Friday, January 15, 2021

Are The Security Measures Around Washington D.C. For The Biden Inauguration Overkill?

Security fencing surrounds the Capitol days after supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the Capitol in Washington, January 11, 2021. REUTERS/Erin Scott 

WNU Editor: The optics of this deployment are incredible .... National Guard troops flooding in as Washington locks down (AP). 

For someone that the media is saying won the election with an overwhelming majority and is widely supported .... his inauguration will occur in an atmosphere where the public is not trusted to attend, and excluding the political class, only loyal party members of the Democrat Party will be invited to the event. And behind all of this will be 26,000 armed soldiers, and thousands of law enforcement from the Secret Service, FBI, and the Police.

Is this overkill? 


But in the minds of many Democrats and the media. They feel these security measures are not enough because the threat is enormous.

Update: More evidence of fear mongering? Department of Homeland Security is saying that there are no specific or credible threats right now .... Despite FBI Fearmongering, DHS Sees No "Specific, Credible Threats" At This Time (Zero Hedge)   


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Was the Russian collusion case overkill?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

80+million Americans believe the election was fraudulent.
This includes nearly 10 million Democrats who were included in the poll. This means that the majority of voting Americans believe Biden is not their president. And they're correct in thinking so, considering how the media suppressed CRUCIAL information about b the Biden family and their outrageous corrupt ties to the head of the Chinese apy agency. Is ridiculous to believe that 20,000 troops can force the will of the media and deep state on the people. Trump won. The election fraud was rampant.
I give Biden less than 10%chance to survive for 4 years, and I don't mean his health problems. You cannot override the will of the people

Anonymous said...

Throughout his presidency, President Donald Trump has remained hugely popular among fellow Republicans. As recently as December, after Trump had lost the 2020 election to President-elect Joe Biden, some polls showed the president with an approval rating in the high 80s among Republicans.

But a new poll by the Pew Research Center suggests that the events of the last few weeks — a pro-Trump mob stormed the US Capitol, and then Trump was impeached for the second time in his presidency — are finally starting to weigh on Republican voters. The poll was conducted from January 8-12, so it was conducted entirely after the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol.

The poll shows Trump with a disastrous 29 percent approval rating among US adults. Notably, this rating, the lowest of his presidency, appears to be driven in large part by a significant minority of Republicans who have lost faith in the president. Only 60 percent of Republicans approve of Trump, a stark drop from previous Pew polls.

Anonymous said...

It's not working! Your optics, logic, and so called narrative are not being listened to.

Anonymous said...

The so called optics, logic, and narrative I refer to come from 2:31. Who's finding it not so easy to be a liar, thief, and cheat like the good old days.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
80+million Americans believe the election was fraudulent.

If this is true, then virtually 100% of voters for Trump believe that the election was fraudulent. Given that many Republicans, including high-ranking ones, have accepted that there was no widespread fraud that would overturn the result, I find Anonymous's statement very hard to believe.

Standing by for the poll results that confirm your assertion.

Anonymous said...

He said 80+ million voters that included 10 million Democrats, liar! You just aren't going to wiggle away from the bed you made. But keep trying.

Anonymous said...

Don't waste your time it's clerky trying to be clever.

Carl said...

How do I know that "Anonymous" isn't the same person arguing with himself?

Anonymous said...

You don't.

Anonymous said...

If you need 26,000 armed soldiers to protect your "inauguration", you may not have been elected by the people.

Anonymous said...

Just screams fear.

Anonymous said...

anon: and credentials in law enforcement?
anon: call names. that is mature
anon: does it matter how many think X won if the judges, the ballots, the courts, the electoral college say who really won?

Anonymous said...

Clerky is at it again, asking for credentials when he himself never provides any. Clerky you are a liar.

James said...

Where's 4:05's DD-214? All he does is brag.

Anonymous said...

Sinclair aired retracted claim that antifa was involved in Capitol attack on dozens of local TV stations

Anonymous said...

Where's the DD-214?

Anonymous said...

little you ever have anything to say or do you just go around, with your sanitary pad, and show you are truly mommy's little girl and can be a bitch jut like she is?

Anonymous said...

DD-214 please.

Anonymous said...

Here is what the nobel prize winner and inventor of the PCR test had to say about Fauci
PS Dr. Mullis died just before the pandemic started. But he did say ON RECORD not to use his test for the detection of viruses, and predicted it would lead to false positives when used in this manner. DOUBLE so when too high cycle thresholds are used. How the fck does the media not report on this, WHILE OUR ECONOMIES CRUMBLE AND FAUCI HAS CONFLICT OF INTEREST@patents
this must end. Fauci needs to resign

Anonymous said...

It is over for Trump...and the GOP is going to split into two parties, both of which will then be weak because of diminished adherents, allowing your hated Dems to run things for a long time. Mock on Mock on mock on
the chickens have come home to roost

Anonymous said...

DD-214 please.

Anonymous said...

Both parties have been buried several times in the last quarter century.

Some how they manage to regurgitate themselves to come back and haunt us again and again.

The death of the Republican Party is BS.

Anonymous said...

I know war and how it works it's all in there own mind and if u believe it it's called realized but not true look people just resist the devil or sins remember we are are godly beings with a soul

Anonymous said...

Static souls are forever