Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The Massive Jump In Biden Votes This Morning In Michigan Was Due to a Typo

WNU Editor: President Trump is still trailing Michigan by 70,000 votes.


Anonymous said...

What about Wisconsin. Biden jumped like 100k votes there aswell with it still sitting at 95% count.

B.Poster said...

While a "typo" is plausible, a voting system should have safeguards in place to warn the human that the numbers entered are outside of normal parameters. Income tax preparation software for income tax professionals has this feature.
I think other software does as well.

Also, a human would normally review things such as this before submitting it to the public and a normal human would catch this type of error even if the inputter did not. At best, this suggests sloppiness on the part of the people tallying this which could cause one to wonder what else did they miss. Nevertheless it is plausible so I see no possibility of anything like this being useful in court.

What I think is more likely is that someone deliberately messed with the numbers, got caught, and changed it blaming it on a "typo." Since its plausible, team Trump will have to have something more for "reason enough to go to court." I'm assuming they have more.

jimbrown said...

Said Hunter.

Anonymous said...

poster-you make a terrible charge and offer not a shred of evidence. this is not Moscow

Anonymous said...

It may not be Moscow...yet. But there is a new generation voting now. Keep the pictures on the handheld "devices" always fresh and changing and they will be content no matter what.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe the typo lie.

If this isn't their 1st rodeo, then they have some sort of crosstab verification or checksum.

Russian troll or not B Poster brings up an important point. B Poster is not real heavy with the accounting lingo. You would think the Russians would give their trolls additional education so they could act the party.

Nonetheless the criticism is sound.

Anonymous said...

Fun fact.

Twitter has suspended that account.

Anonymous said...

it is not yet over.