Monday, November 2, 2020

Is The U.S. Main Stream Media's Tone Changing A Day Before The Election?

President Donald Trump at the end of his campaign rally in Bullhead City, Ariz., on Oct. 28, 2020.Jonathan Ernst / Reuters 

Biden and his campaign are making mistakes that will ensure little of this matters. And the polls are almost certainly wrong again. 

Contrary to the prevailing wisdom among the cognoscenti, history and current circumstances suggest President Donald Trump is going to defeat former Vice President Joe Biden — for some of the very same reasons he came from behind in 2016 to shock the Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

It is understandable why conventional wisdom is getting this wrong again. Trump is down in the polls, the nation’s demographics are continuing to change in ways unfavorable to Trump and Republicans, the coronavirus has wrought death and economic destruction throughout the land and Trump’s personality provokes stormy oceans of antipathy — perhaps most crucially among women and suburban voters. 

But Biden and his campaign are making mistakes that will ensure little of this matters. And the polls are almost certainly wrong again. The only question is by how much. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: There has been a shift in the past week, but not much. The US news media (and much of the foreign press) are still invested in the expectation that President Trump will be losing by a landslide on Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

Only the really, really dumb ones still watch and believe the likes of CNN and MSNBC.

I mean really dumb. Like barely alive people.

And they again will be shocked(!) to see an even bigger Trump victory than 2016.

I'm talking record level dumb

*looks over to Fred who is breathing with his mouth open, scratching his balls and agreeing with whatever is on his TV*

Yep, that kind of dumb.

Andrew Jackson said...

Trump slide 👍🤑🌟💥💪

kidd said...


Anonymous said...

I did not write the 9:03 post. The person, who did or does, mimics me kind of well. Scary. I've been trying to change up my writing style, because from my view point, it can stand vast improvement and a like I just pointed out, it is scary.

But Fred, Fred is just the English major of no discernible writing skill and definitely no logic or honesty.

anon said...

Yes I've noticed that after years of Trump bashing, the Australian ABC seems to be changing their tone in the past few days. It's taken a long time but I think that they have finally seen the writing on the wall. Lefty tears on the newsroom floor from the miserable sods for the next few weeks. Will they ever learn?

Anonymous said...

For those of you, who drool and have the mental capacity of Joe Biden, CCP stands for Chinese Communist Party.

For Mark Kelly, Attending Forum Hosted by CCP Was the Beginning of Lucrative Relationship with China

It means that Mark Kelly and many, many other Democrats have sold us out for 30 pieces of silver.

Anonymous said...

Fred asks:
how many books have you published? Want to compare?

Anonymous said...

Most widely held works by Frederick R Lapides [co-authored or alone}
Myths and motifs in literature by David J Burrows( Book )

8 editions published in 1973 in English and held by 515 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Afro-American literature: an introduction by Robert Hayden( Book )

4 editions published in 1971 in English and held by 490 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

An anthology of fiction, poetry, drama, autobiography, and critical essays by African American writers for use in college classes
Poetry and its conventions: an anthology examining poetic forms and themes by Frederick R Lapides( Book )

3 editions published in 1972 in English and held by 320 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Alienation; a casebook by David J Burrows( Book )

8 editions published between 1969 and 1971 in English and Undetermined and held by 300 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Racism : a casebook by Frederick R Lapides( Book )

5 editions published in 1971 in English and Undetermined and held by 281 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

The raigne of King Edward the Third : a critical, old-spelling edition by Edward( Book )

6 editions published in 1980 in English and held by 196 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

The Mentor dictionary of mythology and the Bible by Richard J Daigle( Book )

3 editions published in 1973 in English and held by 80 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Assault of the killer bimbos( Visual )

3 editions published between 1990 and 2012 in English and French and held by 5 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Three girls flee boredom and murder in a high-speed cross-country chase. Headed for Mexico and planning careers in show business, the trio takes on jealous boyfriends, police and surfers
Poetry by John T Shaweross( Book )

1 edition published in 1972 in English and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Alienation; A Casebook, Edited by David J. Burrows (And) Frederick R. Lapides by David J., Comp Burrows( Book )

1 edition published in 1969 in English and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Anonymous said...

Someone, whose usual insults are CHUDS, wankers, girlie boys, and misfits, has lost a step or two.

We could miss all of your 'contributions' and the world would be better off.

"Assault of the killer bimbos" ?

That fits in with you current hobby and fixations.

Anonymous said...

One of Biden's Biggest Fundraisers Called for the Murder of Jews

One of Biden's Biggest Fundraisers Called for the Murder of Jews

So what is a good Lefty to do?

Why vote for anything with a (D) behind the name, of course!


Anonymous said...

"Joe Biden had spent the entire election hiding the names of his bundlers, the big money fundraisers who fueled his campaign, until releasing them right before Election Day. What did he have to hide?"


IRS has already seen them.

But until this day no one had seen Biden's Dirty Bundlers outside of the nest of thieves, The DNC.