Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Former Vice President Joe Biden Projected To Receive More Votes For President Than Any Other Candidate In U.S. Election History

The Week: Biden is now projected to receive more votes for president than any other candidate in U.S. history 

Former Vice President Joe Biden is projected to receive more votes for president than any other candidate in U.S. election history. With many precincts still reporting results, he had already gathered 69,165,955 votes on Wednesday morning, compared to former President Barack Obama's 2008 popular vote total of 69,498,516. 

The news follows reports on Tuesday night that the 2020 election was shaping up to have the highest voter turnout since 1908, when 65 percent of eligible Americans voted, The New York Times reports. The country was on track for around 160 million votes this year, which would put the eligible turnout rate at around 67 percent. 

WNU Editor: I am reading reports that Joe Biden will be declaring victory later this afternoon. I doubt it but we shall see. 

Update: ABC News is now saying Arizona is in play.


Crusader said...

Mr WNU, this is my best summation of the past 24hours (like you, viewed as an outsider);
This election has made America look like a Third World/banana republic/ post-Soviet Union nation.
I thought things were meant to be simple.
This is not good.

B.Poster said...

WI has been called. If we assume MI is in a similar situation, then it shouldn't be far behind. So what if PA is still "in play." It doesn't matter. Trump has no path to victory unless the courts overturn the results in one or more states or AZ flips to Trump as it is now supposedly in play.

The assumptions among team Biden are likely as follows. 1.) AZ will remain in the Biden column. 2.) There'll be no help for Trump in the courts. 3.) Even if the courts felt inclined to help the Republican leadership doesn't have the stomach for a court battle and should Trump pursue it he's going to be alone.

My "gut" says Republican allegations of cheating by Democrats is spot on, however, in court one's "gut" isn't going to be sufficient to win their case. Actual proof is needed. Can such proof be provided? Even if it could do the Republicans have the stomach to pursue this in court? After all Trump can't do that alone. Based upon what I see now the answer is probably no to both questions. Hopefully I'm wrong. After all when you know you've been wronged the facts that you can't provide the kind of proof a court would require and people who should be your allies won't back you up is no consolation!!

Anonymous said...

I went t bed at 11 PM. Trump was winning. I expected with all the outstanding mail in COVID votes that Trump would lose.

Bad polling is meant to do 2 things. First, it is to shape opinion not record it. Second, it is to provide cover for ballot box stuffing.

I would have fought Crusader 5 or 10 years ago, if he called America a Banana Republic. Now, after all the corruption, I agree.

Crusader said...

Thank you, Anon. I’m not attacking America (15 years ago I almost moved to Brooklyn to follow a my New York girlfriend, get married and to start a family).
I despair for America.
I love the people, yet to meet a bad one.
I believe the world needs a strong America.
Not convinced Biden will make it stronger.

B.Poster said...

So how do you prove the corruption? For a Biden supporter, they will view this as exactly the way it was supposed to happen. We count the votes and we wait until the mail in ballots come in to reach a final conclusion. Of course if there is "ballot box stuffing" they are going to blame team Trump for doing this as an explanation as to why the polls were wrong. If team Trump can prove the ballot box stuffing, then they have a case. One's "gut" or "allot of smoke" isn't going to be sufficient for a court. For better or worse, the US court system prefers the accused. The accused need not prove anything whereas the accuser generally has to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. Note I say generally because in sexual harassment cases the accused often has to prove they are innocent. While "preponderance of evidence" is supposed to be the case in civil court, as a practical matter, it often doesn't work that way.

Bottom line: my "gut" tells me Republicans are being disenfranchised and the Democrats are attempting to steal the election. My "gut" tells me this is common. POTUS's "gut" may tell him the same thing. In order to challenge in court, POTUS and his team are going to need more than their "gut" and given the nature of the case I don't even think "preponderance of evidence" is going to be enough either. They better have "smoking guns" and very likely multiple of them to get anywhere in court. Given that POTUS has already declared that there is chicanery going on, I would assume that he and his team have such "smoking gun" evidence and plan on a court challenge.

While POTUS is very, very rich and has vast resources, I find it doubtful that his resources are enough to sustain such a challenge even if it is a very sound one. Does the Republican leadership have the stomach to stand with POTUS in such a fight? Do they have the resources to compete with the Democrats if they do? POTUS would have calculated all of this so I am assuming for now that there must be some massive "smoking guns" here implicating the Democrats in mass fraud.

Anonymous said...

Poster...get meds. Your rambling is plain nuttiness.
reality a tough mother fucker

Anonymous said...

You are obvious

Anonymous said...

Poster, I don't think there was massive fraud. It has been shown that individuals interfered with the electoral process as opportunists. This is documented. There was indeed some incompetence at a few polls and unfathomable decisions in a few other instances. But I don't think this was as tightly controlled as was the obamma administration's attempt to hinder and tie up the new president as was the case beginning in 2016 before he even moved into the White House.
Again I say DJT had biden, an uninspiring politician for decades and now a doddering uninspiring retired politician, unsupported by the very president for whom he served as VP, at the end of a plank. Biden was his own worst enemy to many and trump wouldn't let him walk the final step on that plank in the first debate with his out of control behavior that took attention away from biden's lackluster history and current dynamic of an old and worn out grandpa.
I'm very disappointed to have experienced this and I hope closer counting reelects DJT for the good of the nation but I am not optimistic at this point.

Anonymous said...

I don't think there was massive fraud. It has been shown that individuals interfered with the electoral process as opportunists. This is documented.

Keep lying shit eater.

Mail in ballots without postnmarks, signature, and stuff where done from on high in the Democrat Party.

It is systemic.