Friday, January 29, 2021

Biden Administration Claims The Trump Administration Hid Covid Data

The SUN: Covid map Dems claim ‘Trump administration hid’ reveals ‘worst virus hotspots after Biden publishes secret stats’ 

COVID data which Democrats claim was "hidden" by the Trump administration has been published for the first time, revealing the worst virus hotspots. 

Donald Trump had allegedly told state officials the stats were confidential and should not be published, Democrats in the new White House administration claimed. 

Following President Joe Biden's promise of "trust and transparency," Trump's weekly updates to state officials will now be made public. 

Cyrus Shahpar, the current Covid-19 Data Director for the Dem-led White House, claimed the State Profile Reports had previously been "hidden."

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I have been following the pandemic before much of the main stream media caught on how serious this disease is. During this time I have had no trouble accessing data on the state level. I have also had no trouble accessing Covid data on the county level. This claim that the Trump administration hid Covid data is a big stretch. 

So why the claim? 

This health crisis is not going to end anytime soon. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are going to die before this pandemic burns itself out. So the priority is to divert attention from how the Biden administration is now handling this crisis, which the compliant media are now more than happy to do.


Anonymous said...

Who took down the CDC’s coronavirus data? The agency itself.
--Coronavirus data disappeared after Trump administration shifted control from CDC

Anonymous said...

More cases now than any time last year or the 1st week of January and yet all the blue state governors are opening restaurants.

So where is the dire threat?

Massachusetts goober called for all Massachusetts 'skools' to be opened immediately!

Sure people with stage IV terminal cancer, who get COVID will probably die. They would probably have died if they had Stage IV cancer and got influenza.

The way that coroners designate cause of death is crap. It is as much crap as using a PCR test to detect COVID and set it at 40 cycles. It is a lie.

Where is the dire emergency? There is a problem. The solution is not shutting down the economy.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure most people got the picture by turning on the evening news everyday for the last 10 months that we're in a zombie apocalypse and we're all pretty much going to die...and also that it was all Trumps fault. What more information do the people need?

Anonymous said...

And never once did Fred (1:46) honestly debate the abuse of cycle time in PCR tests.

Never once did Fred honestly debate dying with COVID or dying from COVID.

Anonymous said...

Does 1:46 know what the Hayflick limit is?

Anonymous said...

How come virtually all the zombies are 65+ ?

Jac said...

We are becoming as USSR propaganda.

Anonymous said...

losers lamenting

Anonymous said...


(CNN)The Pentagon and the Federal Emergency Management Agency are negotiating the final terms of an agreement that could see the military provide around 450,000 Covid-19 vaccinations a day.

The figure is included in a draft agreement between the two agencies viewed by CNN that also calls for the deployment of 10,000 troops at 100 vaccination centers across the United States that would run through at least February 26 as a start.

Several officials emphasize details are still being worked out and could change before final approval for the deployment is given by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.

Since taking office, President Joe Biden has said his goal is to have as many as 1.5 million Americans vaccinated every day. The current average is 1.2 million a day since he took office so should the agreement be successfully implemented it could help exceed his goal.

Anonymous said...

I thought Bidens goal was 1 million vaccinations a day?

Anonymous said...

FRL is fighting hard. A link here, a partial article pasted there, yes he is up to liberal fighting form.

Anonymous said...

Oh the liar above never worries about accurate numbers.

Anonymous said...

Oh he just loves unnamed sources, terms like "could, might, troubling, etc" it helps with his lies.