Thursday, November 5, 2020

Why Are Many Progressives and Democrat's Feeling Depress (And Now Getting Angry) Even Though They Are On The Verge Of Winning The White House?


Scaachi Koul, Buzz Feed News: The Backlash Against Trump Never Came 

Half of American voters have a message for politicians: Cage as many kids as you want. Ignore the pandemic. There will be no consequences. 

Look, I don’t know any more than you do, but what I know so far feels bleak. Because even if Trump ends up losing, Trumpism has won. 

There are still millions of mail-in ballots to be counted, namely in swing states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, and Biden could still win. Despite all that, Donald Trump has already tried to seize victory and lied about there being some kind of fraud preventing him from winning. We might not know who won the presidency for a few more days, possibly weeks, causing a deep discomfort that Americans just have to learn to get used to. 

But what the numbers tell us so far is dispiriting for anyone who isn’t a big fan of putting children in cages or allowing more than 230,000 Americans to die from a pandemic without even a presidential acknowledgment of this loss and willingness to prevent more deaths. So far, Trump has 68.2 million votes. In 2016, he had just 62.9 million. Though exit polling is largely flawed, it seems that even more white women voted for Trump this time than in 2016. Even if Trump does lose this election — which he still might — there was no sharp rebuke of Trump, his policies, or his associates. There was no blue wave, blue crush, blue anything. For Democrats, the 2020 election was supposed to have been a repudiation of Trump and all he’s done to destabilize the country (and the world) in the last four years. But Trump’s failures were, somehow, not severe enough to trigger the kind of landslide liberals and progressives were dreaming of and that pollsters wrongly predicted was plausible. 

Read more .... 

Update: The left just got crushed (Damon Linker, The Week) 

WNU Editor: It has been an interesting 24 hours. The above remarks by Van Jones were an eye-opener for me. And from there I decided to read and and check out pro-Democrat and progressive websites, twitter accounts, and news websites. I have also read about 20 commentaries from progressives (like the two above) on what is their take on what is happening. And what I found surprised me. No one is happy!!!! Their ticket, party, and movement are on the verge of winning the prize that they have dreamed abut for four years, and there are no celebrations. 

But that mood is now changing. Many are becoming very angry. Not because President Trump received millions of more votes in 2020 than 2016 and was not massively repudiated by the electorate. Not because Democrats lost a lot of House seats. Not because they did not win the US Senate. They are getting very angry that President Trump and his supporters are now questioning the legitimacy of what will soon be a Joe Biden election win. 

I said this in a previous comment thread that I think deserves repeating here. 

Four years ago the press, Democrats, and many within the Republican Party pushed the narrative with no evidence that Russia helped Trump thereby corrupting the electoral process. I knew then that this was an attempt to delegitimize President Trump's election win. And IMHO it worked. 

Today. The very same people who pushed that narrative four years ago are the same people screaming to close down anyone questioning this election process. They want no one to question the legitimacy of Joe Biden's win, and are beyond angry at those who are raising questions.

It is always interesting to see how people react when the shoe is on the other foot.


Anonymous said...

This election is a joke and they know it.

Anonymous said...

We have actual witness and and email evidence.

4 years ago we had weasel, liars and thieves who resigned or were fired.

RussInSoCal said...

The Dems themselves de-legitimized this election with their insane push for mass mail-in balloting. Then added to the scam by blatantly disobeying observer laws. Trashing ballots Then they wheel in enormous simultaneous Biden ballot dumps at 4:00 IN THE MORNING in WI and MI!

Cardboard on windows, steel barriers, physical removal of legally permissible poll watchers, conspiring with postal workers to back-date ballots, suitcases and coolers sneaked into ballot counting facilities in the wee hours.

It is laughable. And as usual the Dems have no one to blame but themselves. "Overreach, Grasshopper... overreach."

What I believe will happen is that every vote total in Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia and Atlanta (and maybe Nevada writ large) will be challenged in court. There will be a recount and a deduction of all votes counted in circumstances outside the law.

No wonder the Dems are knifing each other.

Anonymous said...

Since WNU won't list the mistakes Trump has made (in his eyes Trump can do no wrong), I'll list them.

Declaring victory on election night - A subdued declaration that he had already won contrasted Biden's "Road to Victory" and gave the media plenty of ammunition to use against him. Trump isn't a politician, and that's part of his appeal. He says things as they are. This however, was a mistake. His news conference on Election night could have been handled better, or even considered the choice of not having one. He served the media's interest here.

Calling it a fraud - Trump has reasons to be concerned. I'm concerned. There is oddities in the election process (nothing new to be fair, but they stand out here) and he's absolutely right to be worried and wanting to look closer into the process. However - he's coming across it the wrong way. Trump is pissed. Rightly so - having had the democrats for four years try to accuse him of russian collusion or to push the narrative he won because of them. Right now though he's saying the right things at the wrong time - it won't aid his cause. Trump administration is rapid at the mouth - and that will be the media narrative that will serve against him.

Handling of COVID - I have a mixed bag of conservative and progressive friends. I'm dating a liberal, while I myself attest to conservative republicanism views. I don't like Trump - but as I've said before - it's the policies you go for, not the man wielding those policies. I like his policies. Yet what appears to be a collective consensus among my conservative friends is that Trump mishandled the COVID crisis, gave mixed conflicting messages at times and was generally not seen as a leader taking charge during a crisis. One of my friends who is the most hardcore staunchest of Trump supporters surprised me when he said that Trump lost the election because of how he handled COVID - I'm inclined to agree.

Trump administration should be concerned about the potential of fraud in the election - but conservatives should be open minded. Nobody likes to lose - especially Trump, who has said this himself. But I am increasingly witnessing conservatives who are trapped in tunnel vision and are getting things wrong and stating things as fact when they aren't or have not been established yet. Seen it on this blog from the author and seen it elsewhere.

The shoe is certainly on the different foot - and I am seeing the same kind of reaction that I've seen from some of the more extreme elements of democrats. You're right - it is interesting.

Anonymous said...

Conservatives should be open minded about election fraud? Or the tunnel vision media? I won't trust a word they ever say again.

Anonymous said...


It is fraud you lying sack of shit. The dead voted.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

You mad caveman?