Tuesday, December 22, 2020

America Is Now Ruled By A Generation That Is Older Than The Generation That Ruled The Soviet Union In Its Twilight Days

President-elect Joe Biden, speaks during a meeting with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, right, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of N.Y and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in Wilmington. AP

Joe Biden, set to be the oldest-ever US president, is actually on the younger side of people currently running the American political establishment, who show no sign of wanting to ever step aside for another generation. 

It is often overlooked that Donald Trump currently holds the distinction of being the oldest-ever US president, being 70 at the time of his inauguration. 

Biden will take that trophy as well if he’s inaugurated in January 2021, having turned 78 last month. 

Even so, he is actually younger than the current leaders of the House and the Senate! 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: I was in my early twenties during the time of Brezhnev, Andropov, and Chernenko. I could not believe that these dinosaurs, especially in the case of Brezhnev and Chernenko who were suffering from the early signs of dementia, were the ones ruling the Soviet Union. But ruled they did, helped but a bureaucracy and Kremlin establishment dependent on the system to continue in order for them to prosper and benefit from it. And now .... 35 years later .... I am seeing the same thing happening but this time in the U.S.. 


Anonymous said...

1. Democrats run on money from San Francisco and New York. Schumer is the link to the New York money. It's why he's the Senate Minority Leader. Pelosi is the link to the San Francisco money and it's why she's House Speaker.

Schumer and Pelosi are conduits. USA is more of a plutocracy than was known.

Anonymous said...

So those 4 greedy whores are meeting in the Red Light district.

Jac said...

May be..they will die the same year....don't laugh.