Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Michelle Flournoy May Not Be a Shoo-In For U.S. Defense Secretary After All

Then Under Defense Secretary for Policy Michele Flournoy briefs the press at the Pentagon on January 5, 2012. (DoD/Erin A. Kirk-Cuomo) 

WASHINGTON ― When President-elect Joe Biden announced the core of his national security team on Monday, there was one glaring omission: his choice for defense secretary. 

That absence is leading to questions about whether Michèle Flournoy, a politically moderate Pentagon veteran whose confirmation would give the Defense Department its first woman leader, remains the odds-on favorite for the role. 

The doubts came as Flournoy has been under pressure from the left over her defense industry ties and relatively hawkish views. Flournoy joined Booz Allen Hamilton’s board and co-founded defense consulting firm WestExec Advisors in 2018, and, in 2007, co-founded the Center for a New American Security think tank, which relies on support from defense firms. 

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WNU Editor: I also expected a position would be named for Susan Rice .... but that has not happened (yet). So why the pushback to Michele Flournoy's appointment after two weeks of nothing but news that she was going to be nominated as Defense Secretary? She does carry a lot of luggage, but so does everyone else on Biden's team. My guess is that Biden just does not get along with her as well as he does with others, and is now looking at other possibilities. 

 More News On Reports That Michelle Flournoy May Not Be The Next U.S. Defense Secretary After All 


Anonymous said...

It is just as well that she is not Sec Def. It's common knowledge that Joe is a senile old codger. If she can't take into account the sun downer effect and plan out the time of day of her interactions with the old coot, so he is not all irritable or angry, because it is nearing late afternoon, then maybe she isn't smart enough to run the Pentagon".

Maybe she should have let Joe sniff her hair, if she wanted the job that bad.

Jac said...

Joe prefer to sleep and Flournoy is not a good choice for that.