Thursday, November 5, 2020

Television Networks Cut-Away And Censor President Trump's Remarks On The Election Process


 * Donald Trump appears for the first time in more than 36 hours, speaking in the White House briefing room 
 * His lead in must-win Pennsylvania is slipping rapidly and crossed under 75,000 as he spoke while lead in Georgia has halved in 24 hours; Biden is holding wafer-thin leads in Arizona and Nevada 
 * Nailbiting election appears unlikely to be decided until Friday at the earliest and is certain to end up in multiple courts 
 * Trump has already announced his campaign will sue in battleground states that Joe Biden won 
 * His team launched legal action in Nevada - a state that could hand Joe Biden the presidency - and is litigating in Pennsylvania and Georgia 'STOP THE COUNT!,' Trump tweeted Thursday morning 
 * Hours earlier Joe Biden had pleaded for calm and patience as tensions mount over the lengthy wait for results 
 * Biden made statement from Wilmington, DE, with Kamala Harris at his side and said he was confident he would win 
 * Trump supporters, some of them armed, descended on counting centers to demand every ballot be counted and in other places to stop the count on Wednesday night, fueling fears of public disorder 

President Donald Trump on Thursday called the entire election process into question, claiming it was rigged against him from start to finish in an extraordinary White House statement which television networks turned off. 

He claimed he was the victim of a conspiracy by 'big media, big money and big tech,' for 'historic election interference.' He claimed that if all 'legal votes' were counted he would win the presidential election as he charged Democrats with trying to steal the contest 'corruptly' in a suddenly-announced White House address delivered as his voting leads in Pennsylvania and Georgia slipped further. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Wow! I thought I would never see this in my lifetime. The President of the United States in a public address on an important political story concerning the election process being cut-off and censored the way he was.

First it was Facebook and Twitter censoring and closing accounts that questioned the voting process. And it has spread from there. This afternoon I saw one person on Canadian news (CTV News) get immediately cut off when he started to list the counties in Michigan where there were more votes than registered voters. Twitter accounts that I have been following for information on this election have now been suspended. And now it is the President being cut-off!?!?!?

Why is the mainstream media acting in panic mode? Stifling out dissent and questions concerning the election process. Why are the social media giants doing the same thing. And going one step further. Suspending accounts almost immediately. 

You tell me.

Update #3: On a side note. 

I started this afternoon to accumulate and gather election data information. I was inspired by this Zero Hedge post .... Why Does Biden Have So Many More Votes Than Democrat Senators In Swing States? (Zero Hedge), and I said to myself why not do your own digging for oddities in this election cycle. I know this will not change the election. But I will admit that I am curious, and I just want to know if there is anything there. I will put up a post on Sunday summarizing what I have found .... or not found. 

Update #4: It is amazing what a difference 4 years makes. Four years ago the main stream media pushed the narrative with no evidence that Trump won the election because Russia helped him. Today. When people are raising questions on what is happening. They are shut down. 


Anonymous said...

Dude, I know you're upset that your boy lost, but try to be just a little rational...

Instead of saying the media is acting in "panic mode", why don't you acknowledge that Trump keeps making inaccurate claims that taint the American election process.

Republicans who have defended trump are really upset at that insane presser.

Santorum calls Trump's claims of election cheating 'dangerous' | TheHill

Rick Santorum and Chris Christie lead Republicans criticizing president for falsely declaring win | Daily Mail

Spicer, MacCallum, there is a huge list. Your bias is incredibly hurting you Editor.

[Don't get me wrong, the media is a disgrace too.]

Anonymous said...

WNU, you can't possibly be this dense.

Anonymous said...

I feel ashamed of myself for actually watching that shitshow. So sad. So pathetic. I wish I censored myself.

Anonymous said...

It's a coup attempt, aided and abided by radicalised and compromised media and tech giants as well as other players, that's what it looks like from my perspective (Europe/ England)
The shenanigans to stop speech and suppress one side must stop. Media should not be politicised and used as tools, especially not in such blatant, repulsive attempts to once again dethrone Trump :D come on, you have to be blind not to see what's going on. Or you're that partisan that you never listened to the arguments of the other side, calling them racist, sexist, bigot and Russia Gate and on and on.

War News Updates Editor said...


Just saying what I am seeing.

Four years ago the press, Democrats, and many within the Republican Party pushed the story with no evidence that Russia helped Trump thereby corrupting the electoral process.

Today. The same people who pushed that narrative four years ago are the same people screaming to close down anyone questioning this election process.

I know why you and others do not want anyone to question this election process. You do not want anyone to question the legitimacy of Joe Biden's election win.


That cat is out of the bag.

Anonymous said...

Yes, WNU, "@USRebellion1776" is a credible source for election analysis. Everyone knows this Really makes you think.

Keep up the bad work.

B.Poster said...

The need to censor suggests the allegations are true. If it's not true, then simply refute it. The other option would befto allow the other side to present their case then simply drown it out with the coubter narrative.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Editor, I would have voted for Trump if they hadn't messed up my absentee ballot.

So instead of accusing a complete stranger of hidden motives, why don't you get a freaking clue.

He tried to claim fraud in Michigan caused the loss - he's down by like 200,000 votes!

People are upset because the President of the United States of America is saying that in all the races that he lost, and only those states, there is a massive attempt to change hundreds of thousands of votes. If the President, who became President by being voted in through the same system, confidently tells you that the voting process is rigged when he loses, THAT HURTS AMERICA.

The whole Russia thing was a disgrace, but that doesn't mean what Trump is doing right now somehow is acceptable. Get a freaking clue, how do you need someone to spell this out for you?

Anonymous said...

Politically Rick Santorum is a non entity and has been so since 2012. He let the Left pigeonhole him on abortion. His policy positions cover a range of issues and are well thought out. He was interviewed on the Glenn Beck show.

Liberals used Alinsky's rules #13 and #5

Liberals used his name to describe a mixture of sex lubricants, cum, and shit.

When Dana Savage became baggage, liberals left him (Rule #7).

So here is Santorum that has faced hostile liberals and he folded. He has no room to talk about Trump. None.

Santorum also had a charity ran by his wife. The charity didn't get off the ground. It wasn't a fraud, but it just didn't go anywhere and it was obviously a job(s) program.

Well aware of who Santorum is. He is basically a good man, but he doesn't have what it takes.

Chris Christie ought to know better. They came after him. Did they cut him any slack for his weight. No, they were mean. Now we are suppose to feel bad that Trump is mean? These liberals play rough, are mean, pretend they're angels, and call other people meanies. Fuck that!

Chris Christi also did what Trump did. He saved them. He balance the budget in New Jersey. But they wanted him out of office anyway.

This vote fraud is a replay of the vote fraud in 2018 in California. This vote fraud has been baked in since Motor Voter Fraud Act of the 1990's.

It is very easy not to get you wrong. You are ignorant or a fraud.

WNU is probably worried about what he will tell talk shows in Russia. That is America will now be run by a bunch of incompetent kleptocrats with nukes. At some point their venality will get the best of them and they will be taken to the cleaners by another nations. They will lose face before the electorate such as it is and then be real dangerous pricks IOT to stay in office.

Anonymous said...

Usually people on this board are quite common sense. Think someone is spamming to give appearance that the majority thinks this was not a coup attempt, AGAIN, aided and abided by the tech giants like Twitter and YouTube, The entire label and the left never sees our side equally as we are being suppressed. I've seen censorship of channels on YouTube so many times now, and exclusively if you say anything contrary to their narrative. Ask any questions about the China Biden connection and you believe in conspiracies. If there is no evidence, fine, then Trump must apologise for election meddling with the most severe accusations and Biden should be president. But if what we've heard Hunter Biden say ON TAPE about his connections to Chinese spy rings and the cut Joe Biden got in all of this -- as stated in written documents and emails and witnessed by an American former naval officer with Q clearance, then the Democrats seem to sell out America and the media tries, together with tech giants, to protect them. It sounds too insane but it would explain the absolute abhorrent treatment of the 1st amendment. And the election manipulation, the voter fraud. The terror squats in the streets. The dark winter. All of it. And this would be seen as treason by the public. And it is.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Editor, I would have voted for Trump if they hadn't messed up my absentee ballot.

Who the fuck is they?

How did they do it?

War News Updates Editor said...

Anon 9:35

This board is valuable to me because it gives me an insight into what people are thinking who do not think like me.

For example. Biden supporters are beyond angry right now, even though their candidate is about to win. And because of that my next post is my analysis on why they are this angry.

Anonymous said...

One person can move 30000 ballots easily. I've moved printed items that size, for other reasons obviously. Just regular mail for advertisements. 30,000 no problem. The programming is so deep on the left that they would just refuse how it could be done. We have seen it on tape. Multiple times when we were lucky. You're being manipulated. But, I grant you, we might be manipulated too. But one thing seems very suspicious: if there's no voter fraud why AGAIN the suppression of oversight, the ballot harvesting, the dead people voting, and only the Republicans seem to want answers. It is telling.

War News Updates Editor said...

Anon 9:25

I am not worried that America will now be run by a bunch of incompetent kleptocrats with nukes.

That is not going to happen.

I am worried on what Russia will do. And what China will do.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I do feel like a troll right now - I'm trolling myself responding to such ignorance. So this will be my last post...

9:36 - Once again, you don't know who I am, but if you did you'd appreciate the irony in asking me to take a statistics course. You clearly are too dumb to appreciate just how difficult it is to pull off a massive, systematic fraud involving hundreds of people sworn to secrecy, changing hundreds of thousands of votes. Moving 5% of the Michigan vote maaaaybe is a little harder than throwing an extra ballot in your cheerleading election when no one's looking.

9:39 - the foreign post office here is a joke, didn't get my registration stuff in time to then get the ballot and submit it in time. My state was decided by 30%, so I didn't go crazy over it.

editor: For goodness sake:
please listen to what I'm saying: I want trump to win for many reasons, and still think he's a disgrace for categorically saying the election has been stolen from him. The fact you can't wrap your head around this is incredibly disappointing. Take to heart that many who voted for him think he's basically a disgrace to the office.

All of my personal friends, Rep and Dem, genuinely want a fair election of all legal votes regardless of the winner. This just goes without saying.

And yes, I agree the Dems are mourning, particularly seeing Trump gains with women and minorities. It shatters their worldview, which in some ways is more important to them than the presidency itself.

Anonymous said...

Editor: I agree with your last post.

The foreign issues are the real scary thing in a Biden presidency.

Iran and China in particular are much bigger threats today than they were yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Some of the "leadership" of this country began an attempt to prevent DJT from being president before he had even put one foot into the White House by concocting a narrative that has been proven, at many levels, to have been a complete fabrication; that of collaboration with Russia to win the election in 2016. The attempts to hinder the outcome of the election that year have never ceased. But that's OK...because you don't like him.
I've been on this planet a long time. I've been to war, college, volunteer social worker, and a whole lot more and never earned over the poverty level doing it. I still drive and repair the 1967 VW I bought in 1971. Remember this when you huff and puff about "green" and "woke". Never do I recall such a decline in the ethical standards of so many in this country. Never. Nor have I ever seen such a willingness to accept behavior that is so unacceptable that it is sometimes unlawful. All because...we don't like him. To hell with the accomplishments...I don't like him. Hypocrites. Your hero, idol, and second coming never did for minorities in this country what the reviled President Trump was able to achieve. That he garnered more votes from these minorities, the highest percentage in American history doesn't matter....because you don't like him.
This is a populace that is so educated and yet so ignorant I am sometimes reluctant or unable to reply to it. Too many have the standards of unquestioning sheep. They are so shallow and self indoctrinated via a handheld electronic umbilical cord that I sometimes wonder how they pronounce words that aren't spelled baaahhhhhh, baaahhhhh.
One last comment, actually a question....when are you coming for the books?

War News Updates Editor said...

Anon 10:13
Your comment is a keeper.
This is why I permit comments to be posted.

Anonymous said...


It is very easy to commit fraud. There are no penalties compared to the number of cases. You can commit fraud and once the election is over and a winner declared, there is no standing to sue for most people Fraud happens in locations where conveniently the DA's are crooked. We have a lot crooked DA's in America Look at Portland How many crimes committed but charges not pressed?

I once saw a JO cashiered over some audits. With each audit he would check that the totals added up and they did. It should have been a sufficient check. It wasn't. Someone found a way to beat the system and steal for several months.

In 2 or 3 days or 5 weeks at most if it is not caught it is water under the bridge. Just one guy in his spare time found a dozen or more dead people voting.

System is designed to allow cheating. It is designed that once the election is wrapped up that further audits and prosecution mostly do not take place. It is designed that way from Motor Voter Fraud Act to no ID's (Europeans would never allow that oversight) to no poll watchers (hassling the poll watchers allows sufficient time for fraud before they actually get in)

So spare me your fucking lies. You are no better than Strzok.

Andrew Jackson said...

I reiterate,there will be war! Minimum 20,000,000 dead!

Anonymous said...

I agree with much that has been said here

And one thing should be telling:

One side wants transparency and legal votes counted, one side operates behind barricades windows and wants every vote counted, with no transparency and finds the law just another stepping stone on the way to power.

Horrible what my former Democrat party has turned into. Pure anarchists, hurting democracy.

the shame!