparing for the prospect that this year’s long, hot summer of unrest won’t end on Nov. 3, regardless of who wins the presidency.

If anything, officials worry that pressure will only build in the coming weeks, faced with the possibility of a contested election, spiking gun sales and ongoing civil unrest over institutional racism and police violence, all driven by a tsunami of social media misinformation and conspiracies from the right and left, not to mention from foreign adversaries. 

WNU Editor: Everyone is getting ready for unrest .... Facebook prepares measures for election unrest. I am not in the U.S.. I live in Canada looking at the U.S. from the outside. From my vantage point I do not sense there will be immediate or short-term violence after the US Presidential election. I do expect some people will be upset. Possible protests/riots in places like Portland/Seattle/New York City/Washington/Chicago/etc. .... but nothing big or major right after the election. My big worry is the weeks and months after the election. The pandemic has caused a great deal of damage to the US economy. It has exposed many weaknesses, and accelerated problems that need to solved quickly instead of being kicked down the road. Insolvent pensions. Massive personal/corporate/and government debt levels. High unemployment numbers. A health system near the breaking point as it continues to confront the first major pandemic in a century. Inequality and poverty. These are all the ingredients that can accelerate unrest in any country, the US included. Will this happen in the U.S.? In my lifetime I have seen this happen in Russia (1993) and China (1989). I hope that I never see it in the U.S..


Anonymous said...

The Chinese, Iranians and Democrats would love unrest. Then they'd blame Trump. It's perverted

Jeffsmith said...

Well I just finished voting and what will be will be. Any fools who want to run around with guns or riot gets anything that happens to them. Forrest Gump said it best stupid is as stupid does.😂

Anonymous said...

Most Americans are too fat to do anything active. I mean they are really fat. So no.

Anonymous said...


You are gaslighting again, which not unusual as you outgas from both ends frequently.

You cannot research.
You cannot do hypothesis testing
'You cannot normalize for age.
You cannot determine a 95% CI.

You are pretty worthless except for passing gas.

Anonymous said...

I pitty 8:13 for having one purpose “passing gas” lol

Anonymous said...

The health care system is fine. The vast majority of us have virtually no covid patients. The vast majority of "cases" are actually positive tests in people that aren't truly sick.

Anonymous said...

Last 7 days there were 9 deaths local, 8 from nursing homes. The other person was in their 90's. It is a tragedy to be sure. But not as great as a toddle dying of flu. A 90 year old has had an opportunity to utilize a 1/2 century of agency, whereas a child has not.

I'll take COVID over influenza any day of the week.

I remember when dying in your 80s was extraordinary, 60's was common, and low seventies was what was expected. Let;s not kid ourselves. Death sucks, but lets not whine about mortality form flu in old age, %0 years ago there were not so many deaths form 70, 80 and 90 years old because so many people had died prior to that due to cancer, heart disease, infection, or cancer.

A person is always worried about themselves and their relatives and friends, but that should not be a driver of policy to save some but throw away as many or more.

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kidd said...

only true slaves 4 the money vote

kidd said...

so america go to hell soon... u people serve 2 masters