Sunday, December 13, 2020

President Trump Says He Will Veto Defense Bill Approved By Congress

Daily Mail: Trump tweets that he will veto Defense Act despite overwhelming support in Congress because the 'biggest winner' would be China 

 * Donald Trump said Sunday in a Twitter post that he will go through will vetoing the National Defense Authorization Act 
 * The vow comes after it passed the Senate 84-13 – a veto-proof majority 
 * Trump threatened leading up to the vote that he would veto if Congress didn't make changes he demanded 
 * He wanted the bill to repeal legal liability protections for big tech and 
 * Also wanted Congress to remove a provision creating a commission on renaming military bases names after Confederate figures 

Donald Trump said Sunday that he will go through with vetoing the National Defense Authorization Act even though the annual budget has overwhelming support among Republican in Congress.

'THE BIGGEST WINNER OF OUR NEW DEFENSE BILL IS CHINA!. I WILL VETO!' Trump asserted in a tweet Sunday morning posted in all caps.

The president's stubbornness on this particular bill will most surely set him up for his first veto override just a few weeks before his term ends after the Republican-led Senate voted 84-13 for the budget on Friday – a veto-proof majority. 

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 More News On US President Trump Saying He Will Veto Defense Bill Approved By Congress 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It might seem useless, but vetoing the bill will require another day or week. It will be in the national conscious that much longer, which may be useful.

The public (80% or more) should know the broad outlines of the bill, but it does not. The media has so fatigued the populace that they are probably tuning everything out until after New Years and maybe that is the point. That way the Swamp can do whatever it wants and scold the public for not paying attention. It is a game. Hide information, give useless information, put out information in dribs and drabs and then berate the public for not keeping up.