Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Talk Of Russia Interfering In The U.S. Election Have Disappeared

NBC: Polls close on Election Day with no apparent cyber interference 

Polls closed without a major public cyberattack. A U.S. official warned, however, "There's still a lot of time left on the clock." After years of planning and worry, polls closed on Election Day 2020 without any evidence of cyber manipulation by foreign governments or criminals. 

The big question was why. Did Russia, Iran and other adversaries decide such attacks didn't serve their purposes, given that they have appeared to focus on spreading disinformation? Did U.S. government efforts deter or thwart election hacking? 

Trump administration officials were quick to claim credit. 

"I think what you're seeing more than anything is 3½ years of collaboration," said Chris Krebs, the director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, or CISA, which is responsible for securing the country's infrastructure cybersecurity. He touted the joint effort with the U.S. intelligence community and the Election Assistance Commission. 

WNU Editor: Amazing. After hearing for the past few weeks that Russia will interfere in the election. We are now being told there is nothing there.


PostmanII said...

Russian interference in the 2020 United States elections is an ongoing matter of concern at the highest level of national security within the United States government, in addition to the computer and social media industries.[1][2] In February and August 2020, United States Intelligence Community experts warned members of Congress that Russia is interfering in the 2020 presidential election in President Donald Trump's favor.

Anonymous said...

Once again Parrot caws in with another copy and paste.

I could easily see a person with virtually no mind of his own could be easily influenced by Chinese, Iranian or Russian propaganda.

Anonymous said...

call names, asshole, but that which I posted is FACT and you can use google to check on it when middle school lets out≥
I simply posted that because I knew and remembered that intel had been stating this a number of times. Your silly name-calling and failure to show where that is wrong does NOT alter reality. REALITY BYTES

Anonymous said...

4:00 Love the name calling. How about this, you sir are a thief and a liar. Now prove me wrong. Shall we take a stroll along the memory lane of YOUR past? There's lot's and lot's of things to talk about.

Anonymous said...

@4:00 He has no idea what's happened. But his English professor spelling ability remains sterling. Hey @4:00 is that the Intel you go to your famous dinners with? You still haven't said who picked up the tab.

Anonymous said...

Pure Lapides.

He copy and pasted Wikipedia. I don't care what Comey, Brennan or Haspel say. The 1st two are corrupt. Fact. The last one is suspected of being corrupt. Why else dig her heels in to declassifying the Dossier docs?

Fred Lapides, please provide the the names of the Russian prostitutes, who peed on the bed.

We're have run the Dossier to the ground. Christopher Steal go this information form a suspected Russian spy. He in turn got some of his material forma Russian woman whose name we now know.

"Olga Galkina, a Russian public-relations executive, provided some of the most critical allegations in the discredited 'Steele dossier' on Mr. Trump." - WSJ

Now if you are honest (You are not), you would ask your congressman to have Olga Galkina to testify in public before Congress.

Maybe the two prostitutes are among the hundreds of nude picture of Eastern European women you post. Meaning you probably know their names. So cough it up.

On the other hand as far as we know Hunter did not have Chinese women or girls pee on a bed.

But he did fuck the women. He might have fucked the girls too,

There are rumors of video of Hunter Biden with Chinese girls. If it was in China, you can be sure that the CCP has copies of the video. It is circulating unofficially on Chinese websites. You better hope to God it is not true.

Because if it is anytime the time the CCP want cause to go to war and get the Chinese people riled up this will be it.

All you denials will not take those videos off site around the world. It might squelch it here in America, but it won't stop the spread,

Taiwan will come up again. You guy Joe and his handlers will not handle it well.

There is a bright side. If Taiwan is take over, computer parts will be hard to come by and you will be at the back of the line, since you are a loser.

Anonymous said...

What famous dinners?

Have not heard that one.

Anonymous said...

The ones he himself bragged about with the "Top" Intel people in DC. He forgets but the Internet doesn't. Like calling Ridgeway "Matt" and a best friend, the list goes on and and on for the ASA patchcord clerk.
That reminds me, Hey clerk what does ASA stand for you should know. Lololo

Anonymous said...

Who said anything about Steele? You are pathetic. Where's your proof? You always make allegations, but never prove them.

Anonymous said...

I can very easily refute it.

Here you are after 4 years and you have given up on the Chrissy Steal Report for 2 reasons. First, once you start delve into the details and ask pointed questions, Democrats want to drop it. Second, if Biden wins you no longer need you political prosecution. If there is a real crime, you do not move on. You prosecute. But, if it is crime just because you deem it so, because it is politically expedient, then you move on. Your got the office of presidency and going to court to run someone into the ground is risky.

Brennan is gone, but many of the people, who pushed the Steal Dossier are still there. So they pushed one piece of political shit, why wouldn't they push it again?

As many people have pointed out when have not the Russians interfered? Answer that.

They probably have interfered with every presidential election. So what is different this time? Maybe the fact that you need a narrative, a sob story?

In the 1970's the Russian interfered in a national election and Brennan voted for the Russian's guy, Gus Hall.

We know you Fred. We really do, When we get to discussing details, you will quit and Move On. Last election the Russian crime was ad buys most of them after the election. Since it was after the election can you please explain how it affected the vote?

They spend 80,000 with most of it after election day. Sop about 20,000 was spent before election day. 20,0000 affected the election out come when Hillary had a 1 billion dollar war chest?

Either you do not understand causality, order of precedence, and orders of magnitude or you are trolling us, because you are a partisan hack. That was 2016 and that was the stupid spiel. If we get into the weeds this time does anyone doubt that it will be as ridiculous.

Putin stated publicly that he wanted Biden to win. Biden will win due to inertia of various organizations from the press to congress putting up with Democrat cheating.

So Putin's guy. Joe Biden, won and you are cwying crocodile tears about Russian interference.

On a side note how does an English PhD lose so many steps that he cannot vary his writing style. You style is so utterly predictable.

Also, when I look at your scholarly out put it looks like we have a winner. Your output matches what the linked article below says/

English Departments in the Ideological Thrall of Identity Politics

Racism: a casebook

by Frederick R Lapides

Anonymous said...

How about the pictures on your mantle that you love to talk about? Is the male student's picture up there next to the " Trophy Wife's" and the Israelis?

Anonymous said...

Hiding under Anon? What's the name above your comment. Come are those pictures up on your mantle? How you don't talk about that male student like you used to? You are a constant liar, past present, and future, you've got it covered with lying.

Anonymous said...

He's right, besides it's all stuff YOU talk about. You're fun. Boy do some people have you and your crowd's number.

Anonymous said...

Racism: A casebook Paperback – January 1, 1971
by Frederick R. Lapides (Editor), David J. Burrows (Editor)

Robert Hayden doesn't come up in that book ACCORDING to Amazon.

Maybe you are confusing David J. Burrows with Robert Hayden?

But what I think.

I think that essay on the English department that I linked is spot on.

Anonymous said...

Bet he has Burrow's picture up there next to Hayden's, Wiesel's, the Trophy Wife, and the male student's!
He's got a biiig mantle!

Anonymous said...


Prove it or shut up.

Anonymous said...

I don't have to prove anything since it comes from the mouth of clerk. I would suggest you speak to him, otherwise I will not as you say " shut up". You are either clerk or related since you love censorship.

Anonymous said...

If he said it, then you should be able to link to a post.

I am betting that you cannot.

Anonymous said...

I don't have to do anything, he said it. Bet all you want I could care less. By the way it's a comment not a post. Keep on talking you're doing so well, Lapides would be proud of you, maybe a picture on the mantle.

Anonymous said...

What happened to the shut up! Come on you know you want to say it.

Anonymous said...

Showing results for russian interference with 2020 election
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Oct 22, 2020 — Russia's hackers appeared to be preparing to sow chaos amid any uncertainty around election results, officials said. ... Oct. 22, 2020. 612 ... Russia Continues Interfering in Election to Try to Help Trump, U.S. Intelligence Says.

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Sep 23, 2020 — Putin Most Likely Directing Election Interference to Aid Trump, C.I.A. Says ... confidence in, buttresses earlier findings that the Russian president supports President Trump's re-election. 139 ... 22, 2020Updated Oct. 23, 2020.

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Anonymous said...

Lololololololo! The NYT? Vox? Lololololololo, lololololololo!
What fabulous self awareness you have.

Anonymous said...

Vox was founded by Ezra Klein.

Klein is also the creator of the fascist JornoList.

Soon Mr. Mr Lapides and Ezra will be able to vote for their favorite candidates such as the grandson of a Munich Terrorists, Ammar Campa-Najjar.

Ezra sooner than Fred, but Fred can wait.

Why does Fred pout up with Ammar Campa-Najjar?

Because he is not really a Jew, He just wears it on his sleeve. Next week Fred puts on a different shirt.

Anonymous said...

girls sure have their panties knotted up!E!!
tired of winning?


Anonymous said...

That's supposed to impress somebody!?!?