Monday, January 18, 2021

China Says Its Economy Grew 2.3% In 2020


 * China reported GDP rose 2.3% last year as the world struggled to contain the coronavirus pandemic.   * Gross domestic product grew by 6.5% in the fourth quarter from a year ago, official data from National Bureau of Statistics showed. 
 * Economists expected China to have been the only major economy to grow last year, and predicted GDP expanded by just over 2%. 

BEIJING — China reported Monday that its economy grew 2.3% last year as the world struggled to contain the coronavirus pandemic. 

Gross domestic product rose by 6.5% in the fourth quarter from a year ago, official data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed. 

Those numbers beat analysts’ expectations. 

However, Chinese consumers remained reluctant to spend, as retail sales contracted 3.9% for the year. Retail sales for the fourth quarter rose 4.6% from a year ago. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: I am always skeptical of these reports. The people I know in China are telling me that the economy is nowhere near where they were before the pandemic. No one is investing in expanding their businesses. They are more focused on keeping what they have. And as for the Chinese consumer. They are focused on this .... Chinese Lockdowns Trigger "Chaos And Panic" At Grocery Stores As Prices Soar 50% (Zero Hedge). 

 More News On China Saying Its Economy Grew 2.3% In 2020 


Anonymous said...

Chinese Lockdowns Trigger "Chaos And Panic" At Grocery Stores As Prices Soar 50%

2011 all over again Fuck Me!

Wizards of smart think the are doing the right thing governing from the WEC putting an usurper in the Whitehouse.

They cannot juggle well at all. They think they are going to arrange everything by fiat and by decree. They do not know what a chaotic system is or means other than an opportunity to loot.

Jac said...

Chinese figures have long been known to be fake and archly fake. Only pay attention to those who are willing to pay attention to it.

Anonymous said...

Chinese GDP grew for sure more than any nation since covid19

2018 till summer 2019, Chinese economy was in free fall, with China losing the trade war against trump and publicly so.

There was panic all over mainland and Chinese citizens openly(!) discussed the idea of removing Xi (who is emperor for life, so you know what they were saying is kill Xi). Knowing China, I understood how bad it was when they quasi openly (among friends)talk about removing Xi

Just a couple months later, covid19 hits the world.. since then, China is the only nation that grows

And instead of having a backbone, Democrats and Republicans alike stabbed Trump in the back, allowed the election theft to go through, like good puppies. Don't confront China like Pompeo or trump. No we can't have that. We get our donations from big corporations that sell America to China...

The crime they committed is so big that you will never have a vote again. Democracy died 6 January 2021, and we all let it happen

Now in the post democracy era we will be seeing concentration camps where political opponents will be sent if they have a fever or support free speech or investigations into what happened with the election. They cannot allow that. That simple. They are guilty and they know it. That's why they shriek when you even want to discuss the statistical impossibilities. Conspiracy theorist they shout! Some are the very sane people that were connected to the Epstein and Chinese pedo ring. Like Joe Biden. Like Hunter Biden. Like Adam Schiff..

Democrats are not normal people. They are cultists and project for years all their evil onto Trump.

THEY are the fascists
THEY are the ones taking your rights
THEY are the ones who betrayed democracy
THEY are the ones who sold you out to China
THEY are the ones who destroyed the economy
THEY are the occult fascists pedos

Together with China.. it wasn't them alone.
And pedo gay Tim cook, apple, Nike, the NBA all lecture YOU while they do multi billion dollar deals with China, a nation that has death camps and organ harvesting programs and forced sterilisation and beating and murder of Christians and Jews. Just like the Democrats treat Jews in NYC

Well, the death camps and organ harvesting will come here soon enough

I'm not joking. This is serious.

Your democracy has ended.
Your rights have been taken.
Your wealth is gone.

Democrat leftist woke culture is like a cancer spreading. Their goal is not justice. Their goal is obedience to the party. They hate religion for the sane reasons the CCP hates religion. They demand obedience. They hate freedom of speech for the same reason the CCP hates it. They don't want you to talk about their crimes and sins. How dare you. THEY ARE ABOVE YOU. You are scum.

The Democrats are tyrannical fascists. Just like Bill Gates, and Anthony Fauci.

Mark my words.

We all allowed this to happen. Almost no one stood up for election integrity. Those who were brave enough to do so are now being hunted down. Ted Cruz..Guliani.. all of them will have their banking taken, their online accounts removed. They even try to retroactively strip Ted Cruz of his Harvard degree. His crime? Upholding a constitutional process. A sin so big in a totalitarian state that you can bet your ass they'll come after his family and livelihood.

And we all stood by
Still waiting for a miracle to happen, while the sick perverted satanic walk among us... and the weak minded, like Fred Lapides, foamed at their mouth like Pavlov 's dogs whenever the media wanted them to do their dirty work. Good dog. Go fetch, dog. Sit, dog. Attack, dog.

Oh you stupid, stupid dog. I told you for years it's coming and you did it anyway. Your life of sin is complete now, Fred. May God have mercy on whatever is in your chest. That fading bit of soul. A ghoul like being, like Pelosi.

Do you have a big ice cream fridge too though, Fred? You have nothing. They conned you. Took even your last bit of integrity. I hope you live to regret supporting them. You deserve it.