Friday, November 6, 2020

Democrat Presidential Candidate Biden On The Brink Of Winning The White House


 * Biden has taken Trump's lead in Pennsylvania, a key state in the agonizing race for the White House   * If Biden wins PA today, claiming 20 electoral college votes, he'll have enough to claim victory 
 * Trump is claiming that Philadelphia is corrupt and that the votes there cannot be trusted 
 * The remaining votes to count are mostly in Philadelphia, where Biden leads 80% to Trump's 18% and Pittsburgh, where he leads 58.74% to Trump's 39.73% 
 * Biden is also leading in Georgia, Nevada and Arizona - the three other remaining states that are in play 
 * Trump needs to win them all to claim a clean victory which is seeming now all but impossible 
 * He is refusing the results, claiming he is the victim of a nationwide conspiracy to oust him from the White House 
 * He has filed lawsuits in many states claiming fraud and is demanding a recount in many of them 
 * Senior Republicans are turning on him, calling him 'insane' and calling for an intervention 

Joe Biden has taken the lead in Pennsylvania with 5,5870 votes and is now poised for White House victory, leading in four of the remaining swing states, despite Trump's refusal to accept defeat and claiming he is the victim of an elaborate conspiracy. 

As of 9am EST on Friday, Biden leads 49.4% to Trump's 49.3% in Pennsylvania, snatching back the lead from the President with just 140,000 votes left to count. 

The remaining votes in Pennsylvania, the largest prize in the electoral college with 20 votes, are mostly in the Biden strongholds of Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. 

It is still too early for officials to call the entire state for a for Biden, with so many votes outstanding.

WNU Editor: Its over.


Anonymous said...

It is stolen.

40% to 60% will accept the theft. Others don't, but they have jobs and cannot march in protests or man the ramparts.

Even the dead made their preferences known.


B.Poster said...

"Incredible rant of a conspiracy against him..." Actually the rant seems to have merit. The question is did the systemic fraud make enough of a difference to actually affect the outcome. To date, sufficient proof hasn't been supplied to prove the systemic fraud on the part of Democrats actually changed the outcome. Absent such proof "its over."

Anonymous said...

GL America

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Poor Parrot, he posted at 11:11 AM with his signature spew.

He knows better than to espouse a policy position. He knows that he can do nothing other than to borrow another person's words of the side he chooses to be on.

Such awesome fluency in rhetoric from a language major.

You would think that he would be all proud and beating his chest with pride that his guy won.

Except we all know that his guy was an extra from the series TWD and had to be dragged across the finish line in the general election just like Clyburn and the rest of the party dragged his sick carcass across the finish line in the primaries.

Anonymous said...

Incredible rant about a conspiracy against him Is right. What an embarrassment. His mental illness on display for all to see. A child throwing a temper tantrum. Worst president ever! Everyone knew the count would take days. Nothing stolen. Every vote counts in the USA!

Anonymous said...

Which is why a Detroit poll worker to a screenshot of 8 people, who voted in Detroit with birth dates of 1/1/1900.

It is certainly news worth that the USA has 8 120 year olds.

Usually Japan or France has the record oldest person.

12:37 I think you should call the Guinness World Records people and let them know after you stop having sex with your dog.

Or maybe you could call the Detroit DA for releasing privacy act information and have the guy who took the picture prosecuted. It would be 8 counts, one for each person.