Thursday, November 5, 2020

US House Democrats Are Livid About The Election Results

The Hill: Democrats' post-election 'family meeting' descends into chaos 

Moderate House Democrats lashed out at their liberal colleagues Thursday, using a marathon caucus-wide conference call to bash progressives for advancing an agenda that, the centrists said, cost the party a number of seats in Tuesday’s elections. 

An impassioned Rep. Abigail Spanberger, who squeaked to victory in central Virginia, took liberals to task for promoting the policy of redirecting funds away from police departments, an idea that took off following the death of George Floyd in May — and that Republicans used on the campaign trail to hammer Democrats with charges of nurturing crime. 

Spanberger called the Democrats’ campaign strategy “a failure.” “I do disagree, Abigail, that it was a failure,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) interjected. “We won the House.” 

WNU Editor: As I had said in my previous post. The Democrats are on the verge of winning the White House with Presidential vote numbers that are unprecedented. They still have a huge majority in the House. Are short by only two Senate seats to control the Senate. And they are not happy. In fact they are angry. 

OMG!!! Relax. Enjoy the moment. You won. And no. Nancy Pelosi is not going to be replaced. Soon to be Vice-President Harris will make sure about that.

 More News On US House Democrat Reaction To the Results Of The Election 


Anonymous said...

Democrats ran a joke. His election show snot what a great leader and campaigner he is, but merely how powerful the Democrat Party political machine is.

Biden is famous for his gaffes. Famous for plagiarizing Neil Kinnock and for 2 previous failed presidential bids. Third time was not the charm for this presidential bid. No charm was involved. It was Representative Clyburn that dragged Joe's carcass across the finish line in South Carolina, because the alternative would be to run a socialist and the party would have suffered down ticket.

The presidency is a 4 year gig and Joe Biden will either be dead of disease or drooling in his Cheerios before 4 years is up. Again any win would be a testament to the Machine's efforts legal and illegal.

Unofficial Democrats it polling companies and the media do nothing but lie with polls for at least 3 decades. The media carries water for the Democrats. We saw this with the raw unedited 60 Minutes hit piece.

Even Fox lies for the Democrats. the head of the Fox Decision Desk is a Hillary donor. Fox will be beaten by Newsmax and/or Blaze TV. After Hannity and Tucker Carlson leave Fox, stick a fork in it. It will be as mediocre in the ratings as the alphabet networks.

Van Jones is a dishonest joke., He makes most rap artists look like angels. Rap artists have more cred than apparatchik Van Jones will ever have.

Anonymous said...

Did not win. The legal battle isn't even starting yet

War News Updates Editor said...

Anon 10:25
I know. I also know that it is going to be tough. Very tough.

Anonymous said...

So why did you say vice president Harris? She will never be that

In other news, 1bn In bitcoin just transferred - according to news it went to a silkroad address. Maybe for a hit job. Just question who's the target and who paid.. conspiracy theory of course

B.Poster said...

"The legal battle isn't even starting yet," Democrats are angry maybe because they are always angry or maybe there's substantial merit to team Trump's claims of electoral fraud and they know this.

RussInSoCal said...

Looking like a 15 seat loss for the House Dems. Not one GOP incumbent lost. Every GOP pickup was a woman, a minority or a veteran.

And GOP keeps the Senate.

And then tell me that Trump - who carried/dragged them all across the finish line - is the one who loses?

I just don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Big time election fraud
Things are getting dicey. If the left truly did this, which I think they truly did, we must see evidence. If Biden did receive money from the Chinese, it is corruption. And if the media and tech giants colluded in this, and it looks like it, it is corruption and straight up election interference. The people must know!

Andrew Jackson said...

The Dems have a choice,Itump as POTUS or war!