Monday, November 2, 2020

US Election 2020: Buildings Across The U.S. Are Boarding Up In Case Of Riots And Looting


 * Local and state officials warn of violence across the country on Election Day as preparations are underway 
 * Retailers and other property owners boarded up their buildings and storefronts over the weekend 
 * In New York City, major brand names secured their Manhattan locations by putting up plywood 
 * Businesses in Beverly Hills and some San Francisco Bay Area counties are coming up with emergency plans 
 * Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said police vehicles will be parked close to commercial areas downtown 
 * In Washington, DC, university students were told to stockpile food and essential medicine for the days ahead 

Tuesday’s presidential election has the nation on edge and business and property owners in some of America’s major cities are taking no chances in case violence spills out into the streets. 

Workers were seen this weekend all across the country boarding up store fronts, business offices, restaurants, banks, hair salons, and other places of commerce as law enforcement warned of possible unrest on Tuesday night. 

Business owners are eager to avoid a repeat of the turmoil that followed the May 25 police-involved death of George Floyd in Minneapolis - an event that triggered nationwide rioting and looting. 

Read more .... 

 More News On Businesses Across The U.S. Boarding Up In Case Of Riots And Unrest 


Matthew Putnam said...

Surely they aren't doing this because they anticipate millions of white supremacist republicans to riot, burn, and loot if Biden wins. They either have access to better polling data, or are just acting on what everyone else knows; you cant live in or share a country with a leftist.

Anonymous said...

Once upon a time there was an America that would post themselves on the roof tops of their business' and not be bothered.
This was last century in Los Angeles during the Watts riots.

8 Years of an obamma in the White House and the new America of the millenials and their education curriculem[SP].

Alex said...

I noticed this in Chicago. After weeks of plywood gradually coming down, it's going right back up again all over downtown. Some stores have it as permanent fixtures; Macy's and Nordstrom Rack went ahead and just painted theirs and never took it down, while Staples stuck with bare plywood along with a lot of the jewelry stores. There are still piles of broken glass in places that never got cleaned we go again?

Alex said...

Yeah I can't imagine much unrest should Trump lose. If Biden loses, well, we saw a certain lifestyle of pillaging this summer and I think we will see more of that.

kidd said...

the gates of hell will open around the world fools

kidd said...

u got 24 h

Anonymous said...

A real pandemic will sweep through the nation and it will be from these fools and the Democrats purposely tanking the economy.

You think things are bad? Live through a meningitis outbreak, where kids die by the thousands.

Meningitis is endemic. Forget about global warming and all that bullshit. Meningitis outbreaks have been around for several decades.

A Joe Biden theft of the presidency will ensure regular outbreaks in the US. Oh and we won't be able to blame the Chinese.

Anonymous said...

"Beginning in 1988, the incidence of meningococcal disease in the area of greater São Paulo began to surpass the upper confidence limit of an 8-year average incidence (from 1979 to 1986), thus characterizing a new epidemic in the region of greater São Paulo. This epidemic, which extended to 1990, was different from previous epidemics in that it was caused by serogroup B. The increased incidence of meningococcal disease was paralleled by an increased prevalence of a single group B clone, B:4:P1.15, of the ET-5 complex. ET-5 strains have been present in the greater São Paulo area since 1979; however, they have been associated with a high percentage of the group B disease only from 1987 to the present. On the basis of the increased incidence of group B disease in São Paulo, a mass vaccination program with a serotype 4:P1.15 meningococcal protein vaccine was undertaken. The impact of this vaccination program is under analysis."

Future of America with a BIDEN win.

If Biden wins, everybody loses.

Anonymous said...

For those of you, who drool and have the mental capacity of Joe Biden, CCP stands for Chinese Communist Party.

For Mark Kelly, Attending Forum Hosted by CCP Was the Beginning of Lucrative Relationship with China

It means that Mark Kelly and many, many other Democrats have sold us out for 30 pieces of silver.