Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Did White Men And Religious-Minded Voters Cost President Trump The 2020 Election?

Democratic U.S. presidential nominee and former Vice President Joe Biden speaks to residents during a community meeting at Grace Lutheran Church after a week of unrest in the aftermath of the shooting of Jacob Blake, a Black man, by a white police officer in Kenosha, Wisconsin. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque 

Trump’s team thought religious-minded voters would save him in key states. They now appear to have turned away just enough for him to lose. It wasn’t until Election Day, when returns showed counties across Michigan, Georgia and the industrial Midwest leaning toward Joe Biden due to a groundswell of religious support, that the Trump campaign realized it had a problem. 

For months, President Donald Trump’s top aides and religious allies dismissed his softening support with white evangelicals and Catholic voters as a polling fluke — another media-spun narrative intended to frighten the incumbent Republican and his top donors. No president had ever done more for these demographics, they claimed, pointing to the unfettered access many conservative Christian groups had to the Trump administration and the influence they wielded over policy priorities and judicial nominees.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: The votes are still being counted, and detailed analysis on this year's election results will still need to be done. 

But this is what I know so far. 

Aside having a small drop in his "religious vote", President Trump had a bigger drop in support from white males from 57% to 52% (see here). In all other demographics President Trump's numbers by percentage were better than 2016 .... President Trump Won More Minority Votes Than Any GOP Candidate Since 1960 (November 6, 2020). 

Unfortunately for President Trump, in a vote that was this close .... If 25,000 Votes Had Switched From Biden To Trump In Arizona, Georgia, And Wisconsin, President Trump Will Be On The Verge Of Being Re-Elected (November 10, 2020), one can make the case that President Trump lost the election because a significant number of white males made the decision to abandon him.


Jimmy said...

I feel like a significant amount of elderly white males left Trump for Biden.
Maybe they saw more of themselves in Biden than Trump?

Anonymous said...

Elderly white men think they are Alzheimer patients, Homer Simpson, or septuagenarian politicians who did nothing good in 47 years?

Well, Biden did make sure African Americans got longer prison sentences for using crack than whites got for using powder cocaine. So Joe did have significant effect.

Jordan said...
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Jordan said...

Biden hasn't won. He isn't even the PEOTUS, yet.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. Trump will remain in office -- I doubt Pompeo would put it out like this otherwise. The main stream media is collapsing and discredited

Be careful said...

Nope trump 2021

Jac said...

Biden has a big advantage: he will make the world LOL every day. Isn't it nice?

Anonymous said...

Parrot sighting @ 8 o'clock HIGH

Someone call the EPA to clean up the hazmat. It gave us a piece of its mind (.i.e it s ind leaked out all over the place).

Meanwhile back in the real world.

“68% of Americans think elections are rigged.” Vox post on July 14, 2014

“That’s because they are.” - Klain