Friday, January 15, 2021

Did China Defeat President Trump In The Tech War?

US President Donald Trump and China's President Xi Jinping at a G20 summit. Xi is still smiling. Photo: AFP/The Yomiuri Shimbun 

White House’s China tech war is dwindling into defeat as Trump crashes and burns in his final days. 

TOKYO - In his game of chicken with China, Donald Trump’s imploding White House just flinched in 
a big way. 

After bombastic threats to the contrary, the US president won’t blacklist mainland tech titans Alibaba, Baidu and Tencent after all, say the Wall Street Journal, Reuters and others. 

It’s a climbdown about which neither Trump nor Secretary of State Mike Pompeo can be happy. And it’s a move that speaks to the abject failure of the US side in the Sino-US trade and tech wars.

WNU Editor: Not really .... Smartphone giant Xiaomi reels as US ramps up China blacklist (AFP). And Huawei has definitely been crippled. The decision now rests with the incoming Biden administration on what to do with Alibaba, Baidu and Tencent.


Anonymous said...

In the military we were warned as far back as 2007 not to do business with Ali Baba. If Joe Biden allows business with Ali Baba, it shows that he is not on our side.

Anonymous said...

The Chinese are ECSTATIC that Biden is in office. They're beyond themselves, got wasted on the 6th.. and the things I heard make me think Trump was perhaps right, that there was election interference. But Americans don't care apparently... so I don't care either. You go enjoy Biden