Sunday, November 1, 2020

At Least 25 Americans Have Been Killed During This Election Cycle

A person, identified later as 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, fires a gun during a protest over the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a Black man, in Kenosha, Wisconsin, August 25, 2020. Photo by Brendan Gutenschwager/Reuters 

Findings from Armed Conflict Location and Event Data raise concerns about continued violence during and after election day. 

At least 11 Americans have been killed while participating in political demonstrations this year and another 14 have died in other incidents linked to political unrest, according to new data from a non-profit monitoring political unrest in the United States. 

Nine of the people killed during protests were demonstrators taking part in Black Lives Matter protests. Two were conservatives killed after pro-Trump “patriot rallies”. All but one were killed by fellow citizens. 

The new data highlights the danger of the presence of guns during politically charged protests, and raises concerns about continued violence during and after election day, when many Americans anticipate delays, confusion and protests before the winner of the presidential race is confirmed. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: To put everything in perspective. Over 650 have been killed in Chicago alone this year (see link here).


RussInSoCal said...

If certain Americans had something other to do than fume over their putrid progressive politics (like going to work) the likelihood of political violence would be much reduced.

Anonymous said...

"To put everything in perspective."

Thanks, I appreciate that. But perhaps to put things in perspective, we need additional angles.

1) How many people died the last 4 or 8 presidential elections? What is the trend?

2) These deaths are not one-offs. The Left since 2010 has been launching protests and riots that border on insurgencies since 2010. What does the Soros, Tides and other Leftists NGO's intend to do in the future?

Remember the Craig's list advertisement for a OWS organizer?

Point is no one should have died. This is not corona, influenza, rhino, adeno, rota or other virus.

Liberals certainly have their dander up and feel entitled to shoot people and hold truth and reconciliation trials after gaining power.

Anonymous said...

"Other demonstrators died when cars drove through or rammed into crowds of Black Lives Matter protesters. Summer Taylor"

Jerk was standing on a interstate by a blind curve. She was struck by an immigrant, who much to the consternation was not white. It made Taylor's death less meaningful, which really hurt da cause!

The first amendment says that people have the right to peacefully protest. It says nothing about blocking interstate or roads. It doesn't say that you can kidnap people or hold them against their will. People have been hurt in liberal protests going back to November 2016.

The Guardian just spins the Hell out of what they report or outright lie.