Thursday, December 10, 2020

Will Joe Biden Fire The People Who Are Investigating His Son's Business Dealings With China And Ukraine?


Hunter Biden confirmed Wednesday his 'tax affairs' were under investigation in Delaware 

President-elect Joe Biden has not said whether he’ll commit to keeping the Delaware U.S. attorney investigating Hunter Biden in his position in the new administration. 

It’s standard for new presidents to ask for the resignation of all U.S. attorneys upon entering office, but given the conflict of interest, Fox News repeatedly asked the Biden transition team whether the president-elect would keep David Weiss, the U.S. attorney for Delaware, in his role until the investigation into Biden’s son’s taxes was complete. 

The Biden team did not respond. Hunter Biden confirmed Wednesday his “tax affairs” were under investigation in Delaware. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Let’s see what happens. But I have a bad feeling about this. Especially since Joe Biden is on the record saying that his son has done nothing wrong .... Biden at Last Presidential Debate: ‘My Son Has Not Made Money’ from China (National Review). 

Update #2: Joe Biden's brother is also under investigation .... Feds also probing Joe Biden’s brother James, report says (NYPost).


Anonymous said...

Joe will not last until December 2021.

Joe had better pardon brother James, son hunter and himself on his way out. Normally his clan of thieves, the DNC would make sure he goes unpunished, because admitting he was bad would hurt the Dapper Dons. However the factional infighting is getting bad enough that he might not want to chance it.

Anonymous said...

Now let us look at the many that Trump has fired. Why did he fire them?

Anonymous said...

Ass pucky,

You list the people he fired and we will list the reason that they were fired.

So many 'lil fockers said one thing on CNN and MSLSD and another before a grand jury.

Try again you little tapeworm that prefers to live in the descending colon.