Monday, December 7, 2020

Joe Biden Nominates Retired Four-Star Army General Lloyd Austin For Secretary Of Defense


If confirmed, the retired general would become the first Black defense secretary. 

President-elect Joe Biden has selected Retired Gen. Lloyd Austin to serve as secretary of defense, according to three people with knowledge of the decision. 

If confirmed, Austin would be the first Black person to lead the Pentagon. 

In picking Austin, Biden has chosen a barrier-breaking former four-star officer who was the first Black general to command an Army division in combat and the first to oversee an entire theater of operations. 

Austin’s announcement could come as soon as Tuesday morning, people familiar with the plans said Monday. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: This is a surprise. The announcement was suppose to be made this Friday .... Biden Says He Will Reveal Defense Secretary Pick on Friday (Bloomberg). 

 More News On Joe Biden Nominating Retired Four-Star Army General Lloyd Austin For Secretary Of Defense 


RussInSoCal said...

Correct skin color and correct corporate connections. I'm sure we'll be neck-deep in Syria and Libya again in no time.

Anonymous said...

2021 1ST Black Sec Def

2022 1st Black Woman Sec Def

2023 1st Black Transgendered Sec Def

2024 1st Black Transgendered Sec Def with a right foot amputation.

2025 1st Black Transgendered Sec Def with a left foot amputation.

2026 1st Black Transgendered Sec Def with a right foot amputation and an owie on the left
pinkie finger

2027 1st Black Transgendered Sec Def with a right foot amputation and an owie on the left pinkie finger and stutter

2028 1st Black Transgendered Sec Def with a right foot amputation and an owie on the left pinkie finger and a purple heart.

PS: Remember you can get a purple heart for a wound if it requires a Band aid. Just Ask John F Kerry. The trick is ... and this is key ... to have the surgeon put it in for you. If you put the band aid on yourself it doesn't count.

Also, remember the band aid has to come from the base dispensary not the AAFES store. A lot of people mess that one up and they never become senator!

Anonymous said...

tell us then about your military exploits

Anonymous said...

The “stinging piece of heat” Kerry felt in his arm had been caused by a piece of shrapnel, a wound for which he was awarded a Purple Heart. The injury was not serious — Brinkley notes that Kerry went on a regular Swift boat patrol the next day with a bandage on his arm, and the Boston Globe quoted William Schachte, who oversaw the mission and went on to become a rear admiral, as recalling that “It was not a very serious wound at all.”

Kerry earned his second Purple Heart while returning from a PCF mission up the Bo De River on 20 February 1969:

One of the mission’s support helicopters had been hit by small-arms fire during the trip up the Bo De and the rest had returned with it to their base to refuel and get the damage inspected. While there the pilots found that they wouldn’t be able to return to the Swifts for several more hours. “We therefore had a choice: to wait for what was not a confirmed return by the helos [and] give any snipers more time to set up an ambush for our exit or we could take a chance and exit immediately without any cover,” Kerry recorded in his notebook. “We chose the latter.”

Just as they moved out onto the Cua Lon, at a junction known for unfriendliness in the past, kaboom! PCF-94 had taken a rocket-propelled grenade round off the port side, fired at them from the far left bank. Kerry felt a piece of hot shrapnel bore into his left leg. With blood running down the deck, the Swift managed to make an otherwise uneventful exit into the Gulf of Thailand, where they rendezvoused with a Coast Guard cutter. The injury Kerry suffered in that action earned his his second Purple Heart.

Brinkley noted that, as in the previous case, “Kerry’s wound was not serious enough to require time off from duty.”

Kerry earned his Silver Star on 28 February 1969, when he beached his craft and jumped off it with an M-16 rifle in hand to chase and shoot a guerrilla who was running into position to launch a B-40 rocket at Kerry’s boat. Contrary to the account quoted above, Kerry did not shoot a “Charlie” who had “fired at the boat and missed,” whose “rocket launcher was empty,” and who was “already dead or dying” after being “knocked down with a .50 caliber round.” Kerry’s boat had been hit by a rocket fired by someone else — the guerrilla in question was still armed with a live B-40 and had only been clipped in the leg; when the guerrilla got up to run, Kerry assumed he was getting into position to launch a rocket and shot him:

On Feb. 28, 1969, Kerry’s boat received word that a swift boat was being ambushed. As Kerry raced to the scene, his boat became another target, as a Viet Cong B-40 rocket blast shattered a window. Kerry could have ordered his crew to hit the enemy and run. But the skipper had a more aggressive reaction in mind. Beach the boat, Kerry ordered, and the craft’s bow was quickly rammed upon the shoreline. Out of the bush appeared a teenager in a loin cloth, clutching a grenade launcher.

An enemy was just feet away, holding a weapon with enough firepower to blow up the boat. Kerry’s forward gunner, [Tommy] Belodeau, shot and clipped the Viet Cong in the leg. Then Belodeau’s gun jammed, according to other crewmates (Belodeau died in 1997). [Michael] Medeiros tried to fire at the Viet Cong, but he couldn’t get a shot off.

you racist piece of shit! show us your fucking military record

Anonymous said...

The Navy Doctor was upset that Kerry wanted a scratch treated. He thought it was very suspect.

Kerry also shot and murdered a child in the firefight you copy and pasted.

All my children are minorities. No racism on my part. On your part there is plenty of racism. I only used the reductio ad absurdum technique to the identity politics, which Democrats play, and you were so butt hurt. Why readers think an atomic fireball must have come out you butthole and singed it good.

Hint: There is no defending Kerry. He is a venal gold digger of no great accomplishment.