Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic In The U.S. -- News Updates November 12, 2020


 * Epidemiologists, scientists and public health officials are warning that the United States has yet to see the most difficult days of the coronavirus outbreak. 
 * “We have not even come close to the peak, and as such, our hospitals are now being overrun,” said Dr. Michael Osterholm, a member of President-elect Joe Biden’s Covid task force. 
 * The upcoming holidays set the country up for a lethal winter and spring since hospitalizations and deaths lag newly diagnosed infections by a few weeks. 

Ohio has had an “unprecedented spike” in Covid-19 hospital admissions. ICU beds in Tulsa, Oklahoma, are full. North Dakota’s hospitals don’t have enough doctors and nurses. And hospital administrators in Iowa are warning that they are approaching their limits. 

The U.S. is heading for a “dark winter,” a “Covid hell,” the “darkest days of the pandemic.” However you describe it, the next few months of the coronavirus pandemic will be unlike anything the nation has seen yet. 

 Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic In The U.S. -- News Updates November 12, 2020 


Anonymous said...

Cases up. deaths level.

We are simply reporting how many old people naturally die each day of each year.

If is a disgusting, fucking farce.

We no longer say that people die of congestive heart failure or COPD, No instead we say they died of COVID.

It does make sense. If Benford's Law is ignored and elections do not get cleaned up, why not screw up coroner's death certificates? What is a data miner to do?

When you do studies you always worry about confounding. Coroners and hospitals have confounded so much data, because they get extra money for the USG for COVID deaths.

Or maybe we maybe we are not lying as a society and The War on Cancer declared by President Nixon 60 years ago is finally won? We can start defunding cancer institutes. No one does of cancer anymore.

Certainly cancer is not sexy enough that WNU report on it.

Anonymous said...

the kidds are not alright

I.B.Poster said...

Newsmax TV: Trump voters are flocking to a channel that claims Biden is not president-elect

Anonymous said...

Really bugs the censor in you, doesn't it?