Thursday, December 10, 2020

Hunter Biden Reveals He Is Facing A Tax Fraud Investigation


Federal prosecutors also have investigated foreign ties, possible money laundering. 

The federal investigation into President-elect Joe Biden’s son Hunter has been more extensive than a statement from Hunter Biden indicates, according to a person with firsthand knowledge of the investigation. 

On Wednesday, Hunter Biden said he had been contacted about a tax investigation out of the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware. 

In addition to Delaware, the securities fraud unit in the Southern District of New York also scrutinized Hunter Biden’s finances, according to the person with direct knowledge of the investigation. 

The person said that, as of early last year, investigators in Delaware and Washington were also probing potential money laundering and Hunter Biden’s foreign ties. The person spoke on the condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to discuss the matter publicly. 

Read more .... 

 More News On Hunter Biden's Tax Fraud Investigation 


Matthew Putnam said...

The left has no standards, which is why they cant be held to anything.

Mindless CHUD's with their emotional froth bubbles incoming...

Precious Good boys.

Anonymous said...

IRL istream & ostream do not match up with what was reported on his tax returns.


Hunter Biden renting $12,000-per-month Hollywood home ...

This is how they got Al Capone.

But Al Capone's daddy was not a high ranking poobah of the Democrat aristocracy.

Hunter is protected for now. If or when Harris, AOC and partisans force him out, the wolves will come for Hunter's drug steeped carcass.

Or going after Hunter may be an opening shot by a Democrat faction to force Lunchbox Joe out.

Look at the bright side. At least the supinely beautiful Harris with her gorgeous ankles reaching for the sky will never ever introduce the Health and Education Secretary. Gotta take you victories, where you can get them.

It is a rigged system. It reminds me of an Arab who went to uni and worked in banking in central Europe. He moved back home and worked as a tour guide. He spoke French, German, Arabic and English. He made more money as a tour guide for some times boorish tourists than in finance. It beats working in a cubicle in a high tax, rigged system, where spoiled kids like Hunter reign.

Anonymous said...

and NY State looking into Trump
this is how they got Capone
Trump gang: take a selfie

Anonymous said...

Manchurian Professor dialed it in at 12:15. Not an original idea in his post. Guy had to plagiarize his thesis. Just had to.

B.Poster said...

First a stolen election and now this. The only people who don't know the election was stolen are the following: 1.) Democrat party partisans of which many of these reside in the media, 2.) those who are blinded by Trump Derangement Syndrome, and 3.) those who are simply not paying attention. While there are a vast ocean of those simply not paying attention, they do not hold leadership positions in foreign countries and, while TDS does seem real among foreign leaders, they have to temper it to do their jobs so it won't sway their decision making in a material way. Essentially every foreign and corporate leader Biden or any of his team members deal with will know he and his team cheated their way to victory. Furthermore the Chinese in their hubris think they have Biden and other leaders in their hip pockets and they likely have substantial dirt on Hunter. While Biden can make the current investigation go away when he takes office, if he takes office, its not going to be so easy to corral the Chinese.

This is all going to make it very difficult to govern. What is he likely to do? While we cannot "know," without direct inside information, we can make inferences based upon basic human nature combined with how a person has acted in the past and taking a close look at who they surround themselves with as advisors. Based upon this team Biden will want to establish their toughness very quickly. As such, I loom for preemptive action of some type to directly challenge China. Additionally a father will want to protect his son and by taking preemptive action he may be able to prevent the release of the dirt on Hunter. Essentially there is a good chance we will be at war with China in the next few months, not to protect Taiwan, not to safeguard territorial claims of our "allies" in the region, not to undo flawed trade arrangements that heavily benefit China, and definitely not to hold China accountable for how they shared or failed to share information on COVID-19 but instead to protect Hunter's honor and the Biden family name!! Sure there will be "excuses" given but this will be the real reason. I'm not so sure "allies" are going to sign onto this one. Since we won't be able to use the excuse of "democracy," it will need to be something else. It will require some creativity.

The US has built its brand on "Democracy." After the electoral fraud this is now in tatters. At a minimum in order to be considered legitimate by those who actually matter, team Biden will need to prove that the systemic irregularities that appear to have almost exclusively benefit him either didn't really occur despite massive witness testimony or they did not benefit him enough to change the outcome of the election. Due to the extraordinary nature of this situation anything less than that is unacceptable. While he will likely take office on 1/20/21 he has to do this if he is to have a successful presidency.

In any event, I would anticipate substantial buyers remorse to set in very quickly among those who voted for him. Based upon the prior track record had Hunter is just the tip of the iceberg and had the those who simply weren't paying attention been informed about Hunter the vote almost certainly would have been different. It's going to be a rough time for him unless he takes steps to prove the fraud really didn't occur or he didn't benefit enough by it to change the outcome.