Friday, November 6, 2020

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 6, 2020

Defense Secretary Dr. Mark T. Esper briefs the media about the department's COVID-19 response, the Pentagon, Washington, D.C., March 17, 2020. (DoD/Lisa Ferdinando) 

Defense Secretary Mark Esper's presence would send a signal to allies and adversaries that operations will continue as usual. 

Defense Secretary Mark Esper is expected to resign in the coming days, but an increasing number of defense establishment figures are asking him to stick around to ensure a peaceful transition should Joe Biden win the presidency. 

Since Esper’s relationship with President Donald Trump soured this summer over his public opposition to using active-duty troops to quash civil unrest, the Defense secretary had been widely expected to depart shortly after Election Day no matter who won the presidency. The issue was revived on Thursday when NBC, citing defense officials, said Esper has prepared his letter of resignation. 

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 Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 6, 2020 


Anonymous said...

It appears that Democrats may be stealing the vote in an uncomplicated scheme.

An experienced Michigan data vendor who works on campaigns suggested this could be the case, “Practically how they’re stealing the vote is that they’re having to fraudulently cast votes for people who didn’t actually vote. So they’re going to fill out ballots at the end for people like this, that’s how they’re stuffing the ballots, that’s the way this would work. They would vote absentee ballots on the last day or two. Looking at these results, it’s most likely the Clerk is just stuffing ballots using these names.”

How often do people file taxes only to have people filed in their name already and have collected a refund?

It is not a one off. It is profitable and people do it year after year.

"In 2018, the Federal Trade Commission received 38,967 reports of identity theft for tax fraud, a 38% decrease from the year before."

The government does prosecute, because it wants the money.

Government does not lose money, if there is a vote fraud.

Would not be hard to look at infrequent voters and steal their vote. That way the number of votes does not exceed the number of registered voters.

Anonymous said...

Esper is one of the few high points in this administration.

Anonymous said...

And 11:01 is trolling.

Yo would have named something he did. Now you'll just google it and pretend it is the greatest thing ever.

There is nothing about COVID, George Floyd protests, or withdrawal from endless wars that recommends Mark Esper.

On withdrawal he is slow walking it as a bureaucrat. On COVID he is a lemming. On the race riots he caved. He is a weak man for the job.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

'Esper agreed with Trump that Germany was a "rich country" that "can and should pay more for its defense." '

Very brave of Marky.