Friday, November 6, 2020

Watch How A Drone Destroys A Stadium In Syria


In what appears to a classic example regarding the effectiveness of drone technology in modern warfare, ISIS used a small quad-copter drone to drop mines inside a stadium in Syria. 

The drone which is reported to have cost around $500 was used by the extremists to fly over the Deir ez-Zor stadium in the country and drop a mine right inside it, leading to damage far greater than the entire cost of the operation. 

According to a video provided by a local news hub, the camera on the quad-copter drone showcases how it maneuvers right on top of the stadium before unleashing the land mine, causing one section of the stadium to be on flames. 

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WNU Editor: This attack by ISIS happened in 2017. I shudder when I see videos like this one. It illustrates how a simple and inexpensive drone can inflict massive damage on a stadium in an attack.


Anonymous said...

A person carrying a mine with a bicycle could have done the same thing.

Or a mortar if you could get it close enough.

No way that a mine carried by a quad copter did that much damage. It is a ferro-concrete structure. I just read what was posted and not the article, which I will now read.

My educated guess is that it was used as an ammo depot and ISIS hit the sweets spot.

Yes, a drone is perfect for such an exercise.

Anonymous said...

@WNU cool video but focus on what's going on. Reports of right leaning, centre right YouTube channels completely blacked out with no updates for 12 hours. Comments being throttled etc

But left channels can keep posting, most of them help form narrative of a loser Trump


This story is big

Anonymous said...

ISIS Drone Destroyed SAA Ammo Depot In Deir Ez Zor...


Yup, ammo depot.

Anonymous said...

I agree with comment #1 - unless that was made of old and dry wood, there is no way it burned like that. It is made of old wood, then it not worth $500 million.

Anonymous said...