Thursday, November 5, 2020

Will Donald Trump Jr. Run For The Republican Presidential Nomination In 2024?

Daily Mail: Triggered: Don Jr. rages at Republican '2024 hopefuls' for not publicly backing his father as White House releases statement saying Trump 'brought great victories' in sign of civil war between him and party 

 * The president's son blasted 'total lack of action' from potential party leaders 
 * Accused them of cowering to the media 'mob' 
 * White House spokesman released statement saying Trump 'defied all expectations in Congressional and Senate races, bringing great victories' 

Donald Trump Jr. ripped prospective Republican presidential candidates who he accused of a 'total lack of action' as his father faces daunting political and legal challenges in his fight for reelection. 

The blast from the president's outspoken son, who has himself been mentioned as a potential candidate for elective office, came on a day when Trump's lead over Democrat Joe Biden ticked downward in battleground Pennsylvania and Georgia, narrowing his path to reelection. 

With the president fighting for his political survival, his son sought to enlist more defenders and blasted his public demand out to his millions of followers among Trump's base, while his father's campaign filed lawsuits across the country seeking to stop the vote count in some states. 

WNU Editor: Two or three times a week I meditate for about half an hour in the afternoon. Today I had a flash that Donald Trump Jr. is considering a run for the Republican Presidential Nomination in 2024. And if not, the family will support US Senator Tom Cotton. 


Anonymous said...


For the last 3 blog posts your comments have just been hitting it out of the park. That is not to kiss up. I mean it. I was the one that took you to task 3 or 4 years ago about a comment about ISIS in Iraq that could be summed up PDCA. It was underwhelming. IF Cotton runs for president and is backed by the Trump family, I will definitely remember that I heard it here 1st.

Anonymous said...

seem you counting the chicken before it hatch .
there is very real possibility there would not be trump family 2024
all in prison , dead or exiled .
4 years cant be forgotten easily.left gonna go for throat , left lack sanity as 2020 riots showed .
million of his follower and loyalist are seeing prison times or killed. everyone who supported trump liked , tweeted , voted , payed , supported in every way is a target backed by MSM , big tech and biden admin.
for these 69 million voter this is the final election .
Trump or bust

Anonymous said...

hay WNU
can you confirm
New York Post.
Vladimir Putin plans to step down next year amid health concerns, report claims

Anonymous said...

Nikki Hayley 2024

Anonymous said...


You seem like a nice troll trying to stir shit.

"4 years cant be forgotten easily.left gonna go for throat , left lack sanity as 2020 riots showed.

million of his follower and loyalist are seeing prison times or killed. everyone who ..."

It can happen here. Liberals have opined that 'climate deniers' be imprisoned.

People who won't let the voter rolls be purged of deceased people are checking up on your vote. There is not one reason for it. Intimidation and worse.

If you want 100% voter participation, you look at at the ratio between the number of people, who voted and the registered voters or eligible adults. Then you put out PSA's or something.

Creepy Democrat Organization 'Vote America' Plans to Come Around After the Election to Check on Your Vote

If they know you voted and know your party registration, they can infer with a high degrees of success how you voted. Their protestations of no ill intent notwithstanding.

Unless you are going to get specific. It take it that you are histrionic, a troll stirring up shit, or trying to discredit non-libs.

BTW the linked article had a nice picture of that creeper Krugman.

jimbrown said...

Me too with Dan Bongino as vp.