Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Republicans Win In Contested U.S. State Legislatures

Time: Republicans Log Wins in State Legislatures. Democrats in Congress Should Worry 

Think the current map of congressional districts is ridiculously gerrymandered in a way that gives Republicans unfair favor? Brace yourselves. It’s about to get worse. 

 A week after voting ended in the presidential race that is sending Joe Biden back to the White House, a look down-ballot shows Democrats did fairly poorly. At best, Democrats claw their way to a tie in the Senate, assuming voters in Georgia give run-off wins to both Democrats campaigning hard there and deep-pocketed Republicans don’t block that. The House’s Democratic majority narrowed, prompting internal recriminations about polling, messaging and blame. Republicans picked up another governor’s office in Montana on a national map that’s already awash in red. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Again .... so much for talk of a Blue-Wave. What all of this means is that Democrat hopes of changing the boundaries for some congressional districts is not going to happen. 

Democrats also need to worry on what is going to happen in 2022. 

A large number of Democrat state governors and Democrat controlled legislatures are up for re-election in two years. If a Biden administration fails in improving the economy by then, some of them are definitely going to be vulnerable for defeat. But if the economy does improve, the reverse may happen.


Anonymous said...

Joe Joe Biden Your Life is Calling will improve the economy by locking it down for 6 months.

No one will want a repeat, but Democrats will have Ben Rhodes and other spin city aldermen tell us why it was necessary, why we are more advanced and never have to do it again, and oh what a lovely rebound since June 3031 and Trump's bad economy.

If the 1st 6 months are really crappy after the 33% growth under Trump, Jo Jo Biden will be packed off due to illness unspecified that caused him to be ill. He will be locked in his basement or his beach house with instructions to the Secret Service that no one is to see him.

Anonymous said...

"Nancy Pelosi's Indecisiveness on Socialism Is the Beginning of the End of the Democrats' Civil War"

Good read. It is a scary one too. It gives history going back to 1988. Kind of mad reading about it. I didn't know. I should've known, The author is smarter than me ...

Jac said...

I'm sure Joe Biden will do well. He just have to negotiate again with Deng Xiaoping as he did for CAP 21 in Paris and everything will be okay.