Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Former Israeli Space Security Chief Claims Extraterrestrials Exist, And Trump Knows About It

Image: Israeli space official Haim Eshed, pictured on the cover of a new book called The Universe Beyond the Horizon, claims that the US and Israel have had contact with aliens 

 * Haim Eshed said aliens are real and secretly in contact with America and Israel 
 * He claimed the 'Galactic Federation' runs an underground Mars base with the US 
 * The 87-year-old said aliens will not come into the open until humanity 'evolves' 

An Israeli space official has claimed that aliens are real and secretly in contact with America and Israel - but are keeping their existence quiet because humanity 'isn't ready'. 

Haim Eshed - who was head of Israel's space security programme for nearly 30 years and is a retired general - described a so-called 'Galactic Federation' which supposedly runs an underground Mars base in a secret pact with Washington. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: I always enjoy reading and posting these stories. Unfortunately no one ever provides any proof. 

 More News On Israel's Former Space Security Chief Claiming Aliens Exist 


Anonymous said...

I suppose we didn't win any points with the toilet paper fiasco...

Anonymous said...

Now we know how the Iranian scientist was whacked.

Dave Goldstein said...

US Navy provided proof

B.Poster said...

Either this man is crazy or he's telling this ridiculous story to distrzdt from something else. I would suggest it's most likely the latter.

B.Poster said...

Another possibility is he's looking for a new job as a stand up comic.

Unknown said...

Another government officials says something about the subject that would have been unthinkable unti recently. Used to lead to ridicule but not so much now. This subject is getting more publicity by the establishment media. Part of the Disclosure Project? Keep ducking. 🙉

Caecus said...

There's a Galactic Federation but they needed Washington's approval to build a Mars base LOL

Anonymous said...

A really smart guy, who unfortunately recently shook hands with the know nothing who once shook hands with Simone Wiesenthal

G said...

It's all confused world now

G said...

Only the will of God will save you see

G said...

The will of God but only the will people sin is really destructive to the earth 🌎

Anonymous said...

Not a bad way to sell a book.

Anonymous said...

this puts this event in perspective, maybe


if this is real, the standard physics model we embrace does not explain this.

Amp1776 said...

Moshiach is a space alien?