Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Joe Biden On The Verge Of Winning The U.S. Presidency

WNU Editor: I went to bed at 04:00 a.m. thinking President Trump had won the election by a squeaker. Now it looks like President Trump will lose in Michigan and Wisconsin and the Presidency by a few thousand votes because of mail-in ballots. 

The Republicans will hold the Senate (just barely). 

The Democrats will hold the House of Representatives. 

The Democrats will claim the Presidency not only because they won the Electoral College votes by three, but also because they won the popular vote. The media and the Washington establishment will also push for this outcome. 

America. All that I can say is prepare for a new era.


B.Poster said...

Unfortunately I'm seeing the same thing you are seeing.

Anonymous said...

China has a new senator, Mark Kelly, and a new president, Joe Biden.

Time to fucking declassify everything.

Director Wray did as he was directed. He sat on Hunter's computer. It has his butt prints all over it.

The press did not have to be directed. They move as a group of lemmings. They asked harder question of Biden in the primaries in 2019 than they did all of 2020.

If the Joe Biden remains president, the Hunter videos will all be leaked. Him and the 14 year old. and Him and younger? Those are going to circulate with all the unredacted emails.

America is a Banana Republic.

Trump is Aurelian not Marcus Aurelius. Aurelian made all the right moves, but it was too late for Rome. He lasted 5 years. We know what happened to Rome.

Stephen Davenport said...

My thoughts exactly in regards to Trump probably becoming president a little to late.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden did not win the popular vote.

Om paper they did. Padilla in California will not let the justice department look into voter registration of illegals.

This problem has been in the make since 2014 or before. REAL ID is suppose to secure airports and air travel. Democrats have fought to every step of the way, because they have been using drivers licenses to get documentation for illegals to vote. Trump was not around in 2005 as a political entity or in 2014 when Real ID deadline started to be fudged..

The Real ID Act of 2005, Pub.L. 109–13, 119 Stat. 302, enacted May 11, 2005, is an Act of Congress that modifies U.S. federal law pertaining to security, authentication, and issuance procedure standards for drivers' licenses and identity documents, as well as various immigration issues pertaining to terrorism.

I blame Bush. I blame Obama. I blame the political establishment elected, appointed or hired. I blame the penumbra and emanation of the political establishment, the media hacks, academia and NGOs.

For example why is Amnesty International getting tax money? So some useless people do not have to plant crops, get an assembly line working or learn how to seriously code?

I figured that Trump would grant amnesty after the all was built, maybe in 2021.

Now we will get amnesty in 2021 an there will be massive caravans coming up through Mexico. Most people won't know because most of the press won't cover it.

There is a big difference between how Trump and Biden would grant amnesty. The Effects would be different. Under Trump real wages would rise and they would be 10% of the border crossing we have come to expect.

Under Biden wages will rise though fiat and inflation. Black unemployment will rise. Literally blacks will be hardest hit like all the liberals whine and liberals will be the fucking cause of it all.

Expect more riots. People have gotten use to those. A Biden victory gives a lull to it.

Expect more crime. Expect rising home values if you live in a red district. Expect blue animals to throw money at you for your house. Expect other blue animals to demand you turn over the deed now with no compensation.

Expect more disease that actually kills someone beside pensioners. It might be great for all those silicon valley type to have their cheap maids. But those maids will bring disease into the homes just like in Latin America.

That is why you don't have cheap labor. you pay them what they are worth. But with unlimited immigration, we know that is not gong to happen.

Anonymous said...

In Michigan 1% is equivalent to 50,000 votes

Anonymous said...

In Wisconsin 1% is equivslebt to 32,000 votes

kidd said...

look out the wall come falling DOWN usa

Anonymous said...

Stephen Davenport,

Do a web search on this blog and Aurelian. You will see my comments from 3 or 4 years ago making this point 1 to 3 times.

I am so pissed. We have had between 115 to 150 deaths. Most of those people have been 70 to 90s and/or in LTC

There have been 2 exceptions. One was a women in her 50's ... who was in LTC and had co-morbidities. The other was a guy and reporting is spotty. In his 50;s and did he have obesity, diabetes, or something else? We don't know, because of HIPAA and spotty reporting.

I am not buying that Trump lost because he is mean. When the press gushed all over him in the 1980s and 1990's they never mentioned it. Neither Did Jesse Jackson when he gave awards to Trump in the early 1990s. There has been so much generic Republicans will throw grandma off a cliff, Republicans want dirty air and dirty water and all the rest.

There was Hillary's basket of deplorables.

How many years have we been out upon by Maxine Water, Sheila Jackson Lee and others? Schiff does not come across as dobermans like those two, but he is every bit as vicious. With the former you look for the hydrogen peroxide. With Schiff you want MRSA killing antibiotics, because he is so smarmy.

This is not over. We have Cyrus Vance out there. That blue blood waste of carbon will go after Trump. Trump will, fight. It will be some consolation, if Vance is booted from office. But as far as it will go, is that Vance will slink to some country club and drink with some other worthless fucking blue bloods.

kidd said...

now u cant get out of hell

Anonymous said...

Kidd STFU. You are like AOC ... occasional cortex ... or you pretend to be.

kidd said...

no wall will

Anonymous said...

I know I made the comparison before of Trump to Aurelian, but I cannot find it before February 24, 2020.

Not one job had to be filled, where I live because of a COVID death. Not one school desk is empty because of a COVID desk.

Matthew Putnam said...

Dont entertain "Kidd". He his a simpleton troll providing no added value, whos lifeblood relies on being acknowledged.

Anonymous said...

I can say that Trump’s campaign is solid. and 1 % of votes could be easier than Biden’s 1 %

Andrew Jackson said...

People this is going to the Supreme Court!

Anonymous said...

Kidd does not know how a mind works. Otherwise he would be doing something more strenuous than 3 and 4 word trolls and getting acknowledgement.

But I will take you up on your advice Matthew. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Biden will win the electoral college
Trump won the electoral college
Supreme court will not change a thing: the electoral college is law of the land

Anonymous said...

Parrot showed up at 11:412 AM.

I was wondering, when the know-nothing cretin would show up.

Anonymous said...

The Dems win the Electoral college. The Dems win the popular vote
and you say the media will push for an outcome that is based on the constitution?

Anonymous said...

Winning the vote by fraud is a linkage before the electoral college.

There is massive vote fraud in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. All it means is that you side on top and that makes you smug. I can always live in Europe or Asia. You not so much. So if you crap on the Constitution, your fellow man and your country, well you have to live with it. A country can stay sick for 2 or 3 generations. The USSR showed that. The USSR got 3 infusions that helped them to make it 70 years. Without it, they would have folded sooner.