Tuesday, December 22, 2020

73 West Point Cadets Accused Of Cheating On A Math Exam


WASHINGTON – More than 70 cadets at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point were accused of cheating on a math exam, the worst academic scandal since the 1970s at the Army's premier training ground for officers. 

Fifty-eight cadets admitted cheating on the exam, which was administered remotely because of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Most of them have been enrolled in a rehabilitation program and will be on probation for the remainder of their time at the academy. 

Others resigned, and some face hearings that could result in their expulsion. 

The scandal strikes at the heart of the academy's reputation for rectitude, espoused by its own moral code, which is literally etched in stone: “A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”

WNU Editor: When all of your first-year students make the same mistake in their math test .... yup .... that is a big red flag. 

 More News On West Point Cadets Being Accused Of Cheating On A Math Exam 


Anonymous said...

Since we run the country based on race and are always told minorities are most affected, we should break down the cheating by race, socio-economic level and whether they cheaters went to the preparatory school to bring them up to speed.

How many of these geniuses are going to miscalculate in the field and call an artillery strike on their own troops?

How much of this is due to the academy engaged in a potlatch? I think hazing is like that. The previous people were always tougher and the current people try to get tougher and tougher hazing until people are injured or worse. Maybe the academy curriculum is like that. Of courses the academy admin are pikers compared to the rulers of Congress. The rulers of Congress expect Congressional rank and file peons to read 2,500 pages in an hour.

Anonymous said...

73 cadets?


What does it mean?

As of 2015 the academy had 4,294 cadets. So 73 out of about a 1,000 (1,074), which is about 7%. That is 7% that got caught.

Is 7% a large number compared to other universities or engineering/science colleges?

Is 7% a large number when controlled for course load 18 or 21 semester hours versus 12 or 15 semester hours. Throw in the mando extra curricular activities.

What was the question? Would we be horrified that they cheated on such a question?

There is a bright spot. They were cheating /cooperating after a fashion. Liberals are wanting to throw out SAT scores. They say SAT does not predict success. What is the R squared for that 60%? I'd say it does predict. But where do you get 20% to 30% of the remaining 40%. I would say how well the student gets along with others.


Anonymous said...

Kids. Nothing's changed but the date on the calendar.