Friday, January 29, 2021

Former KGB Spy Says Russia Has Been Cultivating President Trump As An Asset For 40 Years

Image: American Kompromat How the KGB Cultivated Donald Trump, and Related Tales of Sex, Greed, Power, and Treachery by Craig Unger is out January 26 

 * American Kompromat How the KGB Cultivated Donald Trump, and Related Tales of Sex, Greed, Power, and Treachery by Craig Unger is out January 26 
 * The author claims Trump's association with Russia began in 1976 when he decided to make his move from developing real estate in Queens to Manhattan 
 * Trump was rescued multiple times from multiple bankruptcies by boatloads of Russian cash laundered through his real estate in the 1980s and 1990s
 * When Trump became President, it was time to pay the piper and Trump gave Putin everything he wanted, Unger writes 
 * The author claims Trump was connected to Russians through friend Jeffrey Epstein, who was supplying the Russians and Silicon Valley with underage girls 
 * Trump also appealed to the KGB because he was 'vain, narcissistic, highly susceptible to flattery and greedy,' the author writes 
 * The author interviewed high-level sources, Soviets who defected, former CIA officers, FBI counter-intelligent agents, lawyers and more for the book 

Donald Trump was cultivated as a Russian asset more than 40 years ago which exploded into a decades-long 'relationship' of mutual benefit to both Russia and Trump, a shocking new book claims. 

Trump was rescued multiple times from multiple bankruptcies by boatloads of Russian cash laundered through his real estate in the 80s and 90s, the author asserts. 

Russian money also picked up the tab for buildings franchised under Trump's name. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: If this book's claims are true, then former President Trump is the worst asset that Russia has ever had. This is President Trump's actions and policies against Russia.

1) Armed Ukraine. 
2) Armed Poland. 
3) Extended NATO operations and exercises in ways that even the Obama administration had not done.
4) Did not only maintained Russian sanctions, but increased them. 
5) Bombed Syria, Russia’s main client, and unleashed the U.S. military in Syria, including against Russian mercenaries. 
6) Ended the Iran deal. A close ally to Russia. 
7) Forced NATO to increase their defense budgets. 
8) Making the U.S. energy dependent that damaged Russia's oil industry. 

 More News On An Author's Claim That President Trump Is A Russian Asset 


Anonymous said...

"When Obama became president, NATO insisted that he at least inform and coordinate his foreign policy and security efforts with NATO -- especially with regard to all NATO/Russia issues. Obama proceeded to negotiate a new START Treaty with Dmitry Medvedev, then President of the Russian Federation, in a process lasting four months in 2010, including ten rounds of talks by full-time negotiators in Geneva, interspersed with fourteen intense one-on-one negotiations between Presidents Obama and Medvedev by telephone. Yet in a single phone conversation with Putin on January 26, Biden gave in totally, tossing out any progress made by the Trump administration. Biden immediately agreed to a simple five-year extension of New START, with no new conditions, no additions, and no verification regime whatsoever."

Putin’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov: “START-3 is being extended on Russian terms, for 5 years, without any conditions or additional requirements, without attempts to change the START verification regime, without those, in our view, absurd and unacceptable aspirations of the previous administration to make sure to draw the PRC into this process without fail."

Yes, Biden the dufus.

Anonymous said...

"Trump had quite rightly declared New START to be “deeply flawed” because it totally lacks limits on tactical nuclear weapons, something that Putin opposes since Russia’s tactical arsenal is much greater than ours, and his current military doctrine emphasizes “nuclear de-escalation,” the launching of a tactical nuclear missile early in a major conflict. Trump also was pressing for China to join New START."

Why Russia calls a limited nuclear strike

The DERP is very strong Biden.

Anonymous said...

Name or quote one instance in 4 years that Trump had ever said a bad word about Russia--when our intel denounced election interference? etc etc

kidd said...

sit on it

Anonymous said...

"Name or quote one instance in 4 years that Trump had ever said a bad word about Russia--when our intel denounced election interference? etc etc
NEVER" - Stupid Fuck

Perhaps Stupid Fuck has heard of the following saying?

"Actions speak louder than words"

In fact a variation of this saying is the motto of an American service academy.

The aphorism is well known an opinion writers use it. See below.

Biden's Actions Speak Louder Than Words

WNU provided 8 specific points that proved Trump was tough on Russia and the high school reject did not disproved a one of them.

Anonymous said...

The DERP is strong in 1:49.

Anonymous said...

the listing of what Trump has "done" against Russia is not serious
Trump wanted NATO nations to pay more. that had nothing to do with Russia. oil? oh my. Syria? we pretty much neutered our forces there and allowed Russia to have the place.The sanctions, not mentioned, were put in NOT by Trump and he could not get them removed. Trump blamed China and Iran for election meddling and NOT Russia, the nation noted by our Intel

Anonymous said...

"Trump wanted NATO nations to pay more. that had nothing to do with Russia. "

Yeah, you dumb ugly fuck, the NATO forces are recruited and outfitted to protect Europe against the Chinese horde?

Why are we in Syria? Since about 2017 or 2018, Iraq and Syria with some help from their allies have been able to handle ISIS.

"Iraqi parliament calls for US troops to be expelled —coalition suspends operations against ISIS"
PUBLISHED SUN, JAN 5 2020 and other American groups maintain that the US presence in Syria is illegal. Any time the DDNC, Soros or some other funder wants to get mass protests tearing up the US , they just have to send some money.

It would be a lot harder if the USG could enunciate a good reason to be there other than ISIS at this point. One would be Kurdish statehood, but they wonlt go there. So there is no reason to be there.

But the gold spent costs the USG in retention, training, procurement and interest payments.

Russian election meddling? Brennan is gone, but his lieutenant that he groomed are still in the CIA. So the CIA said X. It does not mean X is true. China and Russia interfered in 2020 and every election for the last 30 years. You had a point?

1996 United States campaign finance controversy

China ahs a lot more money and resources than Russia. They have more to lose. Chinese interference has to by 10X or more than Russian interference.

Anonymous said...

And "our" Intel never produced proof.
Keep lying.

Anonymous said...

With your history of lying anything you say is not serious and not believable.