Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Trump Campaign Suing To Have Access To Tally Sites In Michigan And Pennsylvania

CNBC: Trump campaign says it is suing to stop Michigan and Pennsylvania ballot counts in fight over access to tally sites 

 * President Donald Trump’s campaign said Wednesday that it had filed suits to halt the counting of ballots in Michigan and Pennsylvania, as the campaign demanded increased access to observe the tallying process at numerous locations in those battleground states.
 * The Trump campaign also said that its lawsuit demands that the campaign be allowed to “review those ballots which were opened and counted while we did not have meaningful access.” 
 * The announcement comes as the Republican incumbent faces an ultra-tight race against Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in the key battleground states, and in Georgia and Nevada. President 

Donald Trump’s campaign said Wednesday that it had filed suits to halt the counting of ballots in Michigan and Pennsylvania, as the campaign demanded increased access to observe the tallying process at numerous locations in those battleground states. 

The states have a combined 36 Electoral College voters at stake. The Trump campaign said that its in Michigan lawsuit demands that the campaign be allowed to “review those ballots” ... “which were opened and counted while we did not have meaningful access.” In Pennsylvania, the campaign said it is moving to intervene in an existing Supreme Court case related to that state’s extension of its mail-in ballot receipt deadline. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: In Canada the political parties have access to the voting centers from start to finish. It does not make sense to me to deny access to campaign workers to see the votes being tallied.


Anonymous said...

I give up, we now live in Sweden!

Anonymous said...

Low energy. You Russian trolls can go back to hacking companies now. K thanks bye!

B.Poster said...

Allowing all sides equal access would seem imenintly reasonable. To not allow such access, would create opportunities for chicanery on either side. Obviously Trump and his team would not sue if they had such access. If the Democrats were in a similar position, they'd do the same thing as Trump and his team are doing.

Anonymous said...

Editor...Canada doesn't have US democrats and those who reelect the likes of Adam Schiff.

Anonymous said...

When official poll watchers are denied entry, you know there will cheating.

kidd said...

war war war

kidd said...

fight u fools