Friday, November 6, 2020

Control Of The US Senate Will Be Decided In January As Both Georgia Senate Seats Are Headed For Runoffs


 * The makeup of the Senate come January could entirely depend on the two races in Georgia 
 * Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler is already headed for a runoff election in January 
 * Fellow Republican Sen. Dvid Perdue fell below Thursday afternoon the 50 per cent margin needed to avoid a runoff 
 * He is around 140 votes shy of avoiding a runoff as he holds 49.9997 per cent of the vote with 98 per cent of precincts reporting 
 * As of Thursday, the Senate race is in a dead heat 48-48 – taking into account that both independent senators caucus with Democrats 

Republicans' ability to control the Senate is in the balance by just 140 votes as of Thursday afternoon as Georgia Senator David Perdue fell below the 50 per cent of the vote he needs to avoid a runoff election.  
The incumbent Republican is now just around 140 votes shy of avoiding a runoff as he holds 49.9997 per cent of the vote with 98 per cent of precincts reporting – just short of the threshold needed to outright win. 

While two per cent of the vote still needs to be counted in the Peach State, they are largely coming in from Democratic areas, meaning it’s likely his lead could drop even further below the 50 per cent line. 

Fellow Georgia Republican Sen. Kelly Loefller’s runoff against Democrat Raphael Warnock will be held in January after they earned 26.1 per cent and 32.7 per cent respectively.

WNU Editor: Here is an easy prediction. These two Senate races are going to be the most expensive Senate elections in US history. As to the outcome. Will the people in the state of Georgia give control of the Senate to the Democrats after many of them had threatened to stack the Supreme Court and make Puerto Rico and Washington DC states? You tell me. 

 More News On Georgia's Senate Elections 


B.Poster said...

Count Democrat precincts last. After all of the Republican precincts are counted this way it is known just how many votes need to be manufactured to achieve the desired results. "Will the people of the sate of Georgia....." I'm not really sure it matters what they want unless something can be done about the systemic fraud. In such tight races one only needs help at the margins.

Anonymous said...

Normally Ossoff would lose. He is a socialist and has lied. The new normal is that Democrats can stuff 6 figures worth of ballots.

So I give it 50/50 when it should be 60/40.

Loeffler will lost I put i at 30/70. She is not impressive. She was appointed. She has not had time to build an incumbency. She panicked with COVID. They found nothing there about insider trading, because she had a cut out.

She did not use email or text message to direct a sell off so she probably is okay. she could have done it by phone or in person. IF it is by phone the NSA has a record but it won't be released.

Maybe in 10 or 20 years things like that would be leaked, but leaking daily NSA intercepts of Americans is still a no no. Maybe Trump should pardon Snowden. I do not like Snowden, but since the fix is in, it is time to upset the apple

Jon Ossoff, Whose Mentor Called Jews "Termites", Claims Anti-Semitism

I really like Jon. I do. He did some really hard hitting investigations of corruption in East Africa. Why not Ukraine or the US? He might as well have done a documentary on corruption on the country of Parador.


Count Democrat precincts last

Anonymous said...

It's difficult to keep up with the changes to outcomes I thought were already decided days ago.

Anonymous said...


Jon's parents paid their dues faithfully to the Democrat Party. They sent their son to the best private schools. He interned with a member of the Black Caucus to give him cred.

I fully expect Osoff to be in Congress in 2021 and for the rest of his life.

I like how Jon has a MSC from the London School of Economics. It does not say in which field. To the uncareful reader they might assume economics and therefore assume that Jon is a good candidate for office.

I also like how Jon was the national security advisor to Hank Johnson. Anything that Jon told Hank would have been better than what Hank could think up of himself. Maybe it was Jon who told Hank of the possibility of too many soldiers on Guam might cause it to capsize?

National security advisor for a Congressman based on a university degree form Georgetown Classes taught by Madeleine Albright. I am not impressed. You would think if you instructor was Albright that you would be quarantined for life. Infectious diseases are serious thing.

Anonymous said...

If the Georgia legislature and governor don't immediately pass laws to eliminate the obvious electoral fraud going on in Fulton Co. at this very moment, the Democrats very well may win, despite a Republican-majority electorate in Georgia that would be expected to thoroughly repudiate such a notion. And yes, if this massively corrupt election is allowed to stand, America will officially become a banana republic, DemoMarxists will never lose another election, and Taiwan and Israel can kiss their butts goodbye.