Monday, November 9, 2020

Reports: Pfizer Withheld Successful Covid-19 News Until a Week After The Election. Was The Biden Team Told Before President Trump?


Update (0820ET): Adding to the positive COVID-19 vaccine news that has goosed stocks Monday morning, the FDA has officially awarded Novovax, considered a second-tier COVID-19 vaccine competitor, a "fast track" designation, while WSJ and other media are reporting that Pfizer's vaccine could get emergency approval and head into distribution by the end of the month. 


Meanwhile, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, appearing on CNBC, said that the data appear to be "the light at the end of the tunnel", and a "critical step" toward validating our technology. However, he added that we still have "a hard stretch ahead of us" and that we must continue to keep the most vulnerable safe. 

WNU Editor: This is disturbing news if true .... 

  .... Update (0815ET): In a statement that effectively confirmed that this morning's WSJ leak about the Pfizer vaccine was part of a choreographed rollout by Pfizer to withhold news about the mRNA vaccine candidate's trial results until a week after the election, Joe Biden and his campaign warned Americans that the battle with COVID-19 isn't over...yet. 

Though this morning's news is being heralded by news anchors as a "breakthrough" and a "game changer", Biden and his "public health advisors" - who bizarrely had apparently been given the trial results last night ahead of the public and, potentially, the sitting president (though we'll wait for any potential comment from the White House). 

 and there is more .... 

.... And what's more, other media outlets chasing the story are quoting Pfizer executives explicitly denying credit to the sitting president, who personally championed hundreds of billions of dollars in funding for vaccine trials, including the Pfizer-BioNTech trial, even though media reports routinely credited Trump and OWS as one of the president's most successful virus-fighting endeavors. 

This is a breaking news story. I expect more details to be released later today and in the coming days.


Anonymous said...

Not sure why this is relevant since Pfizer was not being elected.

You are still reaching by quoting the Fake News Factory at Zero Hedge.

Anonymous said...

why did Pfizer delay the announcement until after the election? Did they do this to ensure Trumps defeat? Why? If this is so, what does this mean for the nation?

War News Updates Editor said...

Anon 10:02
I told everyone this is a breaking news story and that more details will be released later.

And on Covid-19 Zero Hedge's coverage since January has been ahead of a lot of main stream news outlets.

Anonymous said...

I posted the following:

6 days

Wonder if they delayed it.

Trump had warp speed.

Fauci said 18 months to 2 years.

Trump did not invent the vaccine, but he set the regulatory environment and pushed.

You want to be governed by Fauci or Trump?

Did I know? No.

Did I guess based on experience and my knowledge of human psychology and organizational behavior? Yes

If Facebook, Twitter, all the media companies (Yes, ALL! Mrs. Murdoch works for the Clinton Foundation. Incest is best. We're talking ideas and interlocking relationships not sex sex.) can come out against Trump, then why not Pfizer?

Also large companies get carve outs. They have lobbyists. Politicians and bureaucrats can pass laws and regulations at a furious pace and lobbyists get laws passed at a furious pace.

Each carve out takes taxes away from Washington. So they have to raise more taxes. So every industry comes to Washington for carve outs and hand outs. Politicians like this. Everyone is at their back and call like in the days of Lords and ladies.

It is like a dog chasing its tail. Taxes go up. Lobby Carve out. Rinse, repeat.

The dog chasing its tail is as productive as a jobs program where people dig ditches and then fill in the ditch. No work (in the Physics sense) is done. Energy is expended or should we say dissipated.


It is all as stupid as having war, so that the MIC get contracts, which is an accusation with growing legs.

Instead of making bombs maybe money could be spent instead on boosting equipment into space to do something productive.

Why do some of us want to be in Syria? 1/2 to 2/3rds fo the country do not care about the Christians genocided by ISIS. Oba,a did not. He made sure the refugees from syria were Muslim not Christian.

People mostly do not care for a Kurdish state. Sure they make honking noise like they are geese or about to spit out a luigi about self-determination and ethnic rights, but it never extends to the Kurds.

They say they are for the downtrodden Sunni, but are we really coordinating with Saudi Arabia, Qartar, UAE and other states to oust Bashar Assad? No, various consistent liberals say it is illegal for us to be there. Never mind that other liberals will say the Sunni are oppressed.

So why the fuck are we in Syria? No one makes a consistent, strong case for it. There is a putrid case for American prestige and you could actually make a good case for it But that case also requires favorable comparative attrition rates of blood and gold and victories not merely squatting.

I think the only case currently being made in Syria was the putrid one.


So what is Pfizer going to get for its sitting on news and only giving it to the Biden camp?

The scientists and techs did not sit on the news. The management of Pfizer did.

We shall see what they get. We'll have to wait maybe 2 years at most to find out.

Anonymous said...

Zero Hedge is not fake news.

I tried this out with Fred Lapides. He said Breitbart was bad. I asked him to explain. He did not. I asked him for specifics. None were forthcoming.

Which is rather odd for a person, who makes his living in the field of language arts. You would figure the poor chap could give voice to his thoughts with all that high powered training in language.

SO I looked at a baker's dozen to a score of stories. from Breitbart. I noted that the New York Times carried the same stories. I present Fred with those facts. So again I asked him about the linked stories and said they were also in the NYT. I again asked him what was wrong. I asked him if the stories were the same maybe it was spin or presentation. Again nothing from Fred. He became meaner than a junk yard dog before ceasing all communication.

So be specific about the stories or mix of stories at Zero Hedge Zero Hedge will run columns in total from various people like Leftist Caitlin Johnson. Is Caitlan Johnson fake news.

She was a Leftist in good standing. I do not know if it fair to call her a Leftist since Mainstream Leftism is all over the map doing donuts. For example they were against the Syrian War, but now are for it because Trump was for pulling out.

So again be specific about Zero hedge. I can. You cannot. You are just some wanker.

Anonymous said...

And the coincidences just keep coming.

Anonymous said...

Who owns and runs Zero Hedge?

Anonymous said...

Pfizer should be careful. Names of their Senior management and their Board of Directors are all public knowledge. Its not difficult to get addresses from PeopleSearch like vendors. If Pfizer starts fucking with US politics, they must consider possible consequences.

Anonymous said...

How is the weather this time of year in Moscow? Here in the United States - it is very warm. All that global warming is nice to feel.

The problem with Zero Hedge is that they provide zero proof. Similar to Donald "Bone Spurs" Trump, he claims election fraud but then offers no evidence.

Did you and your people educate him from your playbook?

Anonymous said...

@12:36 Better get to the Doctor and check your eyesight.

Anonymous said...

I remember having shin splints, when I was in High school. Could I prove it now? No.

You tried for a 2-fer there.

How many draft dodge deferments did plagiarist Joe get during the Vietnam? At least 2 maybe 3.

One or more people are sitting there with a spreadsheet or better yet a custom database checking those the numbers. Every day or twice a day people can push a button and get summary results.

This was a management decision.

Anonymous said...

Report: Pfizer Stopped Testing COVID-19 Vaccine Results in Late October, Placed Samples in Cold Storage to Be Tested the Day After the Election

Anonymous said...

I use Zero Hedge because they fill in what's too often ignored by much of the US press and the articles displayed seem to be straight shooters. Otherwise I would ignore them.

Anonymous said...


I agree with your assessment and use. I find that technique useful.

I stopped going to ZH, because of the Strategic Culture Foundation and Simon Black.

People complained about Simon Black. It was fun reading his stuff for a little while. But you do a web search and he had a case for fraud in Singapore or Hong Kong. And it seems that his stomping grounds is really just Singarpore and Hong Kong. He lied.

People complained and he was out int he cold for 1 or 2 years. then the blog owner brought him back. It is his right, but we don't have to read.

Before Simon Black showed back up like a bad fart, SCF articles were carried. They seem like nothing but a Russian influence operation. If you are quoting Caitlin Jones, you do not need SCF, but you still get some Leftist or non conservative view points.

The website is friendly outside of the comment section. I have a weird view of friendly. But friendly does not make up for crap like SCF and Simon Black.

It is just too much of a viral load.