Tuesday, December 29, 2020

WHO Says Covid-19 Pandemic Is 'Not Necessarily The Big One'


Experts tell end of year media briefing that virus is likely to become endemic and the world will have to learn to live with it 

World Health Organization experts have warned that even though the coronavirus pandemic has been very severe, it is “not necessarily the big one”, and that the world will have to learn to live with Covid-19. 

The “destiny” of the virus is to become endemic, even as vaccines begin to be rolled out in the US and UK, says Professor David Heymann, the chair of the WHO’s strategic and technical advisory group for infectious hazards. 

WNU Editor: Talk about sending a blunt message. The World Health Organization is basically that the world will have to learn to live with Covid-19. 

 More News On WHO Saying The Covid-19 Pandemic Is 'Not Necessarily The Big One' 


Xyz said...

U fools it war with sin see

Xyz said...

Out of the barn ok see how fast they running 4 of them

Anonymous said...

The WHO. They lie. When exactly did they stop lying since December 2019 / January 2020?


Lot of lying going on. Take 5G.

We were told 3 or so years ago, that if China dominated 5G they would have a grave military advantage. It was an OMFG emergency! Whenever I turn on the stream shows, I see 5G commercials. 5G is ubiquitous. What a bad fucking joke and the joke is on the public.

5G is about as important as Java. Java was the program language that Microshaft tried to kill. Then they joined the standards committee to try to kill it form the inside. 5G is not really special. It is just a standard. With software standards, there are fights as to how to implement it for commercial or other reasons.

No one talks about OMG China might get 5G first. Now it is not a thing. Now they moved on to quantum supremacy and AI. They hyped 5G so badly that we got a relatively intelligent guy to pop off and blow up a car (RV) bomb in Nashville. Is that sort of jingo-ism and propaganda worth it?

Now WHO is telling us now that COVID is handled (vaccine) or fading (in the next 2 or 4 months), they tell us that oh this was bad, but something badder is coming.

It is another fucking zoom.

There are only so many classes of viruses. There are only so many respiratory viruses. There are only so many combinations or permutations. There are a finite number combinations. a DNA or RNA strand can only be so long. So there is a fucking upper limit to the number of nucleotide combinations and so of possible viruses.

There is a limit to the number of diseases. In the 400 or 500 million years history of life on earth we have seen them all. Also there are 3 theories on the origins of viruses. One theory is that the body makes them. They are natural. They are organic to living systems. Being part of the body, viruses have to queue like everyone fucking else does. That is one of its Achilles heels. Knowing that it queues should make you really angry about what the establishment and the establishment press has bee doing.

Get that through your fucking heads you fucking losers!

Anonymous said...

China’s Dominance of 5G Networks Puts U.S. Economic Future at Stake, Barr Warns

- NYT January 2020

T‑Mobile Launches World’s First Nationwide Standalone 5G Network

- T Mobile August 2020

Verizon Launches World's First Commercial 5G Smartphone Service

- April 2019

We do not need to attend soccer matches or football games to get out blood up, for cathartic release. Establishment press does that quite nicely.

Between a bad education that is propaganda and the follow on indoctrinators of the press, the 5G bombing was bound to happen.

Notice how quickly the bombing was dropped form the front page? The bomber did not vote. There was no partisan advantage. Other than being a white male, there is nothing for the enemedia to harp on. After the bomber not being linked to any group or cause, I thought it might be a disgruntled employee/contractor.

But the 5G angle makes put the blame with the establishment media, politicians and education system.

At least Woody Harrelson is good. He is queasy about 5G but admits he does not know enough. He is too laid back to do anything crazy unlike the bomber. Weed does have some good points.