Wednesday, November 4, 2020

This Is Disturbing. How Did Joe Biden Get 130,000 Extra Votes At 4:30 AM In Wisconsin And President Trump Almost None?

WNU Editor: The above graph is from FiveThirtyEight And ABC News. Does this make sense? No. So what is happening here? This one massive vote dump is going to make Joe Biden the next US President. No wonder President Trump is pissed and (probably) feeling down. 

Update: This is depressing. Is this the way US Presidential elections are run? Ballot dumps at 4:30 AM that goes entirely to one candidate?!?!?!? 

Update #2: More evidence coming out on what happened this morning.


B.Poster said...

Does it make sense? On the surface, I'd say no and it looks suspicious. I'm sure team Trump will want to review this. If fraud is alleged, it would obviously need to be proven with the burden of proof on the accuser.

Anonymous said...


I understand that Democrats stole Chicago in 1960. I don't get worked up by it. It was before my time.

JFK does not seem like a particularly bad president. He sucked ass at the Bay of Pigs. Despite how much college professor cum at the though of JFK's brilliant leadership in the Cuban Missile Crisis, the missiles in Turkey were withdrawn.

Vietnam could be laid at JFK's feet. Not that we should not have been there, but it was by foot in the door technique instead of forthrightly.

Kennedy lied about his health

Camelot was a lie and John swung from the chandeliers like François Hollande. Well not like François. John was much more shall we say productive. Although François I think has sown more seed the took root.

But it was before my time. I know Democrats and some republicans steal elections. I know that Democrats cheat more often now and the scale is greater.

Stolen elections have been Al Franken's win, Governor Gregiore's win and the 7 seats in California in 2018.

Still the ballot dump at 4:30 AM is stunning.

Do the Russians really want to negotiate with such thieves?

Fact: I expect full employment with a Trump 2nd Term or a Biden win. With the latter I expect it will come 2 or 3 years from now with a world war. The war won't break out as a world war all at once. It will just be something small like Taiwan. Biden is a genius like that.

I mean why not let the CCP have Taiwan? It is a small country. Doesn't have seat at the UN. Is not an official ally. As an asshole Democrat I can make up more such lies.

But a lot of out electronics that don't come from China come from Taiwan. Kind of like Czechoslovakia was a small country. Britain handed the SKoda works to NAZI Germany. Skoda works produced a lot tanks or tank destroyers.

The Czechoslovakian military equipment equipped the Romanians an Hungarians. With that equipment the Romanians took Odessa (a place that most diseased Democrats cannot find on a map). Romanians were instrumental in the fall of Sevastapol and Kerch. They also helped take part of the Caucasus.

But Czeckoslovakia was a small country like Taiwan.

David Winter said...

The Democrats always cheat, and the Republicans always refuse to fight back and force real investigations.

Time to close the borders with the blue states, and make it illegal for them to buy property in red states.

Anonymous said...

"You have to take a look at what was NOT reported prior to this. They were missing 60% of the expected votes from Milwaukee, which was what came in this morning. It's in an area that heavily favored Biden (~+40). Probably a good 80-90% of the votes that came in was for Biden."

Actual Milwaukee county counts, not from a second hand website

The greater Milwaukee area makes up almost 27% of the state's population.

Votes reflect Milwaukee County ONLY as of Nov. 4, 2020 3:56 a.m.
President Vice President Vote For 1 Votes
Joseph R. Biden / Kamala D. Harris (Democratic)

69.13% 317251
Donald J. Trump / Michael R. Pence (Republican)

29.28% 134355

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's really suspicious that they let ABC News do the ballot counting.

RC21 said...

More votes counted than registered voters. Go figure...

------------------- said...

That is well and good, but you do not see an abrubt one sided change like that unless you have a significant one sided voter dump. Other wise you would see a slight rise from the other candidate, too. Look at the graph. You have gradual movement throughout indicating that something extraordinary happened at 4:30