Wednesday, November 11, 2020

70% Of Republicans Say Election Was Not Free And Fair

The Guardian:
70% of Republicans say election wasn't 'free and fair' despite no evidence of fraud – study 

78% of Republicans who alleged unfairness said mail-in ballots spurred fraud, while 72% believed ballot tampering occurred According to a new survey, 70% of Republicans do not believe the presidential election was “free and fair”, even though multiple news outlets have called it for Joe Biden.  
There has been a dramatic decline in Republican voters’ faith in the system. Before the election, in the same Politico/Morning Consult poll, 35% of Republicans thought the vote would not be free and fair. More Democrats voiced trust in the election, 90% saying they thought the results were “free and fair”, up 52% from the pre-election poll. 

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RussInSoCal said...

ah polls.

Anon said...
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Anonymous said...

Polls, fake news, social media people who rely those are wasted.

Anonymous said...

Didn’t go the way I would have wanted, but it was as free and fair an election as could be.

Anonymous said...

Maybe people accept a certain amount of cheating is the norm and is acceptable.

Where else in the law does it say you only have 3 days or 40 days to make your case?

The Democrats could not make their case in over 4 years.

I have yet to see the Facebook ads bought for $80,000 that changed the election for Trump or the fooled influenced by said ads.

The memes of those ads were already out there posted by many people.

The Russians spent $80,000. Some if not most of that was after the election.

$ 6.8 billion was spent during the 2016 election. The Russian total comes out to $1 for ever $ 100,000 spent by Hillary, Trump, PACs. DNC, RNC, Zuckerberg and others.

The most you can argue is the way that an economist or engineer would argue. That the system was taut and that a slight perturbation wrecked the whole system.

Do Democrats want to go there?

The Russian likely copy and pasted arguments and pictures already out there and those pictures may have been seen a few more times. Maybe. People looking for those pictures may have seen them anyway, because they were looking for them and would have found them somewhere else.

Why is it the google can sway 15 million people without their knowing it and that is okay? Because google is on your side? What if they are just one google';s side tomorrow? If they can influence you unseen, how would you know, if they are with or against you?

Bigus Macus said...

My poll among my Republican friends 100% Say Election Was Not Free And Fair

Anonymous said...


Bigus Macus said...

Anonymous said... = Coward

If you want to say something, then stand behind it, don't hide.

Anonymous = LOSER

Anonymous said...

anon=standing behind "name"=loser

Anonymous said...

8:26 is extremely happy Joe Biden is going to be president. Now, he can go into women's rest rooms and assault people and get his bottom surgery. Democrats policies will have real meaning.

Anonymous said...

70% of Republicans say election wasn't 'free and fair' despite no evidence of fraud – study

78% of Republicans who alleged unfairness said mail-in ballots spurred fraud, while 72% believed ballot tampering occurred
Put up or shut up
law requires evidence. facts. proof.