Saturday, December 19, 2020

Venezuela Is Still A Mess

Venezuelans come prepared when they queue for petrol; they know it can take days 

Dawn has just broken at Patanemo bay, a large white sandy beach on Venezuela's Caribbean coast.

Fishermen are cooking up breakfast on an open fire alongside their fishing shed. On the menu, fish of course: fried bonito with boiled cassava. 

Some colleagues have just returned from emptying the nets from overnight. They off-load several cool-boxes of red snapper and bonito but as they start cleaning up their catch, scraping the scales off and chopping the flesh up, one fisherman tells me they are disappointed. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: The government and its supporters still believe .... Venezuela is quietly quitting socialism (CNN).


James said...

Anonymous said...

Clerky hardest hit!

Anonymous said...

De Blasio: “I’d Like to Say Very Bluntly: Our Mission is to Redistribute Wealth”

We're going round robin with this communist bullshit. As soon as one country emerges from communism another country is knee deep in commie shit, and another country is dipping its toe in the shit. While a 4th country is capitalist. The music begins again and they all start rotating one spot CW or CCW.

Most of the people preaching communism are not honest like de Blasio or Danny Glover.

Glover is just a thief. He took the money from the Venezuelan government and ran.

There are semi-honest communists:

"In a 1974 Penthouse interview he stated that he recognised in practice he was a capitalist who was rewarded well for his work, but that his ideals were communist."

- Peter Townshend (The Who)

De Blasio should be made to wealth the plank. That is he should have is citizenship stricken and be sent forthwith to a communist country.

Large companies are leaving New York City, because of his policies and he does not care. The jackwagon thinks he is going to turn New York into some big commune, while he lives life unaffected as a communist grandee.

Anonymous said...

You cannot hit Clerk. It is not possible. The Clerk is not anymore aware of his surroundings than a 1 month old baby. It is why it is porn over poetry.

Anonymous said...

Quite true but it's fun anyway.

Anonymous said...

Who are you calling a socialist Republicans are the real party of socialism in America

Anonymous said...

Looky, looky, looky.

Kooky recites CATO, a libertarian think tank. One doubts whether Kook knows CATO is libertarian.

Why debate Kook? There is no point. Kook is spookily dumb. A complete and utter idiot. The essay has 4 main points. IF you get into the weeds and start discussing those points in detail Spook will shift colors and Move On.

Spook may not have heard of the Democrat Farm Labor Party or where it is located.

Spook has not seen the WSJ article on the correlation/causation of wealth an navigable waters.

Spook does not see the hemorrhaging of jobs and wealth of NY to FL.

Spook would fail psychohistory. Spook could be trained by the greatest Psycho historian and Spook would purposefully fail.

Kook does not know, who gets subsidies.

"Sam Donaldson, who became a millionaire working for ABC News, faced criticism in the 1990s for using American government farm subsidies to run his own mohair farm in New Mexico"

Kook is just plain stupid.

Anonymous said...

"In a Senate speech Friday, Sen. Alfonse D’Amato read from a Wall Street Journal article that Donaldson was the third-largest recipient of wool and mohair payments in Lincoln County, N.M."

Kooky could consider that the Federal government severely distorts the market with it renewable energy policies like gasohol.

If have seen hills leveled making pastures into corn fields all because of gasohol. Gasohol that kooks put in their gas tanks.

Feds also distort Ag exports with their sanctions. Maybe just maybe when the Feds stop distorting the markets with energy and foreign policy we can scrap the subsidies.

Jackwagons distorted the pork industry, when they sanctioned Russia over bogus bullshit. Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton each raised over 1 billion dollars for campaigning.

Yet jackwagons complain about 80,000 in Russian ads. Less than 40,000 was spent before election day.

So what do the jackwagons do? Screw over Midwest pork producers.

You might want to reconsider that strat. You get much of your zinc from meat. If you are zinc deficient, the next flu season might be rough. But keep on pulling on knobs and levers like a kook.

Anonymous said...

Spook Responds to CHUDS

Anonymous said...

Kook once again proves he cannot respond in detail.

I am beginning to wonder, if someone bought a thesis or did something else.

When you write a thesis or a paragraph there is a logical structure. I paragraph the opening sentence is supported by the sentences coming after it. The last sentence often summarizes those follow on sentences or repeats the opening sentence. The follow on sentences support by giving detail to the opening sentence. Kook cannot get into the weeds about any topic.

Railroads are another way the government has distorted the Ag markets come to think of it.
Someone, and I am not telling who, did not pay attention in social studies, English or history classes. But now they are a font of information. So of course someone won't be able to discuss railroads.

Me? I want to take a day trip to canal. It was born late and did not have a good prognosis. It died an early death. Still it tells you a lot about the social and economic landscape of the time. It also relates obviously a lot to geology. I am more interested in the economic aspects for its birth and things like the Farm/Labor party & COOPS.

When was the last time Kook went to a canal unless it received top billing as sight to see while on vacation? Like Never?

Anonymous said...

Trump downplays cyberattack on U.S., breaks with Pompeo on Russia's role

Trump now has real reason to be worried

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

On Tuesday, in the wake of the Electoral College’s decision, even Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell belatedly affirmed that Trump had lost, congratulated Biden, and urged Republican senators not to go along with further efforts to contest the result, because they risked forcing the Senate into a political loser of a vote. A few hard-core Trump supporters in the House are now pushing for a last stand on January 6th, when Congress must meet to receive the Electoral College results. But that effort, too, is doomed to fail, and could only result in McConnell’s Republicans having to vote against it in the Senate—and showcasing, once again, that Trump was decisively and convincingly defeated. “I don’t think it’s a good decision right now,” John Thune, the Republican senator from South Dakota, who is McConnell’s deputy, told reporters, on Thursday. “And I don’t think it’s good for the country.”

Is any of this really serving Trump well? I know we’ve got used to thinking of Trump as a genius in turning bad news on its head, in creating grievance out of setbacks and then using those grievances to further cement his hold over his Party. I’ve watched him run this play over and over again. I get it. But the alternate way of looking at his post-election behavior is that he is cementing his reputation as the sorest of sore losers. Not only that, but he is crying so long and loudly about the unfairness of his loss that he is forcing officials at every level of government, across the country, to take sides—against him. His frenetic efforts to deny his defeat have simply underscored it. Trump really is leaving office on January 20th, and he really will go out as an impeached and defeated President, forevermore listed in the history books alongside Herbert Hoover and Jimmy Carter and all the other one-termers he disdains. He is now, and will always be, a loser.

Anonymous said...

WASHINGTON—In a week that began with the Electoral College affirming Joe Biden’s victory and ended with Vice President Mike Pence taking a new Covid-19 vaccine, with a massive national security breach in between, President Trump has been largely out of sight.

Instead, six weeks after the election, the president remains fixated on his unsuccessful efforts to overturn the results, advisers say. He pays close attention to TV coverage of state hearings on alleged election fraud though no evidence of widespread fraud has surfaced, and in tweets and phone calls has urged his advisers and lawyers to keep going.

In early Saturday tweets, Mr. Trump chided fellow Republicans, “Don’t be weak fools!” and urged them to join a protest in Washington next month.

“He’s still in the fight-for-every-vote mode,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.), a Trump loyalist, who this week acknowledged Mr. Biden’s victory and said the president’s path to overturning the results is “very, very narrow.”

An administration official described the president’s strategy to overturn the election results as: “Let’s throw a giant plate of spaghetti at the wall and hope that at least one noodle sticks.”

In a Friday Oval Office meeting with Sidney Powell, a lawyer who he ousted last month from his legal team, the president discussed the prospect of naming her a special counsel to investigate his claims of election fraud, according to people familiar with the meeting. The president doesn’t have the power to appoint a special counsel.

The president and his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, removed Ms. Powell from the Trump legal team last month after Mr. Trump told advisers he found her claims—including that Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela who died in 2013, was behind the rigging of the election—too crazy. During the meeting, the idea of deploying the military to assist in his fight to contest the election results was raised and shot down, one of the people said.

Anonymous said...

Earth to Kook.

Come in Kook.

Obama built the "cages"!

Via DNA testing it is found that around a 3rd of adults with children have no biological relation to them. In these cases you are by definition not separating families.

Words mean things. They have definitions. You would think an English major would know this.

You'll lose on the COVID thing too. But go there. Please go there. That is the bald hill with no cover that you want to take at all costs.

Hydrochloroquinine works. The AMA approves of it again now that the election is over.

Masks are theater. It is why the press hid the Danish study before the election.

Lockdowns have opportunity costs. Suicide deaths versus flu deaths.

Go there.

Go there.

Anonymous said...


Did the American Medical Association quietly rescind its opposition to prescribing hydroxychloroquine to COVID-19 patients?

No, says the American Medical Association. The AMA reiterated in a tweet Wednesday that its “position remains unchanged.”

The claim arose from a proposal, Resolution 509, to rescind the AMA’s position statement on hydroxychloroquine. It was presented for consideration to the AMA House of Delegates, the organization’s policy-making body, in a special meeting in November. However, the 690 physicians and medical students who make up the House of Delegates rejected the proposal.

Instead, the House of Delegates reaffirmed current AMA policy supporting the decision-making authority of a physician on off-label uses of pharmaceuticals. The AMA, the American Pharmacists Association and American Society of Health-System Pharmacists issued a joint statement in April on this topic that said, “Novel off-label use of FDA-approv

Anonymous said...

RESOLVED, That our American Medical Association rescind its statement calling for physicians to stop prescribing hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine until sufficient evidence becomes available to conclusively illustrate that the harm associated with use outweighs benefit early in the disease course. Implying that such treatment is inappropriate contradicts AMA Policy 8 H-120.988, “Patient Access to Treatments Prescribed by Their Physicians,” that addresses off 9 label prescriptions as appropriate in the judgement of the prescribing physician (Directive to 10 Take Action); and be it further

They did not adopt the resolution. But consider the fact that it was on the schedule. It is unknown how many doctors voted for or against. The AMA represent less than 30% of doctors.

Spain is using HCQ, So is Switzerland.

At some point today, tomorrow or next year the AMA will have to admit the truth. Time is on our side.

Anonymous said...

Go up that hill again!

Xyz said...

North Korea leader is the young 🦁 Lion

Xyz said...

Stat big war warning

Xyz said...


Xyz said...

Red allert

Anonymous said...

After days of silence, Trump says Russian cyberattack may have been China

Anonymous said...

The generals at Fort Meade are probably telling Trump that. So in reality the generals do not 99% or 100% know, who initiated the attack.

But who was it that wanted Trump retaliate immediately? The know nothing clerk with the big mouth.

Look you big sucker, thew Chinese r Russians could have tapped into an undersea cable and routed the instruction throw all continents before hitting the US.

People have been tapping into to undersea cable for 30 to 50 years.

But you a hot headed troll wanted instant retaliation.

Anonymous said...

You (and your cohorts) put yourself exactly where you are, enjoy it because I will.

Anonymous said...

You're right Anon, they sure did. They can't keep track of all their lying and you're also right in it's funny to watch them squirm while trying to square the truth circle.

Anonymous said...

The cyber attack was first noticed by a private company> Are they Trumpers?

Solar Wind, whose software was hacked, has not denied the cyber attacks. They are definitely not Trumpers.

Anonymous said...

major cyber attack. Intel blames Russia. Trump (of course) blames China. Attack takes place on whose watch? TRUMP's

Anonymous said...


You should go to a doctor and take a cognitive test. I had an older relative. Teacher and school principal. So accomplished, yeah? They could not spell well after age 80.

From my vantage point you look to be in the same boat.

Anonymous said...

The next four years are going to be fun, isn't that right clerky?

Anonymous said...

A fascination with "girlie boys, wankers, and past indiscretions with students, This guy is a little different.