Sunday, December 6, 2020

Brexit Talks Resume In Last-Ditch Effort To Make A Deal


British and EU negotiators embarked on probably their final two-day scramble to secure a post-Brexit trade deal Sunday, after failing for eight months to reach agreement. 

David Frost and Michel Barnier took up from where they left off in EU headquarters in Brussels, ending a two-day pause after a fruitless week of late-night wrangling in London. 

"We're working very hard to try to get a deal. We'll see what happens in the negotiations today," Frost told reporters as he arrived at the city's Gare de Midi train station. 

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 More News On The Latest Brexit Talks 


Anonymous said...

The EU does not want to make a deal, so they are not negotiating in good faith. They believe they have the upperhand. They believe Britain will cave and they win or that Britain will leave, fail and come crawling back whereupon, they win.

Such a mindset is a very good reason the leave the whole sordid project.

Anonymous said...

Send Jared over to fix things. He does great work and he reads books.

Anonymous said...

What school did you got to? Compare it to the school Jared went to.

Jared completed 3 peace deals where John F. Kerry, who once served in Vietnam and machine gunned a child, came up with snake eyes.

If the Brits or EU want to ask Jared to help, maybe Jared could make a deal, where others failed.

Anonymous said...

He's just got a big mouth.