Thursday, December 3, 2020

Biden Says He’ll Ask All Americans To Wear Masks For 100 Days On Inauguration Day


 * President-elect Joe Biden said he will ask Americans to mask up for 100 days as soon as he takes the oath of office 
 * 'On the first day I'm inaugurated I'm going to ask the public for 100 days to mask - just 100 days to mask. Not forever,' Biden told CNN 
 * He also said he's spoken to Dr. Anthony Fauci and asked him to be his chief medical adviser on the pandemic 
 * 'I asked him to stay on the exact same role he's had for the past several presidents, and I asked him to be a chief medical adviser for me as well' 
 * It comes a day after U.S. hit a record of 2,804 daily deaths - which accounts for one death every 30 seconds 
 * On Wednesday, hospitalizations hit more than 100,000 for the first time since the pandemic 
 * Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris sat down for their first joint interview, talking with CNN's Jake Tapper for nearly an hour 

President-elect Joe Biden said he will ask Americans to mask up for 100 days as soon as he takes the oath of office and said he asked Dr. Anthony Fauci to be his chief medical adviser on the coronavirus pandemic.

'On the first day I'm inaugurated I'm going to ask the public for 100 days to mask - just 100 days to mask. Not forever,' Biden told CNN's Jake Tapper on Thursday. 

'And I think we'll see a significant reduction' in COVID cases when that happens, he said. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: I live in Montreal and we have had a mandatory mask-use-order for the past few months. But yesterday we broke the record on Covid-19 infections. This failure should surprise no one. Most masks that people wear are not effective and/or they do not use them properly. In my case I am always using an N-95 mask. I rarely see anyone else wear what I wear. And then get me going on how some people wear their mask. 

Bottom line. The only way this pandemic will end will be a successful vaccine and/or the development of herd immunity. And in the meantime the priority should be on protecting and isolating those that are the most vulnerable to this disease .... the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions. 

 More News On Biden Saying He’ll Ask All Americans To Wear Masks For 100 Days 


Anonymous said...

With these people it has never been about the virus and never will be.

Anonymous said...

First, Biden will ask all Americans to mask up for 100 days.

Then, Kamala Harris will advise Americans to turn in all guns in the next 100 days.

Then, Biden will ask all Americans to open their bank accounts to the federal government for the next 100 days.

Next, Biden will resign for health reasons and Kamala Harris will become President.

Then, Kamela Harris will send BLM and Antifa for 100 days to visit those American homes who didn't turn in their guns or open their bank accounts.

Then, BLM and Antifa will be asked by Kamala Harris identify those Americans in need of political re-education, and withen 100 days the reeducation of conservatives will begin in Chinese style concentration camps.

So within 500 days, the US as we know it will no longer be recognizable.

Anonymous said...

COVID is about egotistical politicians exercising their egos and power and mandatory group norming, but not science.

Scott said...

Donald Trump shares a video that claims to show suitcases of ballots being pulled out from under a table. The ballots were the. Counted after watchers were asked to leave. Facebook notates the video as false. So before I watched the video I curiously clicked to see facebooks explanation of why it was false. It said that video does nothing show ballots being pulled out from under a table, and that poll watchers were not told to leave. Okay, my next step was to watch the video. The video clearly shows ballots being pulled out from under a table, and zero poll watchers present. But don’t worry, Facebook told me I didn’t see that. That’s crazy. If Americans let this shit slide, I will truly lose hope is democracy.

Anonymous said...

Guys, I drive a pickup truck. I'm also a white man.

And, well, my vote should count twice or even three times as much as other people's.

Anonymous said...

anon 6:52
fuck hyou asshole

Anonymous said...

anon 12:55
sure. because the orange guy did such a great job. the virus will go away soon. just around the corner. not by chance he is a one-term loser

Anonymous said...

You're on a winning streak. You're fun! Idiocy comes so naturally to you.

Anonymous said...

The only way you win is by being a thief.

Anonymous said...

WNU you really have to catch up, massive new evidence of fraud ON CAMERA in Georgia.

Your are so wrong on"Biden will do this as president", makes me think you want him to be president

Well, he won't be and you better do your job to cover fairly or it reveals a lot about you. There's now more than 1000 sworn affidavits, hundreds of hours of video evidence, audio tapes, written statements, hundreds of thousands of manually faked polls, millions using the machines,

YOU really gotta catch up. Drop cnn from your news list, it makes your blog so much worse if you cite this burning pile of poop

Anonymous said...

Even fox is now reporting on it, and I know it from other sources 2 weeks ago


Stephen Davenport said...

Ok, it went from Covid to Ballots for some reason?

Scott said...

For some reason? The reason not being clear to you and others, is exactly why we’re talking about ballots. Fk the corona virus. I’m concerned about the integrity of our election. Everything else falls to the wayside.

Anonymous said...

then if concerned ask the courts why over and over they state that such claims about the election are baseless!
you are simply a simpleton taken in by the Trump bullshit. He is finished. done. loser. Biden won. If you think otherwise, who cares. Some think the earth flat. Others think the virus is fake. Still others like you maintain Trump won. He did not. The election officials all say he lost. the GOP states say he lost. Only you say otherwise. That is called living in a fake world, delusion. Losing for losers.
why does Trump now say he will run again in 4 years if he thinks he won?
He knows what his worshipers do not know

Anonymous said...

You sound solo confident, lololololololo!

Anonymous said...


You keep saying it as thought it is fact and yet you are obviously worried as spill ink faster than a rifle company expends ammo during the mad minute.

You swim in the water and know not the currents. I was commenting once about the Tea Party and I was basically simpatico with someone, who took me to task. The person opened my eyes. So you think you know what is going on concerning Trump and other things.

Anonymous said...

In a ppopulkar blog but not a large online magazine or newspaper there are still fucking trolls, who are government actors, paid by PACs, or 'charities', or just gnarly retirees or pink collar types. needs an ignore button. Phone works too.

"Super Duper Missile Maker" to "2old2care"
Come on, guy. You're a right winger...its obviously just a Democratic hoax.

1 Down Vote
8 Up Vote

"aha!" to "Super Duper Missile Maker"
First truthful thing you have said.

3 Upvote

"2old2care" to "Super Duper Missile Maker"
Clueless. There are some things that can be discussed without politics, thankfully. But evidently not to a left wing drone like you.

5 Upvote

"John David Collins" to "2old2care"

I doubt he gets paid unless it’s a political post.


Anonymous said...

After more than 30 defunct lawsuits in 30 days, attempts by President Donald Trump and his backers to overturn the election of Joe Biden as the next president have failed in court -- sometimes repeatedly, with judges gutting claims and shutting down all possible legal avenues to interfere with the Electoral College.
Georgia election official pleads with Trump and Republicans to stop 'inspiring' acts of violence

The President's effort isn't stopping, with more lawsuits and appeals getting filed almost daily and more than $170 million raised in response to pleas for cash from Trump.

But officials across the country confirmed that the 2020 vote was secure. Biden's victories have already been certified in six of the most closely contested states -- Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. His wide Electoral College win over Trump is secured, and will be formalized this month.

Anonymous said...

Fred Lapides is at it again with bold font copy and paste.