Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Today's U.S. Election Predictions

Visual Capitalist: Decoding U.S. Election Day in 9 Key Charts 

After a tumultuous election cycle, the time has come at last for Americans to cast their ballots. Media coverage has reached a fever pitch, and keeping up with the news cycle can be daunting for anyone. To keep the voting public and interested onlookers informed, we’ve compiled nine key charts that can help in answering key questions that people will have today: 

Who’ll win the U.S. presidential election? 
How could swing states flip? 
When will we know the election results? 
What are the stakes? 
What does the rest of the world think? 
 Let’s start with the biggest—and most challenging—of these topics first. 

Who’ll Win the Election? 

As the world learned in 2016, answering this question is not as simple as it looks—even when the poll results point to a clear victory. 

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 Today's U.S. Election Predictions 

These States Hold The Key To Who Will Win The Presidency, Goldman Says -- Zero Hedge

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