Thursday, November 5, 2020

US Air Force Testing A New Line Of 'G-Suits' For Female Fighter Pilots

The service has manufactured wide lacing panels in the waist, thighs and calves of the suit, which they say allows it to be more readily adjusted for different body proportions. The new suit also provides the option of a ‘"darted" or tailored, custom waist that does not reduce performance of the waist bladder that inflates during high-G maneuvers' 

 * Five female fighter pilots, and one aircrew member, tested a modified Advanced Technology Anti-Gravity Suit at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, last week 
 * The suit, first introduced in 2001, is a specialized compression gear worn over a flight suit to help pump blood through the body during high G-forces 
 * The suit also prevents pilots from losing consciousness during maneuvers 
 * However, the suit was originally designed primarily with the male body in mind and offers little in the way of adjustability 
 * The Air Force has now redesigned it to include better adjustment straps to accommodate different body types, and an a form-fitted waist compression 
 * Women were given the green light to pilot combat aircraft in December 1991 
 * According to the Air Force’s Personnel Center statistics, the service has just over 800 female pilots, with another roughly 580 women serving as navigators 

The US Air Force has just tested a new line of its ‘G-suits’ that have been specifically modified to better fit – and keep safe – the growing influx of female pilots who are enlisting in the service. 

Five female fighter pilots, and one female aircrew member, each tested a modified Advanced Technology Anti-Gravity Suit (ATAGS) at Eglin Air Force Base, in Florida, between October 26 and October 30, the Air Force revealed Tuesday. 

The suit, first introduced in 2001, is a specialized compression gear worn over a flight suit that helps pump blood through the body during high G-forces and helps prevent pilots from losing consciousness during maneuvers. 

Read more .... 

 More News On The US Air Force Testing A New Line Of 'G-Suits' For Female Fighter Pilots 


Anonymous said...

Com'on AJ,
Where would you be without them?

Anonymous said...

Racists and sexist have got it all wrong; everyone is equal until they prove that they are not. I totally judge people on the content of their character; I am usually disappointed with the results...

Andrew Jackson said...

When your'e son loses out on a job or college because it went to some fat c#nt you won't feel the same way! It happened to my son.I hate all feminists and want them dead!