Friday, November 6, 2020

President Trump Won More Minority Votes Than Any GOP Candidate Since 1960


PJ Media: Trump, the 'Racist,' Won More Minority Votes Than Any GOP Candidate Since 1960

Everyone knows that Donald Trump is a racist. How do we know? ‘Cause media says so, that’s how. Every single statement or off-the-cuff remark by Trump that could be deliberately misinterpreted or taken out of context, or twisted into meaning something entirely different, has been used to paint an ugly racist picture of the president. 

With black Americans, it’s worked. A poll earlier this year found 83 percent of blacks believing Trump is a racist. How could they not with every media outlet telling them it’s so and many prominent blacks in politics, entertainment, and sports reinforcing the narrative every chance they get? 

The so-called “leaders” of the minority communities were virulently opposed to Donald Trump’s re-election. It was nearly unanimous. There were notable exceptions, but brave it was for any black or Hispanic notable to back Trump in public. 

But as it turns out, many minority voters tuned out the anti-Trump noise and made an independent decision to back the president. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: This is an incredible political accomplishment. And even though the election was a few days ago, some minority leaders are continuing to speak out .... BET founder Robert Johnson says voting Democrat gives Black Americans ‘minimal return’ (CNBC). Here is an easy prediction. From now to the next election expect more black/Hispanic/and Asian leaders speaking out.

Update: With the exception of maybe making Juneteenth a federal holiday, I am willing to bet that none of President Trump's pro-business and opportunity agenda for American Blacks is going to be adopted by the next Congress and the Biden administration .... President Trump Unveils $500 Billion Economic Plan For Black Americans And Will Designate The KKK And Antifa As 'Terrorist Organizations'. Also Promised To Make Juneteenth A Federal Holiday (September 26, 2020). In a nod to the teacher unions Democrats have also promised to pull support for charter schools, a program that has been a blessing for many black families. To say all of this is unfortunate is an understatement.


Mike Feldhake said...

Things are not adding up.....more minority votes, house seat gains by the GOP, high rates of votes in large cities...smells bad.

Anonymous said...

What Mike said.

1) Trump received more votes than in 2016

2) Trump received more minority votes than any Republican candidate since 1960.

3) Trump had coat tails. See House races.

It smells rank.

Now (1) doesn't mean much by itself. More people could have come out and voted for either any candidate.

The 90% voter participation rate which are outliers only happening in swing states of Wisconsin and Michigan. Nah, this is just theft.

Democrats ran a bad candidate. They ran an old man with dementia or Alzheimers. They had him do a little jogging (We got what, 7 whole steps at a slow jog?) thing the last week to show he was healthy and virile? What was that?

If Putin resigns over Parkison's disease in December, it will show Russia to be better than the Democrat Party or Herr Merkel.


Russ said Republicans may pick up 15 in the house. I think it will be 5 or less as Democrats recount and recount and recount until victory.

There are little observations such as you notice how states that are solidly blue or red get their counts in quickly while purple or toss up states it drags on and on. Yup, theft.

We have Motor Voter Fraud in California out the ass. Illegals get drivers licenses. with those licenses, they can vote. We know that many Muslim jihadis pass through Central America on their way to the US and pass themselves off as Hispanic. Is it going to take a plane blowing up for fuckercrats to wake up?

Just another day. Today like every day, the news will announce COVID deaths. Most will be 80 or 90 years old with 20% to 40% being 70 year olds. 80% or more will be nursing home residents. Most will have some sort of disease such as hypertension, dementia, diabetes, you name it. For this we shut down the economy and use mail in ballots that various courts say do not need postmarks, do not need signatures etc.

I can go to the government and new media health sites and they will slice and dice COVID stats any which way. But almost all of them do not have COVID graphs by age group. There were a few 5 months ago, but not so many if any now. Why is that? To shape a narrative that we are all equally vulnerable?

We are all equally vulnerable to COVID

Tanks are as vulnerable to small arms fire as a jeep.

Anonymous said...

Yup, stolen.

"North Carolina Announced 100% of Precincts Were Reported On Election Night – But Never Called Trump Win – Now Claim Only 94% of Ballots Counted"

Democrats are realizing that they can cheat, but that maybe if they cheat more, they can make the won look convincing.

B.Poster said...

There seems to be possibilities. 1.) Systemic cheating that benefited the Democrats at the margins but not enough to actually alter the outcome. 2 ) Systemic cheating that allowed the Democrats to steal the election.

Most likely it seems to be 2. Essentially what Mike and Anon 8:56 says is spot on. If 2 is alleged and actual laws are broken and there's enough evidence perhaps SCOTUS could be persuaded to intervene.

Anonymous said...

Unlike Parrot, Poster can capitalize and has good punctuation.

Parrot usually copies a news story or posts a link and splats it on a page like a pigeon dropping. He never explains or gives an exposition, he think just because he commented with a copy and paste or a link that it speaks for itself and is sufficient proof. He has a headline and by gum that is all he needs.

Poster does not have any links, quotes or anything. He speaks in generalities. Different type of trolling. I detect more than a little concern trolling. So sweet.

Anonymous said...

YouTube silencing right and centre right channels on YouTube. Only certain media's outlets allowed to give updates, almost all are left leaning... It's a COUP!!!! SUPPORT TRUMP NOW or they will just keep pushing the narrative while the right is muzzled

B.Poster said...

Anon (9:22)

There is ample evidence to support the claims I make. The editor has linked to some of this. It would seem when you are denying full access to Republicans of vote counting places, reporting more votes in some locations than there are registered voters, and censoring anyone who try and shed light on this that there is a problem. As of now, I have not seen enough evidence to prove that this systemic cheating on the part of Democrats was sufficient to change the election results. This is something a court would need to intervene.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is 11:13 another witty comment by Parrot?

Or is someone copying his style?

It is so easy to imitate the writing style of someone, who writes at the 1st grade level.

K thru 12 and 6 more years of education and all we get form Parrot is "OCRUMBOGATE."